How to Write an Article Review


Have you ever considered taking a course to improve your ability to critique published works? If you’re looking for guidance, this page has some helpful tips. If you’re wondering what an article review is or how to write one, you should start by learning what kind of analysis your professor expects.

Read on to find out some quick tips for writing a great review of an article. Don’t fret if you have no idea how to evaluate an article; we’re here to help. In this post, we will discuss an article review, how to compose one, and provide a sample. Article critique writing will become a breeze once you use this strategy.


A complete guide on how to write an article review

Writing an article review is a skill that many students struggle with when they are initially introduced to it. Preparation is the first step that should be taken. Get a fast and easy article review outline here.

  1. Getting ready to write

One good place to start is to identify the kind of review you’re expected to write. Some of the most prominent stages of the process are outlined here to help you get going.

  • Write a summary of the article by writing down its main points, ideas, observations, and general information.
  • Identify the author’s most compelling assertions.
  • Identify inconsistencies and flaws in the article and analyze if the writer used enough arguments and evidence.
  • Check to see whether the author has left any unresolved questions
  • You should read the article in its entirety
  • Examine the article’s title, abstract, introduction, headings, subheadings, first sentence, last sentence, and conclusion

Once you’ve done these things, you can start writing your review.

  1. Write in the title

It would help if you began by coming up with a title that effectively communicates the focus of your research. A question, statement, or description might be included.

  1. Cite the Source

Next, add the citation for the article you’ve just looked at. Think about the style of citation your teacher told you to use.

  1. Identifying the article

If you quote an article accurately, you should credit it by mentioning the article’s name. All of the details below should be included in the first paragraph.

  • The article’s title
  • Author
  • Journal’s full title
  • Year of publication
  1. Beginning

It’s essential to have your thoughts in order before you sit down to write. Before starting, you might consider using a template or strategy for your article review assignment. If struggling with your article review, remember that you should always begin with an introduction. Here are some things that ought to be in it:

  • Your review’s thesis
  • The research study’s positive characteristics and facts
  • An overview of the article’s key points
  1. Review the Information

Concisely summarize the paper, highlighting its essential ideas and supporting arguments. Including the author’s conclusion in your list of facts and results is also encouraged.

  1. Critique of the article

This section describes the author’s contribution and the article’s strengths and faults. Make a list of research gaps and check whether the facts and theories support the reasoning.

This chapter will summarize the article’s essential points, outcomes, and critique. The writer should further convey the review’s accuracy and validity and make ideas for future investigation.

  1. Editing and Proofreading

You should check and make any necessary changes to your article review before submitting it. It’s essential to writing, so make sure you nail it. Listening to one’s voice while reading aloud might help one catch faults in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

How to write an article review APA style

So, you still don’t know what to do with your article review. Writing an article review is a common assignment for undergraduate and graduate students. It is an essential part of your profession to peer-review other people’s work, whether you are working on a single research article or numerous.

Articles written in the APA style are often evaluated using a standardized rubric. However, these standards might differ from professor to professor. Articles should be from reputable academic journals and directly related to the topic under investigation. Here are some guidelines for composing a review of an item in APA format:

  1. Carry out research

You should use the library’s internet to search for scholarly or peer-reviewed articles. The library’s indexes might also be a helpful resource.

  1. Read the whole article.

Many journal articles can be hard to understand because they use hard-to-understand language and statistics. You might have to read the paper more than once to understand it fully.

  • Cite your article

Give the article’s citation at the very beginning of the review. Sources should be made following the American Psychological Association’s guidelines; for further information, see the APA’s style guide or the link provided in the Resources section. You only need the article’s title, journal, volume, issue, date, author, and page numbers.

  1. Compose an article summary

The typical length of an article is anywhere between one and three paragraphs. It’s a good idea to include an overview of the item, how it was researched, and the results.

Literature review outline

Have you not yet mastered the art of the article review? Refer to this template if you need help with your literature review. To develop a literature review outline and present the work correctly, you need to know what goes into it.

A literary review follows a format very similar to that of an essay. It begins with an introduction, then has a significant body, and finishes with a conclusion. The article is about how the author perceives a work of literature from numerous aspects that diverse sources may back.

It should feature crucial aspects like people, situations, illusions, etc. Below, you can discover some essential elements of a literature review outline that can help you perform well in school.

  • The introduction

The introduction is crucial, so make sure it’s straightforward to follow. Establishing the scene and explaining the subject of the literature review is critical. The summary also gives the reader what to expect from the rest of your review. Include your rationale for reviewing this particular piece of literature.

  • The body paragraphs

The primary section of the literature review will be included in the main body. Students must order each paragraph according to the various themes of the narrative. You should also explain the structure, writing resources, and other things you believe are significant. There should be insights and ideas for what the reader should do next, such as a more excellent study on the topic.

  • Write the conclusion

This final element is also highly significant. It summarizes everything discussed in the article and offers a concluding remark regarding the review. The conclusion should be concise yet rich in information. It should also inspire the reader to explore additional readings on the same subject to learn more.

