Psychotherapy has biological basis Essay

Psychotherapy has biological basis Essay

Psychotherapy has biological basis, for instance, an individual might suffer from depression because they are overweight. For this client, a weight loss regimen might be incorporated into therapy. During researching articles, the article about anorexia nervosa and its treatment plan grasped my attention. According to Wozniak et al. (2012) “The treatment approach combination of behavior therapy and supportive psychotherapy. It is very important the approaching way of the person, in order to develop positive behavior. This includes the learning of behavior, and then follows the learning and relearning, without seeking the causes of the previous pathologic behavior. The aim of this behavior treatment is to restore the normal way of eating”.  The disorder is caused by both biological and social culture factors. The biological factors includes hypothalamus dysfunction, over secretion of cortisol, and heredity.


Culture, religion, and socioeconomic can negatively impact an individual value of psychotherapy treatment. Some individuals might assume that they will be viewed as being crazy for seeking treatment. As far as culture, the individual can be afraid of being an outcast or viewed in a negative way. Furthermore, some religions view mental illness as being possessed or as evil spirits. However, some religions can be a support system to the client.Educating the public is important to eliminate negative views and to let individuals know that they are not the only ones that are suffering from a particular disorder. With rapid treatment and therapy, death rates can be decreased. “Therapists need to be aware and enquire about the patient’s self-perceptions and attributions regarding ethnicity, race, social class and religion. While there is evidence that ethnicity per se does not impact on psychotherapy referral and compliance and that culturally sensitive psychotherapy has refuted many cultural stereotypes, there is a need to integrate knowledge of the unique cultural and religious values and beliefs during assessments and planning of therapy” Jacob &  Kuruvilla (2012). When individuals are educated and feel included in their care, their value of psychotherapy will increase.

Jacob, K. S., & Kuruvilla, A. (2012). Psychotherapy across  cultures: the form-content dichotomy. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 19(1), 91-95. doi:10. 1002/cpp.736

Wozniak, G., Rekleiti, M., & Roupa, Z. (2012). Contribution of  social and family factors in anorexia nervosa. Health

Science Journal, 6(2), 257-269

Psychotherapy has biological basis Essay