Nursing Report Writing

NURS3002: Decision Making Theory- Nursing Report Writing Assignment Help Task: This assessment… 

NURS3002: Decision Making Theory- Nursing Report Writing Assignment Help


This assessment requires you to write a 3000 word academic essay focused on decision making in nursing practice in preparation for PEP. The key purpose of this essay is to discuss three theories/models of decision making used in nursing practice. Critically analyse these theories and explain which theory will be applied during PEP with a clear
rationale supporting this.

Choose 3 decision making theory that are used in nursing practise, critically analyse 3 theory, choose one of those theory explain one of the three theory why you would apply this to your nursing practise during clinical placement and future practise, support with clear rationale and evidence from literature.
Assignment guidelines choice to choose three theories
Must include title
Main body
References (Harvard referencing style)
Examples of Harvard referencing: author name date of year, title of journal/book, edn if it is book,
journal, published in place where, vol, pp.
Note: Decision making theory not nursing theories