Servant Leadership

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Topic: Values-Based Leadership

Servant Leadership Experience


Find an opportunity to demonstrate servant leadership in your organization or community through volunteering or serving others. The experience should be something that is new for you and takes you out of your comfort zone. The goal of the experience is to get a tangible moment to think about leadership from a different perspective. Rather than looking at a leader in the hierarchical sense, look at it in terms of what the results of your volunteering could do for others and how, if done consistently, it might influence change or produce a positive impact for the greater good. Submit a one or two paragraph summary of your intended servant leadership activity for approval by your instructor. Include the name of the organization and contact information for the organizational leader. You will use this activity as the basis for the Servant Leadership Analysis assignment in Topic 8.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.


Electronic Resource

  1. As a Servant Leader, You Can Change the World Commencement Address

Read “‘As a Servant Leader, You Can Change the World’ Commencement Address,” by George, located on the Bill George website (2013).
  1. Chick-fil-A Founder Was Embodiment of Servant Leader Philosophy

Read “Chick-fil-A Founder Was Embodiment of Servant Leader Philosophy,” by Oswald, located on the HR Hero website (2014).
  1. Leading as a Servant

Read “Leading as a Servant,” by Krakowski, from Entrepreneur (2014).
  1. Serving More Than the Bottom Line

Read “Serving More Than the Bottom Line,” by Brodsky, located on the Human Resource Executive Online website (2015).
  1. The Business of Consciousness

Read “The Business of Consciousness,” by McEllin, located on the Examiner website (2013).