Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay

Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay

  1. What aspects of normal anatomy is interesting to you and why?

I have always been fascinated by the heart. Roughly the size of a closed fist, the heart is a muscular organ that functions throughout an individual’s life to deliver nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood to other body organs and tissues even as it collects wastes. This is truly the work house of the body, pumping approximately 100,000 times every day with 5,000 gallons of blood passing through the heart during that period. Controlled by the nervous system, the heart is perhaps the most important organ in the body. My interest in the heart centers around heart attacks (myocardial infarctions), conditions that develop when the heart vessels are obstructed thereby obstructing blood flow (Woo & Robinson, 2016) Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay.

  1. What factors have caused the damage to the normal anatomy and physiology?

As earlier indicated, a heart attack is an incidence of the blood flow being showed down owing to the vessels being obstructed. This condition is typically caused by blood clots forming in the vessels. In addition, they can be triggered by plaques (fatty deposits) building up along the inside walls of the blood vessels causing constrictions that easily capture blood clots. By slowing the blood flow rate, the blood will be unable to supply enough oxygen to the result of the organs thereby causing a sense of dizziness. Besides that, the heart itself needs oxygen in the areas that regulate the heartbeat, a potentially fatal situation if a blockage occurs (Woo & Robinson, 2016) Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay.

  1. How can we restore the healing process?

A damaged heart as a result of blockage is considered a disadvantaged organs since the damage destroys heart muscles leaving behind baggy and thinned scar tissue. To be more precise, the lost blood supply causes injury to the heart. Healing begins when scar tissue begin forming around the damaged muscles, a process that takes weeks. Although healing occurs, the previous damage cannot be ignored as it lingers through the scars and thinned vessels that weaken the heart, causing it to be unable to pump as much blood as prior to the damage. The scarred and thinned tissue do not pump or contract as well as healthy tissue. Still, getting adequate rest, being in the right psychological state, leading a healthy lifestyle, and eating healthy foods can help to speed up the healing process and reduce opportunities for further heart damage (Woo & Robinson, 2016) Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay.

  1. What is the role of prayer, influence of religion and culture relating to this disease process?

Prayer, religion and culture can have a positive influence on the healing process. In this case, these interventions help with addressing psychological fear, depression, anxiety and distress that patients experience after suffering a heart attack. They help the patients accept the new circumstances and better cope with the new reality that the heart is damaged, but that feelings of wellbeing and improved quality of life can still be achieved. The strength and comfort obtained from prayer, religion and culture include a sense of meaningfulness that helps the patient to trust in his/her strengths, accept the new conditions, and cope (Shahrbabaki, 2017; White, 2011) Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay.



  1. Conclusion with a call to action or something meaningful to remember

A heart attack causes long lasting damage to the heart and impairs its actions. To repair the damage, there is a need to support the healing process through getting adequate rest, being in the right psychological state, leading a healthy lifestyle, and eating healthy foods can help to speed up the healing process and reduce opportunities for further heart damage. Maintaining the right state of mind can be achieved through leveraging the influences of prayer, religion and culture.


Shahrbabaki, P., Nouhi, E., Kazemi, M. & Ahmadi, F. (2017). Spirituality: A Panacea for Patients Coping with Heart Failure. International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery, 5(1), 38-48.

White, E. G. (2011). The Ministry of healing. Guildford, UK: White Crow Books.

Woo, T. & Robinson, M. (2016). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurse prescribers (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.

Spirituality Reflective Writing

NURS 323 Pathophysiology

Select a body system and identify one disease process that fascinates you most as a creation of God. Answer the following questions relating to the disease process.
1. What aspects of normal anatomy is interesting to you and why?
2. What factors have caused the damage to the normal anatomy and physiology?
3. How can we restore the healing process?
4. What is the role of prayer, influence of religion and culture relating to this disease process?
5. Conclusion with a call to action or something meaningful to remember
please use this book Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay
Mauk, K. L., & Schmidt, N. K. (2004). Spiritual care in nursing practice. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott.
White, E. G. (2011). The Ministry of healing. Guildford, UK: White Crow Books.
Journal article:

Department of Nursing

Grading Criteria for Spirituality Reflective Journal Paper


Course Number: NURS 364

Name of the Professor: Jercilla Murmu

Student Name:


You have been assigned required readings on spirituality in your course. You may choose one or more chapters from each assigned book to read.  You will then write a reflection paper regarding your thoughts, meaningful ideas, feelings, and/or reactions, and the application of these to nursing practice or your own spiritual growth and self-care.


1. Paper is typed in at least 2-3 pages, double spaced and turned in on time via D2L or email to your professor, with  coversheet title page in APA format; thoughtful, suitable title  10 Points
2. Introductory paragraph is attention-getting


 10 Points
3.  Spelling, grammar, mechanics, and usage are correct throughout paper  10 Points
4. Answers all questions and thoughts are expressed in a coherent and logical manner. 20 Points
5. Viewpoints and interpretations are insightful, demonstrating an in-depth knowledge, and understanding of the disease process and   reflecting the role of prayer, region and culture influence on healing on the disease process.  Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay. 20 Points
6. Concluding paragraph sums up information, reiterates ideas and opinions, and leaves reader with a call to action or something meaningful to remember  10 Points
7. Pertinent reference sources are skillfully woven throughout paper without over use of quotations but, rather, attempt to paraphrase 10 Points
8. References are properly cited in APA format with no plagiarism.  5 Points
9.  At least 3 references are cited in paper, including a reference from current class assigned chapter readings in Mauk, a reading in an assigned chapter in White, Anatomy & Physiology, and pathophysiology text and one journal article of your own choice.  5 Points
 Total 100 Possible Points Actual Points =


Mauk, K. L., & Schmidt, N. K. (2004). Spiritual care in nursing practice. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott.

White, E. G. (2011).  The Ministry of healing. Guildford, UK: White Crow Books Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay.

Journal article:

APA format reference that you may use for free:



It is recommended that you upload your paper into Turnitin on D2L to check for plagiarism prior to submission to your professor.  Also, to check for correct grammar, use the Grammar Tutor on D2L. Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay.


Readings in E.G. White,

The Ministry of Healing

Chapt 5 Healing of the Soul

Chapt 16 Prayer for the Sick


Readings in Mauk and Schmidt, Spiritual Care in Nursing Practice

Chapter 4 Introduction to Influences of Religion and Culture on Nursing

Spirituality Reflective Writing Essay