Article review topics

Crafting an in-depth article review increases your analytical, reading, writing, and scientific abilities. Numerous intriguing article review subjects may be leveraged to develop a powerful focal argument and investigate related issues. Pay great attention to the topics defined by your professor’s criteria before you start.

Essential needs include a list of relevant literature, sample papers, and fascinating research subjects. Next, as you’re reading the article, focus on the significant issue the author is talking about. Most academic papers offer various connected ideas, problems, and concerns, bringing the reader’s attention to many others.

As a consequence, they employ intricate frameworks and discuss challenging things. Abstracts, summaries, and conclusions enable the researcher to assimilate all the facts and construct a well-developed article review. Here is a list of potential article review topics to help you get started if you’re stuck.

  1. Differences in communication between men and women
  2. Trends in American Street Art
  • The Earth’s temperature is rising as a result of human
  1. Violence Against Minorities in the US
  2. Infectious disease causes and treatment implications of obesity
  3. Memory loss due to Alzheimer’s
  • Reducing the Impact of Global Warming
  • Adverse health effects caused by illegal drug usage among college students
  1. Illegal Immigration and Ethnic Music in the United States
  2. Families of Diverse Cultures
  3. Professional Sports and the Use of Drugs
  • Gender Roles in the Modern World and Their Evolution
  • Autism
  • Medical Marijuana Alternatives Should Be Legalized

How to write an article review paper

Writing papers is a common requirement across high school and university disciplines. Since article reviews don’t need any particular expertise or knowledge on the part of the student, many find them challenging. Picking the correct article and following your professor’s instructions are also crucial.

It can be a while before you finish the whole writing thing. You can have a lot of work from different teachers and everything else you need to get done. It’s not always feasible to get everything done on time and well.

We can guide developing an article review, writing the study, and polishing the final product. We’re prepared to impart our accumulated wisdom. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance whenever you need it. Following are some suggestions for writing a review paper:

  1. Identify a topic or issue

Your article’s title should convey its principal assessment’s focus. You may act on a brilliant idea immediately, or you can set it aside and think about it more. Experiment with a single word or phrase that captures the essence of what you just read. You may choose the best option from a wide range of options.

  1. Identify the source

The title, author, and publication date of the article should appear at the beginning of your paper. Different concrete citation formats exist for different styles. Psychology, sociology, economics, and other social science disciplines typically employ the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Additionally, the MLA Handbook is a valuable resource for English, literature, and art students.

  1. Give general details about the article.

A brief introduction to the source you will be reviewing is the next step. Include, for instance, some general information about the author and their experience. For the reader to decide whether or not they agree with your viewpoint, they must be aware of the context in which it is presented. Whether this was in a prestigious journal or on a humble website, you should probably mention it.

  1. Come up with an introductory paragraph.

The introduction sets the stage for the reader, familiarizing them with the problems that will be addressed in the paper’s main body. To grab people’s attention, you should try to make the experience as satisfying as possible. Please explain the articles and how the author supports their claims.

It’s not enough to develop a thesis statement; one must also articulate it. It’s essential to provide an overall impression. The following is an example of third-person writing: These ideas are laid forth for public consumption in this article.

Maintain an air of authority and academic rigor in your writing. Don’t forget to incorporate a thesis statement once you’ve completed the first paragraph. A solid understanding of thesis development will serve you well in any academic writing assignment.

  1. Start writing the main body.

The significant body paragraphs of your review essay are its most crucial components. Explain how the evidence supports each of the leading hypotheses independently. If you believe the author is prejudiced, you should also state as much. The author’s involvement should be shown in the following paragraphs.

Does one contribute to the overall comprehension of the subject? Is this part significant or irrelevant? Remember that although you are free to express your viewpoint, it must be supported by facts. To support your opinions, read what others have said on this topic.

Finding reviews with a different viewpoint would be fantastic. Try to focus each body paragraph on a single concept. Discuss the author’s contribution first, then the paper’s strengths, weaknesses, and point of view. It should be there, albeit it might be constructed differently.

  1. Conclude your paper

The last paragraph of a typical research paper takes up no more than 10% of the total number of pages. Here, you should briefly review the piece and explain how your thoughts relate to it. Is it worthwhile to read this article, and what other resources are available to those interested in this issue?

How to write a review paper example

Book reviews in middle school and high school often follow this format. The same is true for a piece of writing. However, you might benefit from looking at samples to be inspired or to see how other students and professionals write article reviews.

This is a reversible coin. You may use examples to study how to write, get insight into the topic from a new angle, and evaluate the quality of the article in question. However, you won’t learn to write a review after reading one written by someone else.

It’s possible that if you spend too much time trying to gather information for your evaluation, you’ll end up doing nothing but wasting time. This sample has been broken down into three parts to understand better how to structure a review article. Look for an original article on the topic, and then try to clarify your ideas and reasons.

  • The introduction

In answer to this inquiry, Linda Nochlin penned the article “Why Have There Been No Great Female Artists?” It is evident from reading the article that feminist art history and philosophy serve as its primary focus. The book commences with the author, an artist and a woman, explaining how her feminist ideology varies from that of established groups.

