Concept of Perfusion Assignment

Concept of Perfusion Assignment

Module 04 M.A.P. Easy as 1, 2, 3

The concept of perfusion is defined as the ability of the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells via the blood through the arteries and capillaries, and in turn picking up cellular waste and carbon dioxide from the cells via the veins.

What is needed to maintain adequate perfusion? An adequate Cardiac Output (CO)! Cardiac Output (CO) is the amount of blood pumped out of the heart every minute. CO=Heart Rate (HR) X SV (Stroke Volume). Stroke volume in turn depends on three factors: preload, afterload and contractility. As CO decreases there will be a decrease in tissue perfusion. Decrease tissue perfusion will lead to clinical manifestation. These manifestations of decreased CO will be seen in all the systems. Other causes of tissue perfusion can be organ specific. Narrowing or local vessels, blood clots, and even dilation can affect perfusion o the local organs.


Risk Factors

Adequate perfusion is needed by all, so everyone has a potential risk for decreased perfusion. Look at the factors that CO depends on (HR, preload, afterload and contractility) can you think of conditions that may affect those?

  • 16-year-old male in a traumatic car accident. That blood loss is affecting his preload.
  • 70-year-old female with Heart failure, the disease process is affecting contractility.
  • 54-year-old male with a massive inferior wall MI that is causing him to have a decreased HR.
  • 60-year-old African American with severe Hypertension, affecting his afterload. Concept of Perfusion Assignment
  • 9-month-old with vomiting and diarrhea will have a decrease in preload.

    Module 04 M.A.P. Easy as 1, 2, 3

    The concept of perfusion is defined as the ability of the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells via the blood through the arteries and capillaries, and in turn picking up cellular waste and carbon dioxide from the cells via the veins.

    What is needed to maintain adequate perfusion? An adequate Cardiac Output (CO)! Cardiac Output (CO) is the amount of blood pumped out of the heart every minute. CO=Heart Rate (HR) X SV (Stroke Volume). Stroke volume in turn depends on three factors: preload, afterload and contractility. As CO decreases there will be a decrease in tissue perfusion. Decrease tissue perfusion will lead to clinical manifestation. These manifestations of decreased CO will be seen in all the systems. Other causes of tissue perfusion can be organ specific. Narrowing or local vessels, blood clots, and even dilation can affect perfusion o the local organs.

    Risk Factors

    Adequate perfusion is needed by all, so everyone has a potential risk for decreased perfusion. Look at the factors that CO depends on (HR, preload, afterload and contractility) can you think of conditions that may affect those?

    • 16-year-old male in a traumatic car accident. That blood loss is affecting his preload.
    • 70-year-old female with Heart failure, the disease process is affecting contractility.
    • 54-year-old male with a massive inferior wall MI that is causing him to have a decreased HR.
    • 60-year-old African American with severe Hypertension, affecting his afterload.
    • 9-month-old with vomiting and diarrhea will have a decrease in preload. Concept of Perfusion Assignment

Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus

Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus

(Student Name)

Miami Regional University

Date of Encounter:

Preceptor/Clinical Site:

Clinical Instructor: Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus

 Soap Note #   Main Diagnosis Diabetes Mellitus type 2



Name: Mr. ET

Age: 56-year-old

Gender at Birth: Female

Gender Identity: Female

Source: Patient

Allergies: Penicillins

Current Medications:

  • Multi-Vitamin Centrum Silver
  • Lisinopril 10 mg daily
  • PMH: HTN

Diabetes mellitus type 2


Preventive Care: Coloscopy 3 years ago (Negative)

Surgical History: laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Family History: Father alive

Mother-alive, 90 years old, Diabetes Mellitus, HTN

Daughter-alive, 21 years old, healthy

Social History: No smoking history or illicit drug use, occasional alcoholic beverage consumption on social celebrations. Retired, widow, she lives alone.


Sexual Orientation: Straight

Nutrition History: Diets off and on

Subjective Data: Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus

Chief Complaint: “I cannot stop to drink water and to pee, I need to see my labs”

Symptom analysis/HPI:

The patient is 56 years old female who complaining of   she cannot stop to drink water and to pee. Patient noticed the problem started 1 month ago and sometimes it is accompanied by anxious for eat. She states that she has been under stress because her daughter for the last month. Patient denies pain, or another symptom. She makes some labs and coming to see the results. Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus


Review of Systems (ROS)

CONSTITUTIONAL: Denies fever or chills. Denies weakness or weight loss. NEUROLOGIC: Headache and dizziness as describe above. Denies changes in LOC. Denies history of tremors or seizures.

HEENT: HEAD: Denies any head injury, or change in LOC. Eyes: Denies any changes in vision, diplopia or blurred vision. Ear: Denies pain in the ears. Denies loss of hearing or drainage. Nose: Denies nasal drainage, congestion. THROAT: Denies throat or neck pain, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing. Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus

RESPIRATORY: Patient denies shortness of breath, cough or hemoptysis.

CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain, tachycardia. No orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal


GASTROINTESTINAL: Denies abdominal pain or discomfort. Denies flatulence, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

GENITOURINARY: Denies hematuria, dysuria or change in urinary frequency. Denies difficulty starting/stopping stream of urine or incontinence.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: Denies falls or pain. Denies hearing a clicking or snapping sound.

SKIN: No change of coloration such as cyanosis or jaundice, no rashes or pruritus.


Objective Data:

VITAL SIGNS and Lab valuesTemperature: 97.5 °F, Pulse: 84, BP: 142/82 mmhg, RR 20, PO2-98% on room air, Ht- fill, Wt fill lb, BMI 37.2. No report pain 0/10.

HbA1C 9.5 %.

Serum creatinine 1.2 mg/dl, add more Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus



GENERAL APPREARANCE: The patient is alert and oriented x 3. No acute distress noted. NEUROLOGIC: Alert, CNII-XII grossly intact, oriented to person, place, and time. Sensation intact to bilateral upper and lower extremities. Bilateral UE/LE strength 5/5.

HEENT: Head: Normocephalic, atraumatic, symmetric, non-tender. Maxillary sinuses no tenderness. Eyes: No conjunctival injection, no icterus, visual acuity and extraocular eye movements intact. No nystagmus noted. Ears: Bilateral canals patent without erythema, edema, or exudate. Bilateral tympanic membranes intact, pearly gray with sharp cone of light. Maxillary sinuses no tenderness. Nasal mucosa moist without bleeding. Oral mucosa moist without lesions,. Lids non-remarkable and appropriate for race. Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus

Neck: supple without cervical lymphadenopathy, no jugular vein distention, no thyroid swelling or masses.

CARDIOVASCULAR: S1S2, regular rate and rhythm, no murmur or gallop noted. Capillary refill < 2 sec.

RESPIRATORY: No dyspnea or use of accessory muscles observed. No egophony, whispered pectoriloquy or tactile fremitus on palpation. Breath sounds presents and clear bilaterally on auscultation.

GASTROINTESTINAL: No mass or hernia observed. Upon auscultation, bowel sounds present in all four quadrants, no bruits over renal and aorta arteries. Abdomen soft non-tender, no guarding, no rebound no distention or organomegaly noted on palpation

MUSKULOSKELETAL: No pain to palpation. Active and passive ROM within normal limits, no stiffness.

INTEGUMENTARY: intact, no lesions or rashes, no cyanosis or jaundice. Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus



Main Diagnosis: Diabetes mellitus type 2 explain why

Obesity, HTN

Differential diagnosis: Put 3 and explain

PLAN: Metformin 500 mg one tablet daily in addition to daily style modifications. This dose can be increased to twice daily as needed or as tolerated every 1 o 2 weeks, until a maximum of 2 grams daily.

Hydrochlorothiazide (thiazide diuretic) 1 tablet daily added to the treatment for HTN to better control. Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus


Labs and Diagnostic Test to be ordered:

  • CMP
  • Complete blood count (CBC)
  • Lipid profile
  • Liver function test (because the metformin requires routine monitoring)
  • Serum creatinine
  • Potassium because the ACE inhibitors requires monitoring of electrolytes
  • Urinalysis with Micro
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG 12 lead)
  • Urine to monitor ketone and glucose


Pharmacological treatment:

  • Hydrochlorothiazide tab 25 mg, Initial dose: 25 mg orally once daily.
  • Lisinopril 10mg PO Daily
  • Metformin tab 500 mg one tablet daily.


Non-Pharmacologic treatment:

  • Weight changes must be done to manage better the Diabetes
  • Healthy diet (DASH dietary pattern): Diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products with reduced content of saturated and trans l fat
  • Reduced intake of dietary sodium: <1,500 mg/d is optimal goal but at least 1,000 mg/d reduction in most adults
  • Enhanced intake of dietary potassium
  • Exercises must be done at least 3 times per week like: walking, swimming or running
  • Measures to release stress and effective coping mechanisms. Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus



  • Provide with nutrition/dietary information.
  • To avoid GI side effects, take the Metformin with foods.
  • Instruction about medication intake compliance.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol: Alcohol has a negative interaction with Metformin and contribute to hyperglycemia.
  • Education of possible complications of Diabetes such as stroke, heart attack, and other problems.
  • Educate to the importance to foot examination and to choose diabetes footwear.


  • Follow up appointment 1 weeks for managing blood sugars: It is important to target levels of A1C less than 7 %, so labs will be every 3 months.
  • Follow up nutritionist to…..

