Patterns of recovery following percutaneous coronary interventions NURS 513 CRITIQUE RESEARCH PAPER

Patterns of recovery following percutaneous coronary interventions NURS 513 CRITIQUE RESEARCH PAPER

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Education

University of Hail

College of Nursing

المملكة العربية السعودية

وزارة التعليم

جامـعـة حـائل

كلية التمريض

Advanced Research in Nursing (NURS 513)



Instruction to students:

  1. Use these guidelines to critique your selected research article to be included in your research proposal.
  2. Ask yourself questions about the purpose of each component of the research paper and then critique.
  3. Review the abstract and read the study from beginning to end. Then read it again, critically.
  4. After reading and comprehending the content of the study. You need to identify each step of the research process concisely.
  5. Prepare your report of critique with appropriate headings.

First, for any type of research paper, your critique should include some basic information:

  • Name(s) of the author(s)
  • Title of article
  • Title of journal, volume number, date, month and page numbers
  • Statement of the problem or issue discussed
  • The study Purpose, approach or methods, hypothesis, and major conclusions.


  • The title : Ensure that it indicate what the research is about.
  1. Does the title clearly indicate research problem ?
  2. Is it too long or too short?
  3. Are the variables stated clearly and are there any relationship between them?
  4. Does the title indicate the type of study conducted—descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental, or experimental?
  • Keywords : Key words helps you to identify main areas of focus , must include 3-5 key words .
  1. Does the keywords are written in alphabetic order?
  2. Identify the number of key words and its appropriateness.
  • The abstract: Check carefully whether it includes the problem, assumptions, method of solution, summary of results and maximum in 250 words. The abstract should clearly state the objective, results and the conclusion of the work. Patterns of recovery following percutaneous coronary interventions NURS 513 CRITIQUE RESEARCH PAPER
  1. Does it explain the purpose of the research?
  2. What is the research problem, objectives, research design, sample size sample technique and description about tool and results ?
  3. What conclusions were reached?
  4. Identify the number of words in abstract.
  • The aim: While reading you must ensure that the aim is clearly stated focusing on one idea
  1. Do the research study have a clear idea of what the study tried to achieve?
  2. Is the aim clearly stated focusing on one main idea?
  3. Does it convey the main purpose of the study?
  • The introduction : Read the introduction and you are to critique whether it orientate the background and purpose of the study clearly .
  1. Is the purpose of the study made clear in the introduction ?
  2. Is the topic of the integration important for nursing?
  3. Did the reviewers use adequate efforts to identify relevant studies?
  4. Is the background of the research relevant to the research question? Patterns of recovery following percutaneous coronary interventions NURS 513 CRITIQUE RESEARCH PAPER
  • The literature review:  At this point, you may look for relevant previous studies in the research paper.
  1. Is the literature review focuses on the problem/ research question?
  2. Is the literature review is broad?
  3. Are the references current (number and percentage of sources in the last 5 and 10 years)?
  4. Are the studies described, critically appraised, and synthesized in the own words?
  5. Are the studies from referred journals?
  6. Examine the study framework or theoretical perspective. – 1. Is the framework based on tentative, substantive, or scientific theory? Provide a rationale for your answer.

2.Does the framework identify, define, and describe the relationships among the concepts of interest?

