Apply a population health framework Element Performance Criteria

Assessment Task 3 – Research and Report 
Competencies/Performance Criteria assessed. 
HLTPOP501C Apply a population health framework 
Element Performance Criteria 
1. Apply the principles of the population health approach to relevant work 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 
2. Select from a range of ‘change action frameworks’ that underpin population health work 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 
CHWSPP001 Apply health and social care systems and policy 
Element Performance Criteria 
2. Analyse social care and health systems within Australia 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 
3. Apply knowledge of the sector to community health issues 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 
Weighting This assignment is worth 50% of the total marks for this unit 
Context This a research assignment that requires the student to research aspects of health and social welfare provision in their area. Students will need to analyse a range of strategic approaches that can assist in improving the health of a community, and demonstrate an understanding of how an individual’s health and the health of a community can be shaped by a range of factors outside the health sector and potentially outside an individual’s control. 
Procedure Students will choose one topic that includes: 
• A determinant of health (for example, housing, stress, employment, social status, geographical location, income) 
• A certain population group affected by your chosen determinant (for example, the Australian population or any sub-group within that population identified by age, sex, ethnicity, sexual identity, geographical location, physical environment, lifestyle choices, socio-economic status, disability, health etc) 
For example, the topic may focus on: 
• Housing for young people living in Gippsland 
• Social status of people living with a disability 
• Addiction for people living in rural areas 
• The experience of violence for young children 
• Social inclusion for older people living in Victoria 
• Access to fresh food for people experiencing homelessness in regional Victoria 
Before commencing the report, students will need will need to check the topic with your tutor 

Evidence Students will write an assignment that reports on their chosen population group and the selected determinant of health. In addition, as the determinants of health are intertwined, students will need to select two other determinants of health and state how they affect the population group. 
The assignment will be presented in an academic format and correctly referenced. The use of headings is strongly recommended. 
Students must address the following dot points using the headings provided in bold: 
Introduction, this includes: 
• Present valid, reliable research describing the population profile 
• Clearly define and discuss the determinant you have chosen for your selected population group, including the historic context to these issues if relevant, supported by appropriate evidence 
Determinants of health, this includes: 
• Consider two other determinants of health and discuss some of the ways these link to the determinant you have chosen 
• Discuss how these three determinants combine and affect the equity (or inequity) of the population group you have chosen 
Stakeholders, this includes: 
• Identify and describe at least five relevant stakeholders involved in the topic you have chosen 
• Describe how at least three models of work (see Range statement in unit outline) could be involved in addressing your issue 
Population health frameworks, this includes: 
• Clearly identify at least two population health frameworks that could be used to address your topic 
• Describe how these may be used to improve health outcomes for your chosen population group 
Conclusion, this includes: 
• A summary of your issue and your research findings 
• A paragraph that summarises your report overall 
Range and conditions The assignment will need to contain an introduction, main body of work and conclusion, presented in an academic format and correctly referenced. 
Length: 2,000 words 
To achieve a satisfactory mark in this assessment, you need to provide a report that: 
• Is written completely in your own words 
• Has a word count within the 10% range 
• Shows that all of the ideas and statistics you have used have been supported by appropriate references 
• Addresses (in full) each of the questions listed under each part 
Materials /resources required Set texts, readings, computer with internet access 
Submission status 
Submission status Nothing has been submitted for this assignment 
Grading status Not graded 
Due date Friday, 11 April 2014, 12:00 PM 
Time remaining 23 days 16 hours