
Healthcare Benefits

Healthcare Benefits

Week 3 Overview


In the Week 3 you will first write your speech outline. Then in a well-organized speech, inform your audience about your topic through a Power point presentation. Once you learn how to make a power point speech using the structure you learn in this class, you can immediately apply this technique to any power point speech/presentation you have to do at work 🙂 or for a class in your field of study 🙂

LENGTH: 450-500 words
AUDIENCE: author, instructor, others interested in the field, peers in the classroom
SOURCE MINIMUM: Total of 3: 1-2 from the Library and 1-2 from discipline specific websites

Topic: For my speech topic, I will want to talk about how to help others understand how to use their resources to access good health care that can benefit them. This can be narrowed down to understanding how to get cheaper prescriptions, resources for people who may not be able to afford copays and other options to avoid making a high bill at an emergency room. Unfortunately, most people do not know what is available to them and therefore ignore their health until something is wrong. I feel it would be beneficial to understand programs for preventive health care to catch things before they become a problem.

Part 1: Post an outline of your Week 3 speech. Here is an example of a Power Point speech Outline:

Structure of a Power Point Speech

Slide 1: Title Slide with your name

Slide 2: Put your main idea (thesis) with all three reasons. Smoking causes lung cancer, throat cancer and stomach cancer.

Slide 3: Smoking causes throat cancer. (3 bullets tops) Write what you want to say in the speaker notes.

Slide 4: Smoking causes lung cancer. (3 bullets tops)

Slide 5: Smoking causes stomach cancer (3 bullets tops)

Slide 6: Conclusion

Slide 7: Sources

Part 2: The Actual Power Point Speech

Create a PowerPoint Speech using one of the 4 kinds of informative Speech topics

4 Kinds of Informative Speech topics (Choose one only)

Explanatory Informative speech topic–explain the state of something

Descriptive Informative speech topic–give the reader a mental picture of your topic

Demonstrative Informative speech topic–show someone how to do something

Definition Informative speech topic–define a concept or idea

Just upload the Power Point Presentation to the assignments portal like you would a paper. Write the total contents of your speech in the speaker notes section of the Power Point presentation. If you want to make speaker notes for your Power Point speech, watch this How to make Speaker Notes in Power Point video.

When you write your speech, you need to have a main idea, a body, and a conclusion in your Power Point speech presentation. Here is the structure of your speech when you use Power Point. Take a look at this Power Point speech template.

Slide 0: Title Slide/Write the title of your speech and your name

Slide 1: English Only is not better than Bilingual Education because Reason1, Reason 2 and Reason 3. (Write your thesis and write all 3 reasons on your first slide.)

Slide 2: Reason 1 Use no more than three bullet points on your slide. Use 5 to 7 sentences in your speaker notes.

Slide 3: Reason 2 Use no more than three bullet points on your slide. Use 5 to 7 sentences in your speaker notes.

Slide 4: Reason 3 Use no more than three bullet points on your slide.Use 5 to 7 sentences in your speaker notes.

Slide 5: Conclusion

Slide 6: Sources–Cite the sources you used for this speech.

Write whatever you want to say in your speech, in the speaker notes.

PURPOSE: to inform

For week three, we are going to be writing a speech. So, have you ever given a speech before? Have you ever written a speech on PowerPoint before? Well it isn’t that hard to do. You will be required to write a PowerPoint speech for this class.

In English, everything we write has an introduction body and conclusion. When we write emails, business letters, business plans, research papers for class, or anything else that we write in English, we always have these three parts. As a result, when we write our PowerPoint speech this week, we will have these same three parts: introduction body and conclusion. The first slide of your PowerPoint speech presentation will be a title slide. On the title slide, you just put your title and your name and date in class. On the second slide, will be your introduction slide. This introduction slide will include your thesis statement and everything that you are going to have for your speech will be included on the slide. Remember for each slide you should have no more than three items. You should then write down what you would say in your speaker notes.

The next part of your speech will be your body slides. The body slide occupies the middle part or the meat of your speech. The body of your speech will include all the elements that you wrote on your first slide. The body part of your speech corresponds to the very middle part of what you are writing about. The purpose of the body is to illustrate, define, or justify your main idea. The body section of your speech will be the longest part of your PowerPoint speech presentation.