  • Research objectives, questions, or hypotheses:
  1. Are the objectives, research questions, or hypotheses expressed clearly?
  2. Are the objectives, research questions, or hypotheses logically linked to the research purpose, concepts and relationships ?
  3. Are hypotheses stated to direct the conduct of quasi-experimental and experimental research?
  • Variables :
  1. Are the variables are identified in the framework?
  2. Are the variables clearly defined (conceptually and operationally)
  • Design : 1. Review to determine the type of study design. When critically appraising the designs of descriptive and correlational studies, you need to address the following questions:
  1. Is the study design descriptive or correlational?
  2. Does the study design address the study purpose and/or objectives or questions?
  3. Was the sample appropriate for the study?
  4. Is the design used in the study the most appropriate design to obtain the needed data?
  5. When critically appraising the design of a quasi-experimental or experimental study, you need to address the following questions:
  6. Is the study design quasi-experimental or experimental?
  7. Identify the specific type of quasi-experimental or experimental design used in the study.
  8. Review the sampling criteria, sample size, assignment of subjects to groups, and study setting.
  9. Was the study intervention described in detail? Patterns of recovery following percutaneous coronary interventions NURS 513 CRITIQUE RESEARCH PAPER
  10. Is the treatment appropriate for examining the study purpose and hypotheses?
  11. Whether the study dependent variables measured with reliable and valid measurement methods?
  12. Is the design used in the study the most appropriate design to obtain the needed data? b. Does the design provide a means to examine all the objectives, questions, or hypotheses?
  13. Does the study framework explain the links between the treatment (independent variable) and the proposed outcomes (dependent variables)?
  14. Were the treatment and comparison group assignments appropriate for the purpose of the study?
  • Sample, population, and setting :
  1. Is the sampling method adequate to produce a representative sample?
  2. Were the sampling criteria (inclusion and exclusion) appropriate for the type of study conducted ?
  3. Was a power analysis conducted to determine sample size?
  4. Was the attrition rate projected in determining the final sample size?
  5. Are the rights of human subjects protected ?
  6. Is the setting used in the study typical of clinical settings
  7. Do the measurement methods selected for the study adequately measure the study variables?
  • Measurement approaches used in the study:
  1. Are the instruments clearly described?
  2. Are techniques to complete and score the instruments provided?
  3. Are the validity and reliability of the instruments described ?
  4. If the instrument was developed for the study, is the instrument development process described
  5. Observation (1) Is what is to be observed clearly identified and defined? (2) Is interrater reliability described? (3) Are the techniques for recording observations described . Interviews (1) Do the interview questions address concerns expressed in the research problem? (2) Are the interview questions relevant for the research purpose and objectives, questions, or hypotheses? Physiological measures (1) Are the physiological measures or instruments clearly described? If appropriate, are the brand names of the instruments identified? (2) Are the accuracy, precision, and error of the physiological instruments discussed? (3) Are the physiological measures appropriate for the research purpose and objectives, questions, or hypotheses? (4) Are the methods for recording data from the physiological measures clearly described?(5) Is the recording of data consistent?
  • Data collection:
  1. Is the data collection process conducted in a consistent manner?
  2. Are the data collection methods ethical?
  3. Do the data collected address the research objectives, questions, or hypotheses?
  4. Did any adverse events occur during data collection, and were these appropriately managed?
  • Data analysis :
  1. Are data analysis procedures appropriate for the type of data collected?
  2. Are data analysis procedures clearly described?
  3. Did the researcher address any problem with missing data, and explain how this problem was managed?
  4. Do the data analysis techniques address the study purpose and the research objectives, questions, or hypotheses?
  5. Are the results presented in an understandable way by narrative, tables, or figures or a combination of methods (APA)? Patterns of recovery following percutaneous coronary interventions NURS 513 CRITIQUE RESEARCH PAPER
  • Interpretation of findings :
  1. Are findings discussed in relation to each objective, question, or hypothesis?
  2. Are various explanations for significant and nonsignificant findings examined?
  3. Are the findings clinically important ?
  4. Are the findings linked to the study framework ?
  5. Are the findings consistent with the findings of previous studies in this area?
  • Conclusion / implications / suggestions /limitations :
  1. What conclusions did the researchers identify based on their interpretation of the study findings?
  2. Do the conclusions fit the findings from this study and previous studies?
  3. Did the researcher generalize the findings appropriately?
  4. What were the implications of the findings for nursing practice?
  5. Were quality suggestions made for future research ?
  6. What study limitations did the researcher identify?
  • References : References must be in alphabetic in the list of references. The reference in the text should be such as (Authors last name, Year). The complete details of the references will appear in the list of references.

For journal papers, books and conferences papers use the following formats:


  • Author A, Author B, and Author C (1994). Article Title. Journal Name, 1(5): 1–3.
  • Book title, 1st ed., Vol. 2 of Series Title. Publisher Name, Publisher address, Chap. 1, pp. 1– 3. See also URL
  • Article title. In Collection Title, A. Editor, ed., 3rd ed., Vol. 2 of Series title. Publisher Name, Publisher address, May, Chapter 1, pp. 1–3. See also URL
  • Article title. In Proceedings Title, A. Editor and B. Editor, eds., Vol. 1 of Series name, Organization Name, Publisher Name, pp. 1–3. Paper number 1234.
  • Masters thesis A (2003). Thesis Title. MS Thesis, University of Higher Education, Cambridge, MA, May. See also URL
  • Miscellanies (2003). Miscellaneous Title. On the WWW, May. URL
  • PhD thesis A (2003). Thesis Title. PhD Thesis, University of Higher Education, Cambridge, MA, May. See also URL  Patterns of recovery following percutaneous coronary interventions NURS 513 CRITIQUE RESEARCH PAPER