Cultures in Your Community

Cultures in Your Community

Cultures in Your Community. 1st Post Due by Day 3. Choose one of the cultures studied in this class that is prevalent in your community.
• Describe a plan of care for a hospice patient that includes considerations of two of the following: religion, spirituality, folk remedies, Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM), family, or other cultural influences.


• Explain the implications for nursing practice.
Your initial post should be 250-300 words and utilize at least one scholarly source from the University Library, cited in APA format, to justify your choices.
Guided Response: Choose two of your classmates’ posts that reflect on a different culture than your initial post. Address how the factors presented in your peer’s work effect health care decision-making from the patient’s perspective. Address how these factors influence nursing practice.
Provide a substantive response (minimum of 100 words) for each of your replies. List at least one scholarly source, cited in APA format, to support your rationale.