In your conclusion slide, you will summarize the highlights of your speech remember do not include more than three bullet points per slide or else your slide will look too crowded. Write down whatever you would have to say in the speaker notes of your PowerPoint presentation. Do not add new information in your conclusion slide. Take a look at this Cancer/Smoking Speech template (This is the same template that is in your Week 3 Speech Assignment tab.)

Example Speech Power Point:

Slide 1: Example title slide: The Adverse effects of Smoking

Slide 2: Introduction/thesis slide: Smoking causes lung cancer, stomach cancer and throat cancer.

Slide 3:Smoking causes lung cancer.

Slide 4: Smoking causes stomach cancer.

Slide 5: Smoking causes throat cancer.

Slide 6: Conclusion

Slide 7: Works Cited/References slide

After you have finished writing your speech and you have written your introduction slide, body slides, conclusion slide, and contact slides, then you just have to add your Works Cited slide which will contain a list of sources that you used for your speech. Just like a paper, if you used information from other sources, you still need to cite the source at the end of your paper. Use APA for your field of study and for your speech.

What is the difference between formal and informal English?

There are three cases in English, first person case, second person case and third person case. When we use first person case, we are talking about ourselves (I, my, us, we, me,) and when we use second person case, we are using ‘you’ and ‘your’ when we talk to another person. We essentially use second person case only when we are talking to other people. Both first person case and second person case are both used in informal English such as when we want to talk to friends, family or peers. When we want to make an informal speech, write informal emails, post to informal chat rooms or discussion boards, we use first and second person case.

What is the difference between a speech and an essay?

If you are giving a speech, you can give either an informal speech (then you can use first and second person case) or you can give a formal presentation where you use only third person case. Depending on your circumstances and your job, you can decide whether or not you will give a formal or an informal speech. On the other hand, when you write a research paper, you use only formal language 3rd person case. You do not have a choice between using formal or informal English when you write an academic research paper. This is the primary difference between a speech and an essay. With a speech, you can decide if you want to write an informal speech or a formal speech whereas for an academic research essay like your Week 5 and Week 7 papers, you always have to use third person case formal English.

Thus, we use third person case (he/she/they) when we write formal letters, formal business letters, formal emails, formal speech presentations and most importantly academic research papers.For both your Week 5 Position paper and your Week 7 Analysis paper, you will use only third person case. Third person case is when we talk about somebody else, or when we are reporting on an event, or reporting the facts of a research paper. You never use second person case ‘you’ and ‘your’ in an academic paper. The only time you use first person case (I, my, us, we, me) is when we write our diary, our journal, a poem, or an autobiography, but when we write research papers, we use only third person case as indicated in the Week 5 and Week 7 research paper instructions. When we write research papers, we want to use formal English for a more professional tone. The more professional our tone is in a research paper, the more credible and believable your paper will be to the reader. In addition, when we write research papers, because we do not use first person case (I, my, us, me,) in an academic paper, we then do not write about our personal experiences in a research paper. Instead, we use third person case (he/she/they) and write about somebody else’s life based on our research. When we write about other people’s lives, we call this ‘case studies’ in research. Always base your research on the facts and on case studies for a more objective, professional sounding research paper.

am currently enrolled in school for public health. I have been a nurse for many years and have seen a lot of barriers when it comes to health care for patients. The one thing that I notice most is the financial aspect of health care that hinders the overall access to the health care needs of the patients.

For my position paper, I will write about barriers faced when visiting a health care facility. This can be broken down by long wait times, lack of teachable moments to help patients better understand their health, and the overall treatment of patients being treated as just a number and not an actual person.

Finally, for my analysis paper, I will write about how healthcare laws benefit and hurt the overall healthcare of the population. I plan to break this down by first understanding the laws as it applies to health care and how it helps and hurts the care of patient as soon as it goes into effect and in the long run.

I will be communicating to the general public with my writing. Therefore, if feel that my writing has to be professional but relatable as well. I will be doing my writing in the MLA writing style.

The writing that I do at work is more descriptive writing. I am usually writing out procedures and how I perform them. This gives legal documentation of things that I may have done to or for a patient. It also gives a written picture to assure that I followed policies and procedures.

The resources that I use for my writing at work is provided by my company. We have a resource page that we use at work that helps us access all the resources that we need to do documentation and to access all policies and procedures. For example, we have links to the CDC, American Heart Association, and Up to date.

Research questions are questions that we think of and research to support our topic. Having access to research helps us to better understand our thesis and explain it in depth.