Throughout the narrative, Linda employs historical context and appeals to reader sentiment. She discusses some pressing issues that modern women face. Linda believes that instead of condemning women artists, people should investigate the context in which the movement emerged.

  • The main body

The article focuses on underprivileged women who defied expectations by working hard to become successful performers. She thinks this is especially prevalent among the nobility, where women were traditionally expected to do more housework than they were paid for. They were unable to advance in their careers, according to her.

Linda rejects the notion that male and female artists have distinct creative styles. She explains her point of view by citing specific instances. Although Sylvia Plath was an exceptional author, many other talented actors were working at the same time who may have been mistaken for males.

The author also thinks women don’t have nearly as many opportunities to pursue artistic careers. Social norms dictated that only boys should be allowed to attend school, and the government provided financial aid for only boys. When it came to art classes, women could only participate voluntarily. There was no doubt that establishing a reliable career and reputation was essential.

  • The conclusion

Male artists tend to be more well-recognized than their female counterparts, and this article explains why that is. They have no access to opportunities for training or mastery, so they cannot showcase their work to the general audience.

Thankfully, things are better now, yet discrimination towards women persists still. Feminist art can only be fully understood by looking back at its roots and forward at the challenges currently faced by contemporary female artists.

Article review assignment

Article review writing is a standard academic and research requirement. It’s tedious and difficult to do independently, so you may consider hiring a specialist. Article reviews require students to analyze and evaluate the literature that has previously been published on a particular subject.

This is not the same as doing a literature review supporting a research endeavor. Assigning the following tasks in conjunction with your article evaluation is highly recommended:

  • Organizing and synthesizing past studies into topics
  • Analyzing prior research findings
  • Depending on your work, additional functionalities may be useful

Literature review: how to write a good one

A literature review is a synopsis of the scholarly works you consulted to complete your research. A literature review is often required while writing an academic document like a dissertation, thesis, or major research paper. The same holds for learning how to critique an article. These guidelines will help you construct a comprehensive literature review.

  1. Define your research’s scope

If you haven’t already, choose a specific question that your study can answer before you begin looking for sources. If you already have a well-developed thesis, you may use that to generate a list of keywords for your source research.

  1. Search for the relevant literature

Use the terms you’ve provided to search the library catalog for relevant sources. Before deciding whether or not a source is relevant to your research, read its abstract to get a sense of what it covers. Reading just a few paragraphs from each will help you narrow your list down to the best candidates.

  1. Find themes, patterns, and holes in your sources.

Take a look at the abridged versions of your sources. Please pay close attention to recurring themes and investigate them as you study. Look at the research techniques used by various authors.

Remember to note whether or not the findings were replicated and how they differed if your sources are from research or experiments. Jot down your key takeaways and how the information from each source enhances your overall understanding of the issue. Check for areas of consensus or expansion amongst sources and points of contention.

  1. Outline the literature review.

Creating an outline is a vital part of any creative writing process. The next logical step is an overview detailing the sources you examined and how they were applied to your research. It’s up to you how you choose to structure your outline.

You may start with the oldest sources you’ve utilized and work your way up to the most current ones when discussing your work. To better organize your research, you may want to create a separate section for each recurring theme you encounter. Another way to organize your sources in your outline is to do so according to the research techniques used in their creation.

The best way to organize your literature review is variable and subject-specific. To demonstrate the development of your study, arrange your sources in chronological order or thematic groups in the humanities. To provide an account of what is generally accepted in the empirical sciences, sort your sources according to their methodologies.

  1. Complete your literature review

After the plan is complete, you may begin writing. Literature reviews often use an objective, third-person tone. Say something like “I contend,” “I recommend,” or “through my analysis, I found that…” when citing an earlier work or study.

Make sure your research paper is formatted correctly, using MLA, APA, or another style. Treat this like a scholarly research paper and write in the same objective, academic style. Don’t merely regurgitate what you’ve read; respond to it by drawing conclusions about it and providing an objective assessment of its value.

It’s essential to keep in mind that you don’t have to agree with everything you read. If you can point out where your findings vary from those of a source, it may be a strong point in your literature review and research. Make sure you document your research and cite your sources. Misrepresenting your sources is plagiarism and may result in severe consequences, including expulsion.


Article review definition

You must first understand what an article review is before you can effectively write one. In an article review, you explain the article’s purpose and provide your thoughts. Article reviews are meant to introduce students to the work of experts in a particular field.

These experts should also routinely review each other’s works. The article’s content, reasoning, and essential points must be grasped for an accurate summary to be written. The central idea, the reasons in favor of it, and the potential for further research must all be assessed.

Like any other piece of writing, an article review requires preliminary preparation. Accordingly, there are two phases to producing an article review: research and composition.

In conclusion

Reviewing an article might be challenging, but it is possible to do well. You now have the confidence that we will assist you in producing a theme that will wow your teacher. Now that you know what to do, you may feel like you’re working too hard to complete even the smallest tasks, such as writing an article review.

If you need assistance with an article review because you are running late or because the task is too difficult, we may provide that assistance. Article review writing assistance is available here. The most current articles may be helpful if you can’t find the information anywhere else. Use our writing service if you need help with your article review.