Discuss the importance of a public health

Creating a Public Health Preparedness Action Plan

Bring together all your work into a report about natural disaster in the U.S. Keep in mind all of the natural disasters; bioterrorism emergencies, such as anthrax and smallpox; and mass casualties.

Add your recommendations. You may also review the CDC’s Emergency Preparedness and Response website (http://www.bt.cdc.gov/hazards-all.asp) for additional resources. For this assignment, it might also be advantageous to connect your public health preparedness action plan to your current state. Your report should:

  1. Introduce your public health preparedness action plan by including the mission, vision, administrative roles and responsibilities, objectives, and pandemic planning goals . (1 page)
  2. Discuss the importance of a public health preparedness plan by introducing background information to address such questions as what would a severe pandemic mean to your state or country; what preparation is needed to reduce mortalities, and what services and resources are essential for communities to be well-prepared. (2 pages)
  3. Identify need, resources, and services that might arise in a pandemic (2 pages).
  4. Complete a market analysis to request government funding to support your public health preparedness action plan.. (2 pages)
  5. Summarize and d iscuss the rationale for your public health preparedness action plan . Address how you would sustain this program for 5 years and the advantages of implementing in your selected state . (2 pages)

Format your report in the APA style, citing appropriate references.

Assignment 3 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points
Introduce your public health preparedness action plan.8
Discuss the importance of a public health preparedness plan.12
Identify need, resources, and services that might arise in a pandemic.12
Complete a market analysis for your public health preparedness action plan.12
Summarize and discuss the rationale for your public health preparedness action plan. Address how you would sustain this program for 5 years and the advantages of implementing in your selected state.12
Applied APA guidelines for writing style, spelling, grammar, and citation of sources.4