Healthcare Benefits

Healthcare Benefits

Week 3 Overview


In the Week 3 you will first write your speech outline. Then in a well-organized speech, inform your audience about your topic through a Power point presentation. Once you learn how to make a power point speech using the structure you learn in this class, you can immediately apply this technique to any power point speech/presentation you have to do at work 🙂 or for a class in your field of study 🙂

LENGTH: 450-500 words
AUDIENCE: author, instructor, others interested in the field, peers in the classroom
SOURCE MINIMUM: Total of 3: 1-2 from the Library and 1-2 from discipline specific websites

Topic: For my speech topic, I will want to talk about how to help others understand how to use their resources to access good health care that can benefit them. This can be narrowed down to understanding how to get cheaper prescriptions, resources for people who may not be able to afford copays and other options to avoid making a high bill at an emergency room. Unfortunately, most people do not know what is available to them and therefore ignore their health until something is wrong. I feel it would be beneficial to understand programs for preventive health care to catch things before they become a problem.

Part 1: Post an outline of your Week 3 speech. Here is an example of a Power Point speech Outline:

Structure of a Power Point Speech

Slide 1: Title Slide with your name

Slide 2: Put your main idea (thesis) with all three reasons. Smoking causes lung cancer, throat cancer and stomach cancer.

Slide 3: Smoking causes throat cancer. (3 bullets tops) Write what you want to say in the speaker notes.

Slide 4: Smoking causes lung cancer. (3 bullets tops)

Slide 5: Smoking causes stomach cancer (3 bullets tops)

Slide 6: Conclusion

Slide 7: Sources

Part 2: The Actual Power Point Speech

Create a PowerPoint Speech using one of the 4 kinds of informative Speech topics

4 Kinds of Informative Speech topics (Choose one only)

Explanatory Informative speech topic–explain the state of something

Descriptive Informative speech topic–give the reader a mental picture of your topic

Demonstrative Informative speech topic–show someone how to do something

Definition Informative speech topic–define a concept or idea

Just upload the Power Point Presentation to the assignments portal like you would a paper. Write the total contents of your speech in the speaker notes section of the Power Point presentation. If you want to make speaker notes for your Power Point speech, watch this How to make Speaker Notes in Power Point video.

When you write your speech, you need to have a main idea, a body, and a conclusion in your Power Point speech presentation. Here is the structure of your speech when you use Power Point. Take a look at this Power Point speech template.

Slide 0: Title Slide/Write the title of your speech and your name

Slide 1: English Only is not better than Bilingual Education because Reason1, Reason 2 and Reason 3. (Write your thesis and write all 3 reasons on your first slide.)

Slide 2: Reason 1 Use no more than three bullet points on your slide. Use 5 to 7 sentences in your speaker notes.

Slide 3: Reason 2 Use no more than three bullet points on your slide. Use 5 to 7 sentences in your speaker notes.

Slide 4: Reason 3 Use no more than three bullet points on your slide.Use 5 to 7 sentences in your speaker notes.

Slide 5: Conclusion

Slide 6: Sources–Cite the sources you used for this speech.

Write whatever you want to say in your speech, in the speaker notes.

PURPOSE: to inform

For week three, we are going to be writing a speech. So, have you ever given a speech before? Have you ever written a speech on PowerPoint before? Well it isn’t that hard to do. You will be required to write a PowerPoint speech for this class.

In English, everything we write has an introduction body and conclusion. When we write emails, business letters, business plans, research papers for class, or anything else that we write in English, we always have these three parts. As a result, when we write our PowerPoint speech this week, we will have these same three parts: introduction body and conclusion. The first slide of your PowerPoint speech presentation will be a title slide. On the title slide, you just put your title and your name and date in class. On the second slide, will be your introduction slide. This introduction slide will include your thesis statement and everything that you are going to have for your speech will be included on the slide. Remember for each slide you should have no more than three items. You should then write down what you would say in your speaker notes.

The next part of your speech will be your body slides. The body slide occupies the middle part or the meat of your speech. The body of your speech will include all the elements that you wrote on your first slide. The body part of your speech corresponds to the very middle part of what you are writing about. The purpose of the body is to illustrate, define, or justify your main idea. The body section of your speech will be the longest part of your PowerPoint speech presentation.

