NUR 343 Argumentative Nursing Research Paper

NUR 343 Argumentative Nursing Research Paper

In this course, you will write an Argumentative Research Paper to learn about scholarly research and academic writing processes. These reflect the reading and writing skills necessary for success in undergraduate, graduate, and professional settings. Each week, you will practice skills in writing, information literacy, and APA formatting. By the end of this course, you will have written a 10-14 page paper on a controversial topic selected from the provided list associated with your major area of study.


Your paper’s success will depend on both your content and your style of delivery. As this is an argumentative paper, you will be taking a position on your topic and using rhetorical and stylistic techniques to persuade the reader to adopt your stance. The hypothetical intended audience for this paper is professionals and experts in the field. The quality of your writing should be suitable for submission to a scholarly journal or trade publication. Therefore, careful attention should be paid to mechanics, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word choice in every assignment. Because all good writers know that the first attempt is never the best, you will be submitting drafts of each section of the paper for instructor feedback. Upon receiving these suggestions, you will revise your draft while working to produce the next section of your paper, learning and improving as you progress. NUR 343 Argumentative Nursing Research Paper.

The focus of each week’s draft will be as follows:
Week 1: Topic Selection
Week 2: Thesis Statement
Week 3: Introduction
Week 4: Body 1
Week 5: Body 2
Week 6: Abstract and Conclusion
Week 7: Final submission

Research Critique Paper Directions

NUR 343 Nurse as Consumer of Research         Worth 30%


PURPOSE of Research Critique Paper:

·         Expose students to expected standards for published research study reports

·         Familiarize students with concept, process, and application of research critique

·         Promote analysis, questioning, and critical thinking about application of expected standards for published research study reports NUR 343 Argumentative Nursing Research Paper

·         Develop consumer of research knowledge and skills


DESCRIPTION of Research Critique Process:

·         Conduct an in-depth critical reading and appraisal of all components (parts) of the study report

·         Use a “gold standard” model (see Nieswiadomy’s extensive criteria about specifications/standards/ expectations that published research study reports should meet); use the textbook’s extensive critique questions and expected standards as benchmarks and points of comparison to guide the critique process and evaluate the study’s strengths, weaknesses, value, and worth

·         Objectively compare reading and review findings with “gold standard” model expectations

·         Record critical analyses of strengths and weaknesses

·         Constructively suggest ideas for improvement and/or future research


PROCESS to COMPLETE the Research Critique Paper:

·         Assume this investigative mission as a consumer of nursing research.

·         Explore, carefully read, and use your knowledge to analyze and critically evaluate the research study report.

  • Use the textbook as the expert and point of comparison source; you do not need any other sources.
  • Access the research study report: Shaw, J.D., O’Neal, D.J., Siddarthan, K., & Neugaard, B.J. (2014). Pilot program to improve self-management of patients with heart failure by redesigning care coordination. Nursing Research and Practice, 2014,

·         Use the template to write your critique paper. The template headings represent standard components of a research study report. NUR 343 Argumentative Nursing Research Paper

·         Leave the headings and questions in place. Do not alter the template.

·         After each bolded question, type in a brief summary of Nieswiadomy’s recommendations. Follow the summary with your responses, using examples for the report to address the critique questions.

·         You must support your writing with citations from the textbook and from the research study report. NUR 343 Argumentative Nursing Research Paper

·         As a final step, consider your ideas for constructive suggestions to the study researcher(s).

  • Submit your final assignment per your course faculty’s directions. Turnitin will also review your final research critique paper.




Here is a sample text that shows the “thought process” to critique the abstract from Hayes’ (2014) research study about the impact of new medication prescriptions for older adults who are discharged from the emergency department. Using a step thought process, the template questions, and headings keeps you focused and on track with your critique work.


Step 1- Nieswiadomy (2012) recommends that the abstract should use 100-200 words to summarize the research study and should contain the essential components (i.e., purpose, hypothesis or research question(s), methods, description of subjects, and major findings).

Step 2 – Hayes’ (2014) abstract contained 154 words, the purpose ( i.e.,  to determine the effect of newly prescribed medications for older adults discharged from the emergency department), the research question (i.e., What is the effect of newly prescribed medications for older adults discharged from the emergency department?), the methods (self-administered Medication Complexity Index and telephone administration of the Knowledge of Medication subtest at 48-72 hours after discharge from the emergency department), and a description of the subjects (i.e., 60 adults aged 65-90 years). The abstract did not contain the major findings of the study. NUR 343 Argumentative Nursing Research Paper

Step 3 – Constructive suggestions for the researcher: Hayes (2014) could have reported the study’s findings in the abstract in order to attract the reader’s attention (Nieswiadomy, 2012). Hayes (2014) needed to better emphasize and give examples to demonstrate how emergency nurses can use her research findings in their practice. In particular, emergency nurses need information about working with the aging adult population who receive newly prescribed medications at discharge.



