NR 509 Week 7 Assignment: Completion of Immersion Program Exam

NR 509 Week 7 Assignment: Completion of Immersion Program Exam


I’ll note that I don’t see any discolorations or lesions & the head is midline & symmetrical.



Next, I’ll palpate the lymph nodes. I’ll begin with the preauricular lymph nodes & postauricular lymph nodes. Next the occipital lymph nodes. I’ll move forward to palpate the tonsillar lymph nodes, submandibular & submental. I’m palpating the anterior cervical lymph nodes & posterior cervical lymph nodes & lastly the supraclavicular lymph nodes. I don’t feel any enlargement & they’re equal bilaterally. NR 509 Week 7 Assignment: Completion of Immersion Program Exam



I’m testing trigeminal nerve, which is cranial nerve # 5. Palpating over the masseter muscle as the pt clenches the jaw. I don’t feel any distortions & my pt has great strength. Now, I’m testing the sensory portion of the trigeminal nerve. I’ll ask my pt to close your eyes & let me know where you feel my touch. (>> Forehead, right cheek, left cheek, chin, nose)

Next, I’ll test the facial nerve, which is cranial nerve # 7. I’m going to ask you to do some facial expressions. I’m going to have you smile, next, frown for me. Now raise your eyebrows & puff up your cheeks, pucker your lips. I notice all expressions have bilateral symmetry NR 509 Week 7 Assignment: Completion of Immersion Program Exam