In your conclusion slide, you will summarize the highlights of your speech remember do not include more than three bullet points per slide or else your slide will look too crowded. Write down whatever you would have to say in the speaker notes of your PowerPoint presentation. Do not add new information in your conclusion slide. Take a look at this Cancer/Smoking Speech template (This is the same template that is in your Week 3 Speech Assignment tab.)

Example Speech Power Point:

Slide 1: Example title slide: The Adverse effects of Smoking

Slide 2: Introduction/thesis slide: Smoking causes lung cancer, stomach cancer and throat cancer.

Slide 3:Smoking causes lung cancer.

Slide 4: Smoking causes stomach cancer.

Slide 5: Smoking causes throat cancer.

Slide 6: Conclusion

Slide 7: Works Cited/References slide

After you have finished writing your speech and you have written your introduction slide, body slides, conclusion slide, and contact slides, then you just have to add your Works Cited slide which will contain a list of sources that you used for your speech. Just like a paper, if you used information from other sources, you still need to cite the source at the end of your paper. Use APA for your field of study and for your speech.

What is the difference between formal and informal English?

There are three cases in English, first person case, second person case and third person case. When we use first person case, we are talking about ourselves (I, my, us, we, me,) and when we use second person case, we are using ‘you’ and ‘your’ when we talk to another person. We essentially use second person case only when we are talking to other people. Both first person case and second person case are both used in informal English such as when we want to talk to friends, family or peers. When we want to make an informal speech, write informal emails, post to informal chat rooms or discussion boards, we use first and second person case.

What is the difference between a speech and an essay?

If you are giving a speech, you can give either an informal speech (then you can use first and second person case) or you can give a formal presentation where you use only third person case. Depending on your circumstances and your job, you can decide whether or not you will give a formal or an informal speech. On the other hand, when you write a research paper, you use only formal language 3rd person case. You do not have a choice between using formal or informal English when you write an academic research paper. This is the primary difference between a speech and an essay. With a speech, you can decide if you want to write an informal speech or a formal speech whereas for an academic research essay like your Week 5 and Week 7 papers, you always have to use third person case formal English.

Thus, we use third person case (he/she/they) when we write formal letters, formal business letters, formal emails, formal speech presentations and most importantly academic research papers.For both your Week 5 Position paper and your Week 7 Analysis paper, you will use only third person case. Third person case is when we talk about somebody else, or when we are reporting on an event, or reporting the facts of a research paper. You never use second person case ‘you’ and ‘your’ in an academic paper. The only time you use first person case (I, my, us, we, me) is when we write our diary, our journal, a poem, or an autobiography, but when we write research papers, we use only third person case as indicated in the Week 5 and Week 7 research paper instructions. When we write research papers, we want to use formal English for a more professional tone. The more professional our tone is in a research paper, the more credible and believable your paper will be to the reader. In addition, when we write research papers, because we do not use first person case (I, my, us, me,) in an academic paper, we then do not write about our personal experiences in a research paper. Instead, we use third person case (he/she/they) and write about somebody else’s life based on our research. When we write about other people’s lives, we call this ‘case studies’ in research. Always base your research on the facts and on case studies for a more objective, professional sounding research paper.

am currently enrolled in school for public health. I have been a nurse for many years and have seen a lot of barriers when it comes to health care for patients. The one thing that I notice most is the financial aspect of health care that hinders the overall access to the health care needs of the patients.

For my position paper, I will write about barriers faced when visiting a health care facility. This can be broken down by long wait times, lack of teachable moments to help patients better understand their health, and the overall treatment of patients being treated as just a number and not an actual person.

Finally, for my analysis paper, I will write about how healthcare laws benefit and hurt the overall healthcare of the population. I plan to break this down by first understanding the laws as it applies to health care and how it helps and hurts the care of patient as soon as it goes into effect and in the long run.

I will be communicating to the general public with my writing. Therefore, if feel that my writing has to be professional but relatable as well. I will be doing my writing in the MLA writing style.

The writing that I do at work is more descriptive writing. I am usually writing out procedures and how I perform them. This gives legal documentation of things that I may have done to or for a patient. It also gives a written picture to assure that I followed policies and procedures.

The resources that I use for my writing at work is provided by my company. We have a resource page that we use at work that helps us access all the resources that we need to do documentation and to access all policies and procedures. For example, we have links to the CDC, American Heart Association, and Up to date.

Research questions are questions that we think of and research to support our topic. Having access to research helps us to better understand our thesis and explain it in depth.