alternative health issue but approval must be sought from Professor Macdonald

Choose one of the following health issues (You may propose an alternative health issue but approval must be sought from Professor Macdonald or Ms Dowd):
Racial/Religious Discrimination
Drug Addiction/Substance abuse
Domestic violence
Diarrhoea/ Malnutrition
Social inclusion/Social Support
Road Accidents
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Cardiovascular disease
Social isolation
Identify a particular population that is affected by this health issue for example: men, women, youth, retirees and senior citizens, a racial or ethnic minority, GLBT community, lower SES groups. You may choose a combination of these for example: children from lower SES groups, Aboriginal men, or low caste Indian women.
Describe your chosen health problem and state how it is affecting the population you have identified using evidence from the literature (300 words)
Identify and discuss the social determinants of the health problem for the population you have identified. You must use evidence from the literature to support your discussion (800-900words).
Identify the potential stakeholders that you would need to work with in order to address the social determinants of the health problem for this specific population to reduce the risk of these negative health impacts. (600-700 words)
The word limits for each sections are guides only based on marking weightings, overall your essay should not exceed 1800 words

You will be assessed using the marking rubric on the next page. It is strongly advised that you consult the marking rubric submitting your assessment to ensure you have completed all sections of the assessment. However this checklist may also be helpful:

Do you state the question at the beginning?
Have you included an introduction and brief description of the health problem?
Have you explained the extent to which the population is affected by the health issue? (Note you need to demonstrate that the population you have chosen is appropriate i.e. that this population is affected by the health problem more than the general population and provide evidence to support this).
Have you explained using the social determinants of health why your population is vulnerable to the health issue?
Have you identified the relevant stakeholders that would be required to address the health problem for this population and provided evidence to support your stakeholder recommendations?
Have you provided evidence to support your various discussion points and position?
Have you included a conclusion?
Note you must be concise in your discussion to ensure you do not exceed the word limit