Template for Research Critique Paper  –


The paper should be doubled spaced and insert page numbers


Page One:        Title Page (with usual elements)


Page Two:

Title of Paper


Introduction section for your paper with 2-3 sentences about the critique process in general (define it, what is it? why we use it?). Cite source(s) of your info. Conclude the first paragraph with: The purpose of this paper is to use Nieswiadomy‘s (2012) suggested guidelines to critique the research study report “                        ” by author(s) (year).


Introduction of the Research Study Report


>>Read the title and the abstract.

How do the title and abstract components capture your attention?

What is the problem (issue, need, gap, area of interest)?

Who is the population of interest?

What are two questions related to the problem and population of interest that you would like for the researchers to study and answer for you? NUR 343 Argumentative Nursing Research Paper



>>Determine the variable(s) of interest.                                                                                              What is/are the variables?

What is the independent variable (IV)?  

What is the dependent variable (DV)?                                                                                                                                                         What question(s) did you ask yourself to determine which variable is which?


Review of Literature

>>Identify relevant literature and previous studies that the researchers present.

How are literature and previous studies related to the variable(s) and population of interest?

What is the significance of the problem to nursing?  

What other literature topics would you like the researchers to present?



>>Identify the purpose of the research study.                                                                                            What is the researchers’ purpose statement?

How does the purpose statement answer the question of “why” did the researchers conduct this study?

What are two research questions that the researchers might pose? (hint: use the purpose statement with the variables and population of interest to create research questions) NUR 343 Argumentative Nursing Research Paper


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

>>Identify the theoretical/conceptual framework.                                                                                   What is the theoretical/conceptual framework(s)?       

How is the framework related to the problem and population of interest?                                                                                                          What is one question that you have about how the researchers used this framework to support their study?        

Research Design

>>Examine the research study design.

What are two clues that will help you to determine the design types? 

What design type(s) did the researchers use? (use all relevant descriptors)



>>Examine the sampling procedures.

Who was the study sample (participants)?

How did the researchers select the sample?     


Sampling Threats

>>Consider sampling threats.

What sampling threats to internal validity do the authors mention?   

Your ideas for other threats?

What sampling threats to external validity do the authors mention?   

Your ideas for other threats?


>>Consider ethics.

How did the researchers demonstrate use of informed consent?

What are two potential ethical issues that the researchers might have encountered?


Research Instruments

>>Examine the research study instruments.

What are the names of the instrument(s) that the researchers used to collect data?

How did the researchers describe instrument reliability? NUR 343 Argumentative Nursing Research Paper

How did the researchers describe instrument validity?  What types?

What instrument threats to validity do the authors mention? If none, what are your ideas?


Data Collection

>>Consider the data collection procedures.

Who, when, and where did researchers collect data?    

What is your idea about one other data collection method that the researchers might use to collect data about the variables and the population of interest?


Data Analyses

>>Explore the data analysis(es).

What are four familiar data analysis terms that you see in the research report?

What types of descriptive data analysis(es) did the researchers perform?                                                                  

What types of noninferential data analysis(es) did the researchers perform?     

What types of inferential data analysis(es) did the researchers perform?   

How did the study design, sampling methods, and collected data determine the types of data analysis(es)?


>>Explore the findings.

What were the major findings?    

What statistically significant finding(s) did the researchers discuss?     

How did the researchers communicate and display their findings?


Implications for Nursing Practice

>> Consider implications for nursing/interprofessional practice.

What are two implications for nursing practice?

What are two implications for interprofessional practice (i.e., involves other disciplines)?


Implications for Nursing Education

>> Consider implications for nursing education.

What are two ideas about content or clinical experiences that basic nursing education programs should include?    

What are two ideas about content that inservice/continuing education should include?


Recommendations for Research

>>Consider recommendations for future research.

What are two areas that future research should explore?


Constructive Suggestions to Researchers

>>Consider constructive suggestions to researcher(s).                                                                                         Write two constructive suggestions to the researcher(s) (i.e., your ideas about what they could/should add or modify to better meet Nieswiadomy’s recommendations).

What is one question that you still have as a curious investigative consumer of this nursing research report?


Reflections and Creative Idea About Research Critique Experience

>>Reflect about critique experiences.

What are two of your experiences throughout your research critique work?     

Create a mnemonic or acronym to help you remember the process or contents of research critique –even 3 years from now! A mnemonic is a memory aid such as a formula, rhyme, or mental image that helps to remember something. An example of a mnemonic is “My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas” to remember that the order of the planets is Mercury, Venus Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words and pronounced as a separate word (e.g., WAC from Women’s Army Corps).



>>Determine your conclusion texts.

Summarize major points of your entire paper. See critique evaluation rubric for contents of conclusion section of your paper. Use citations.



>>Document references.

Write references that you cited in your critique paper



Template adapted from Nieswiadomy, American Journal of Critical Care (ACCN journals), American Nurses Association (Kaplan), AACN Baccalaureate Essentials NUR 343 Argumentative Nursing Research Paper