Discuss the roles and responsibilities of a Nursing Information Expert; and


The purpose of this assignment is to

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  • Communicate your understanding of the importance of quality information in everyday nursing practice;
  • Discuss the roles and responsibilities of a Nursing Information Expert; and
  • Articulate how the professional nurse uses information or data in everyday practice to improve outcomes.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO #1: Describe patient-care technologies as appropriate to address the needs of a diverse patient population. (PO #1)

CO #4: Investigate safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO #4)

CO #8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care. (PO #8)


This assignment is worth a total of 250 points.


  1. Download the NR361 Interview Form from Doc Sharing. It is found under the Week 6 Interview link.
  2. Select your interviewee and schedule an interview. This individual must be a registered nurse. Job titles of RNs who may be considered include but, are not limited to, Nursing Clinical Information Manager; Super User, Director/Manger Clinical Education; Chief Information Officer; Quality Assurance or Performance Improvement Nurse; Nurse Informaticist; Telenursing Specialist; Nurse Abstractor; Case Manager; Compliance Nurse. If you have any concerns about whether the RN is suitable for this assignment, contact your instructor BEFORE you schedule the interview.
  3. Review all questions (areas of inquiry) on the Interview Form located in Doc Sharing PRIOR to conducting the interview. You may print the form and take it with you to the interview.
  4. Note that there are five (5) Required Questions to ask the RN.
  5. Note that there are four (4) Optional Questions. You need to select only ONE of them to ask the RN.
  6. Note that there are two (2) Follow-Up Questions that must be answered by YOU.Prior to conducting your interview, review two scholarly resources. These resources should guide your understanding of the RN’s role and responsibilities or make you more knowledgeable about GIGO, interprofessional communication, or other key concepts in the questions that you may not fully understand. For example, if your interviewee is a Telenurse, you would want to review information on this specialty. If you do not know what GIGO means, look it up.
  7. Conduct your interview. The length of your interview will vary but should not exceed one hour.
  8. Submit the form to the Dropbox prior to the deadline outlined above.

Grading Criteria

Demographics52%Initials and job title of interviewee & date of interview provided.
Required Question #1(Career Path)3012%Provide a paraphrased version or summary of the interviewee’s answer. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.
Required Question #2(Value of Evidence)3012%Provide a paraphrased version or summary of the interviewee’s answer. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.
Required Question #3(Support Tools)3012%Provide a paraphrased version or summary of the interviewee’s answer. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.click here for more information on this paper
Required Question #4(Pt. Care Technologies)3012%Provide a paraphrased version or summary of the interviewee’s answer. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.
Required Question #5(Groups & Utilization)3012%Provide a paraphrased version or summary of the interviewee’s answer. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.
Optional Question3012%Type the optional question that you chose to ask. Provide a paraphrased version or summary of the interviewee’s answer. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.
Follow-Up Question #1(Practice Impact)3012%Summarizes what was learned from interaction with interviewee answers. Describes how nursing practice will change as a result of learning about roles and responsibilities of interviewee.
Follow-Up Question #2(Resources Utilized)3012%Names two resources reviewed prior to conducting interview.Describes how each resource helped student prepare for interview.
Scholarly Writing52%Name of student and date of interview appears on Interview Form. Punctuation and sentence structure are correct. Evidence of spell and grammar check.
Total250 pts.100%A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assignment CriteriaAOutstanding or Highest Level of PerformanceBVery Good or High Level of PerformanceCCompetent or Satisfactory Level of PerformanceFPoor or Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
Demographics5 pointsInitials, job title, & date of interview are provided.5 pointsInitials, job title, or date of interview is missing.4 pointsName is provided instead of initials. Job title or date of interview is missing.3 pointsName is provided but no job title or date of interview.02 points
Required Question #1(Career Path)30 pointsClearly describes career path including education and experiences.2830 pointsDescribes career path but, education OR experiences are not provided.2527 pointsDescribes career path but does not include experiences and educational background.2324 pointsBriefly describes career path.022 points
Required Question #2(Value of Evidence)30 pointsClearly states value of best practice as a driving force.2830 pointsStates value of best practice as a driving force but may have omitted key elements.2527 pointsBriefly describes value of best practice as a driving force.2324 pointsDoes not discuss value of best evidence.022 points
Required Question #3(Support Tools)30 pointsClearly describes safeguards and decision-making support tools that support safe practices.2830 pointsDescribes safeguards and decision-making support tools that support safe practices but may have omitted key elements.2527 pointsBriefly describes safeguards and decision-making support tools that support safe practice.2324 pointsDoes not describe safeguards and decision-making support tools that support safe practice.022 points
Required Question #4(Pt. Care Technologies)30 pointsNames or lists 4 or more technologies that improve patient care.2830 pointsNames or lists 3 technologies that improve patient care.2527 pointsNames or lists 2 technologies that improve patient care.2324 pointsNames or lists 01 technology(ies) that improve(s) patient care.022 points
Required Question #5(Groups & Utilization)30 pointsNames or lists 3 or more groups that rely on information/data AND describes how information is utilized.2830 pointsNames or lists 12 groups that rely on information/data AND briefly describes how information is utilized.2527 pointsNames or lists groups but does not describe how information is utilized.2324 pointsDoes not name or list groups and does not describe how information is utilized.022 points
Optional Question30 pointsClearly indicates WHICH optional question was asked. Clearly describes answer to optional question.2830 pointsDoes not indicate WHICH optional question was asked. Briefly provides answer to optional question.2527 pointsIndicates WHICH question was asked but does not provide answer.2324 pointsDoes not include optional question or answer.022 points
Follow-Up Question #1(Practice Impact)30 pointsClearly summarizes what was learned from interaction with interviewee answers.     Clearly describes how personal nursing practice will change as a result of learning about roles and responsibilities of interviewee.2830 pointsBriefly summarizes what was learned from interaction with interviewee answers.Briefly describes how personal nursing practice will change.2527 pointsIncludes summary OR describes how personal nursing practice will change. Does not include both.2324 pointsFails to summarize what was learned AND fails to describe how personal nursing practice will change.022 points
Follow-Up Question #2(Scholarly Resources Utilized)30 pointsSpecifically names two scholarly resources reviewed PRIOR to interview.Clearly states how EACH resource helped prepare for interview.2830 pointsSpecifically names twoscholarlyresources reviewed PRIOR to interview.Briefly states how EACH resource helped prepare for interview.2527 pointsSpecifically names only one scholarlyresource reviewed PRIOR to interview.Briefly states how resource helped prepare for interview.2324 pointsNames scholarlyresources but does not indicate how resources helped prepare for interview.ORFails to indicate resources.022 points
Scholarly Writing5 pointsName of student and date of interview appears on Interview Form. Punctuation and sentence structure are correct. Evidence of spell and grammar check.5 pointsName of student and date of interview appears on Interview Form.Minimal punctuation, sentence structure errors noted.No indications of grammar or spelling errors (wavy lines) noted.4 pointsName of student or date of interview is missing.Several punctuation, sentence structure errors noted.Several indications of grammar or spelling errors (wavy lines) noted.3 pointsName of student or date of interview is missing.Multiple punctuation or sentence structure errors noted.Spellcheck “errors” not corrected prior to submission of assignment.02 points
Total Points Possible = _____/250
  • click here for more information on this paper