Issues in poliding

The assignment is attached. The part I need is a 300-400 word position on Cameras in policing.

Then I need 3 slides with speaker notes on said cameras in policing. I added the entire assignment so you can understand what it is. It is a group project.

Federal Consent Decrees

Concept of Justice

Diversity In Health Care Essay

Diversity In Health Care Essay

Diversity has a significant influence on health care. Studying transcultural health care helps health professionals understand different cultures in order to provide holistic and individualized health care. Review the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence, including the theory, framework, and 12 domains. Write a 750–1,000-word paper exploring the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence. Include the following: Diversity In Health Care Essay


  1. Explain culturally sensitive care and its application within health care.
  2. Explain the theory and organizational framework of the Purnell Model and discuss its relevance to transcultural health care.
  3. Describe Purnell’s 12 domains of culture, and assess how each of these domains plays an active role in the diversity of health care in your specific field.
  4. Discuss how this model can be applied when working with different cultures in order to become a more culturally competent health care provider.
  5. Cite at least three references, including the course textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

BS Health Sciences

1.1 Explain culturally sensitive care and its application within health care.

Diversity In Health Care Essay


Ethics And Evidence-Based Research

Ethics And Evidence-Based Research

Write a 1250-word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be three main sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least two (2) sources, using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page in correct APA do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment. Ethics And Evidence-Based Research


Part 1: Describe why ethical safeguards designed for clinical research may not be feasible or appropriate for evidence-based practice or evidence-based practice implementation projects.

Part 2:  Review the section headed, Two Ethical Exemplars in Chapter 22 of the textbook (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2015, pages 518–519). Discuss three main ethical controversies related to implementing Evidence-Based Quality Improvement (EBQI) Initiatives. Describe how these controversies relate to the four core ethical principles.

Part 3: Identify which ethical principles may be in conflict with the concept of “patients having an ethical responsibility to improve healthcare.” Discuss how these conflicts may be resolved.

Ethics And Evidence-Based Research

Nontraditional Health Care Practices

Nontraditional Health Care Practices

Research different popular, nontraditional health care practices. Write a 1,000–1,200-word paper exploring nontraditional health care practices and include the following:

  1. Describe nontraditional health care practices in different cultures. Compare at least three cultures.


  2. Explain the importance of these practices in providing holistic and quality health care.
  3. Identify the nontraditional health care options in your area, and identify the number of people choosing to use them over traditional medical practices. Propose reasons why the number of people using nontraditional health care options is rising.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Nontraditional Health Care Practices

Medicare And Medicaid Programs

Medicare And Medicaid Programs

Consider how people qualify to receive Medicare and/or Medicaid and write a paper that addresses the bullets below. There should be four (4) sections in your paper; one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear brief heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Start your paper with an introduction and include a “Conclusion” section that summarizes all topics. This paper should consist of at least 1750 words and no more than 2000.


This week reflect upon the Medicare and Medicaid programs to address the following:

  • Describe the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) and explain how the QIO improves policies and healthcare for Medicare beneficiaries.
  • Briefly define the qualifications for Medicare and Medicaid benefits. How can qualifications be modified to serve more people who are considered a vulnerable population?
  • Discuss the impact (including at least two positive and two negative aspects) that the ACA has had on benefits and coverage for Medicare and Medicaid recipients.
  • Describe your role(s) as a healthcare leader as it applies to the practice of advocating for cost effective care for vulnerable populations.

Medicare And Medicaid Programs


Essay: Quality Improvement

Essay: Quality Improvement

Identify a quality improvement opportunity in your organization or practice. In a 1,250-1,500 word paper, describe the problem or issue and propose a quality improvement initiative based on evidence-based practice. Apply “The Road to Evidence-Based Practice” process, illustrated in Chapter 4 of your textbook, to create your proposal. Essay: Quality Improvement

Include the following:

  1. Provide an overview of the problem and the setting in which the problem or issue occurs.
  2. Explain why a quality improvement initiative is needed in this area and the expected outcome.


  3. Discuss how the results of previous research demonstrate support for the quality improvement initiative and its projected outcomes. Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years, not included in the course materials or textbook, that establish evidence in support of the quality improvement proposed.
  4. Discuss steps necessary to implement the quality improvement initiative. Provide evidence and rationale to support your answer.
  5. Explain how the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated to determine whether there was improvement.
  6. Support your explanation by identifying the variables, hypothesis test, and statistical test that you would need to prove that the quality improvement initiative succeeded.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Essay: Quality Improvement



Implementing Electronic Health Records

Implementing Electronic Health Records

In this writing assignment, you will be writing a one- to two-page paper explaining the implementation of electronic health records.

Step 1: Reflect on your involvement with the implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) in the clinical setting (either as a practicing nurse or as a student in the clinical setting).


If you have not used an EHR, think about how you might implement an EHR in your practice setting. Answer the questions in Step 2 using this hypothetical EHR system.

Step 2: Address the following topics in your paper:

  • Explain at least three functional considerations to take into account when implementing an EHR.
  • Explain the regulatory considerations for implementing EHRs.
  • Explain interoperability. Why is interoperability important?
  • Explain the integrity of the data. Why is data integrity important?
  • Explain why the security of data is important when implementing an EHR.
  • Explain the legal concerns surrounding the implementation of EHRs

Implementing Electronic Health Records

Treatment Of Personality Disorders

Treatment Of Personality Disorders

TOPIC:   Histrionic Personality Disorder

Personality disorders occur in 10–20% of the population. They are difficult to treat, as individuals with personality disorders are less likely to seek help than individuals with other mental health disorders. Treatment can be challenging as they do not see their symptoms as painful to themselves or others. Treatment Of Personality Disorders


In this Discussion, you will explore personality disorders in greater detail and discuss treatment options using evidence-based research.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Analyze diagnostic criteria for personality disorders
  • Analyze evidence-based psychotherapy and psychopharmacologic treatments for personality disorders
  • Analyze clinical features of clients with personality disorders
  • Align clinical features with DSM-5 criteria
  • Compare differential diagnostic features of personality disorders

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • By Day 5 of Week 2, your Instructor will have assigned you a personality disorder, which will be your focus for your initial post for this Discussion.
  • Review the Learning Resources.


  • Explain the diagnostic criteria for your assigned personality disorder.
  • Explain the evidence-based psychotherapy and psychopharmacologic treatment for your assigned personality disorder.
  • Describe clinical features from a client that led you to believe this client had this disorder. Align the clinical features with the DSM-5 criteria.
  • Support your rationale with references to the Learning Resources or other academic resources.

Treatment Of Personality Disorders