NSG456 Phoenix Telemedicine Delivery of Healthcare Services Paper

NSG456 Phoenix Telemedicine Delivery of Healthcare Services Paper

Running head: RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS 1 Research Foundations Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title


Date RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS 2 Research Foundations Research Topic, Problem, and Question Research Topic: Benefits and Challenges of the Growth and Development of Telemedicine to deliver Healthcare Services. Research Problem: Distance was a significant traditional barrier to access to treatment and healthcare services among patients in various parts of the world. Patients had to travel to hospitals to receive medical services (Parikh, Sattigeri & Kumar, 2014). Patients who stayed in the rural areas were the most disadvantaged since they traveled long distances to access healthcare facilities. Moreover, patients had to line in long queues to meet their nurses or doctors. This delay worsened the illnesses of some patients to the point of fainting during the long wait. The use of new technology in different sectors of the medical field has significantly changed the delivery of services. Telemedicine is a technological invention which has existed for around 40 years, but its use in the delivery of medical services has upgraded by leaps and bounds over the last five years. It has decreased the need for patients to travel to hospitals to seek medical services, and instead, patients consult with healthcare providers to record disease symptoms and forward to the professionals. This advancement improves the efficiency of managing diseases, reduces the rate of hospital admissions, thus saving both time and cost of such services (L’Esperance & Perry, 2016). Furthermore, telemedicine enables electronic health monitoring and recording. It also helps specialists to direct training and guidance of patients. Lastly, telemedicine helps in survey and control practices in the management of epidemic, pandemic, and endemic diseases. As such, telemedicine is a technological invention which benefits both patients and health care providers alike. Nevertheless, the cost of telemedicine and its availability require review to ensure patients from all walks of life benefit (Kahn, 2015). RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS 3 Research Question: What are the evidence-based practices for successful telemedicine application to enhance consultation and delivery of health care services for patients from different backgrounds? RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS 4 References Kahn, J. M. (2015). Virtual visits—confronting the challenges of telemedicine. N Engl J Med, 372(18), 1684-1685. L’Esperance, S. T., & Perry, D. J. (2016). Assessing advantages and barriers to telemedicine adoption in the practice setting: A MyCareTeamTM exemplar. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 28(6), 311-319. Parikh, D. P., Sattigeri, B. M., & Kumar, A. (2014). An update on growth and development of telemedicine with pharmacological implications. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 3(5), 527-532.

How accurate is Hollywood?

lease choose 1 of the movies listed below

Extra Credit Film Analysis – 20 pts.

What to do:

You will watch one of the movies I’ve listed at the end of this document. All of the films have some element of psychology. Choose one (1) film and watch it. Then you will give me a report on how the movie portrays the psychological elements it presents.

The paper should be about 3 pages (NO LESS than 500 words). Start by giving me a brief synopsis of the movie. PLEASE DON’T copy one from the Internet. If you’ve watched the movie, then you should be able to tell me what it’s about. Don’t spend more than 2 paragraphs on the synopsis. It’s not the important part of the paper.

Once you’ve provided your brief synopsis, you need to tell me WHY it’s on this list. How does it incorporate psychology? In its portrayal…is it accurate? How would you treat this person(s)? (Hint: look at Chapter 15 for therapies and ways to treat disorders). Use the knowledge you’ve learned throughout the semester to decide if it’s an accurate depiction or not. Give me reasons. Give examples. NOTE: not all films present mental illness, so the question about treatment may not be necessary for the film you choose.

YOU DO NEED CITATIONS. It can be your textbook. It can be some websites.. (NOTE: If you decide to talk about memory or cognition, then go back to that chapter and tie it into what you learned from that chapter. Look at those websites from that week and cite them.) You can find some new references if you want, but make sure they’re credible. You need to have THREE (3) references. You can use Wikipedia, but don’t use it for all 3 references.

If you have shown me that you have taken the time and effort to really analyze the film and used critical thinking to apply the information from the class, then you’ll get full credit. I want to see that you have a good understanding of the material from the class and can incorporate it outside of the class into your everyday life (such as watching movies). How accurate is Hollywood?

Movie List:

  • One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
  • Identity
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • A Beautiful Mind
  • Awakenings
  • Memento
  • Lars and the Real Girl
  • Rain Man
  • 12 Angry Men
  • As Good as it Gets
  • Matchstick Men