Lumbar Puncture Procedure Recommendation for Newborns

Please follow the rubric to answer everything required in the Lumbar Puncture Procedure Recommendation for Newborns paper.

  • VERY IMPORTANT: Critique of each research study:

The critique of each of the research studies (total of 2 studies to be located using Cochrane, cinahl or pubmed please) should include: purpose of the study, study design, description of study sample, results of study, description of how results relevant to the recommended revision.

Assessment of an Advanced Practice Procedure

The purpose of this assignment is for the student to identify and review a procedure that NNPs (and/or neonatologists) perform in their NICU where they work as an RN and suggest improvements to the procedure based on the most current evidence for practice (i.e. research studies).


Steps in the process:

  1. Identify a procedure of interest Lumbar Puncture
  2. Identify the existing policy for the procedure that is used by NNPs and neonatologists in the student’s NICU. My current policy does not use any type of pain medication like lidocaine when performing a Lumbar puncture on infant and only gives sucrose (sugar water with pacifier dips).
  3. Explore the medical literature to identify ways that the procedure could be improved/updated (with the result of improved patient care/safety). Lumbar Puncture Procedure Recommendation for Newborns

I need literature that is no more than 5 years old the oldest it can be in 2015. The one specific recommendation I want to change in my policy is for lidocaine or analgesia for pain during the lumbar procedure

  1. Make ONE SPECIFIC recommendation for policy change for the procedure with support from the current medical literature (two research studies published within the past 5 years that BOTH support the student’s recommendation). An example of a research study is a randomized controlled trial. Do not use None of the following are research studies: quality improvement reports, clinical guidelines/bundles, reports of evidence-based practice projects, meta-analyses. A major part of your grade for this assignment is your ability to identify current research, critique the research, and make an informed recommendation about the need for procedure revision. Because you are being evaluated, you may not ask your instructor to preview your research studies for appropriateness. If you are unclear on what constitutes a research study, refer back to your research text book from N5366. Lumbar Puncture Procedure Recommendation for Newborns



Lumbar Puncture Procedure Recommendation for Newborns Assignment Rubric






·         Brief description of procedure (a few sentences, not a list of the steps of the procedure)

·         Rationale for choosing procedure

·         Identify the providers’ current source for the selected procedure (unit-based policy or published guideline with reference) [NOTE: Do not include the actual procedure or steps in the procedure in this paper.]

Recommendation for Revision

·         Identify the (one) revision being recommended with rationale.

·         Critique of each research study:

The critique of each of the research studies (total of 2 studies) should include: purpose of the study, study design, description of study sample, results of study, description of how results relevant to the recommended revision. Lumbar Puncture Procedure Recommendation for Newborns

NOTE: BOTH studies must support the ONE revision being recommended.


Summarize with a paragraph which includes the recommended revision with rationale and support from the two research studies critiqued in prior section.


NOTE: This section is not percentage correct, but instead, reflects points deducted for each error.

Title page from N5204 course used.

Paper in 12 pt Times New Roman font throughout

Use the headings in this rubric for the paper: Procedure, Recommendation for Revision, Conclusion

Paper in  7th edition APA format including title page, headings citations, and reference list

Sources cited properly. Lumbar Puncture Procedure Recommendation for Newborns

Paper free of errors.

Writing organized, clear, and free of grammatical and spelling errors.

Paper 3-4 pages in length excluding title page and reference list (pages in excess of 4 will not be evaluated toward grade).

Total Lumbar Puncture Procedure Recommendation for Newborns 100