 References(acerca de la enfermedad y el tratamiento, en alfabetico orden, en APA Soap Note Of Diabetes Mellitus


Nursing Diagnosis Assignment

Nursing Diagnosis Assignment

Kacie Benson, a 19 year-old woman, is a client on your unit as a result of a skiing accident. She is unconscious and may or may not regain consciousness. She is on complete bedrest. She requires frequent repositioning to maintain correct body alignment and attention to her ROM. She responds to painful stimuli with slight non-purposeful withdrawal. No spontaneous movements are noted. The recent lower extremity ultrasound showed no evidence of venous thrombosis and she continues on low molecular weight heparin injections. Her fluid and electrolyte balance is being maintained by a tube feeding at 60 mL per hour continuously. She is incontinent of stool and has an indwelling Foley catheter. Her heels are reddened, but otherwise her skin is intact.

Use at least two scholarly sources to support your nursing diagnoses. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format.


Kacie Benson, a 19 year-old woman, is a client on your unit as a result of a skiing accident. She is unconscious and may or may not regain consciousness. She is on complete bedrest. She requires frequent repositioning to maintain correct body alignment and attention to her ROM. She responds to painful stimuli with slight non-purposeful withdrawal. No spontaneous movements are noted. The recent lower extremity ultrasound showed no evidence of venous thrombosis and she continues on low molecular weight heparin injections. Her fluid and electrolyte balance is being maintained by a tube feeding at 60 mL per hour continuously. She is incontinent of stool and has an indwelling Foley catheter. Her heels are reddened, but otherwise her skin is intact. Nursing Diagnosis Assignment

Use at least two scholarly sources to support your nursing diagnoses. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format.

Kacie Benson, a 19 year-old woman, is a client on your unit as a result of a skiing accident. She is unconscious and may or may not regain consciousness. She is on complete bedrest. She requires frequent repositioning to maintain correct body alignment and attention to her ROM. She responds to painful stimuli with slight non-purposeful withdrawal. No spontaneous movements are noted. The recent lower extremity ultrasound showed no evidence of venous thrombosis and she continues on low molecular weight heparin injections. Her fluid and electrolyte balance is being maintained by a tube feeding at 60 mL per hour continuously. She is incontinent of stool and has an indwelling Foley catheter. Her heels are reddened, but otherwise her skin is intact.

Use at least two scholarly sources to support your nursing diagnoses. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format. Nursing Diagnosis Assignment

Leadership Discussion Assignment

Leadership Discussion Assignment


1. Define the concept of leadership and define the concept of management.

2. Explain the five most crucial elements of leadership and management – this will not be the same for everyone.

3. As a Baccalaureate Nurse you will be expected to assume positions as leaders and managers:

a. What characteristics or traits do you have for each position (leader and manager)

b. BE SPECIFIC – describe your traits that are possessed that will enhance BOTH your leadership and managerial abilities.

using 2 sources –  referred journals or leadership textbooks only

The individual leadership versus management paper will be a minimum of 4 pages not including the title page or the reference page. The sources should be from only referred journals or leadership textbooks and there should be ample resources to adequately cover the required information – at least 2 plus your text book. Internet sites and articles that do not have a date or author should not be used.


Title Page

(Page 1)

All components are present

+ Page number is in the upper right-hand corner

+ Appropriate information is contained on the upper half of the title page and includes: name of paper summarizes the main idea of the paper, student name, department name, and university name.

10 Points

All   components are present







10 points

One  component is missing




8  Points

Two of the components are missing



6 Points

Three of the components are missing





4 Points

Four of the components are missing




2 Point

None of the components are present



0 Points

Body of the Paper (Page 2, 3, 4, & 5) All components are present

+ Introductory/conclusion paragraph

+ No spelling or grammatical errors

+ Content is appropriate and logically organized and written in professional & scholarly manner

+Grading rubric attached

+ Paper is at least 4 pages in length without the title page and reference page. Leadership Discussion Assignment


15 Points

All   components are present





15 points

One component is missing

12 Points

Two of the components are missing

9 Points

Three of the components are missing

6 Points

Four of the components are missing

3 Points

None of the components are present

0 Points

In text APA citations All components are present

+ References are cited properly in the text—at least at the end of each paragraph and more often if more than one source utilized within each paragraph (counts as 2 categories).

+ All references citations are correct. (p.254)

+ IF more than three authors, include the name of the first author plus “et. al” in every citation”.

+ Each page has the page number in the header footer section of the upper right corner

+ Other APA guidelines are followed as appropriate ie abbreviations, numbers as words (counts as 2 categories)

+ Only one space after periods/punctuation.


                                                                                    15 points

All   components are present






15 points

One component is missing

12 Points

Two of the components are missing

9 Points

Three of the components are missing

6 Points

Four of the components are missing

3 Points

None of the components are present

0 Points


(Page 6 +)

All components are present

+ A minimum of 3 references

+ There is agreement of text and reference list – all items on the reference page are cited within text.

+ Only referred or peer reviewed journals or textbooks utilized – no websites and no references without an author and date of publication. Must be published within the past 5 years.

+ References are in APA style (make sure in ABC order by the first author listed last name)

+References are accurate and complete

(Personal Communication is cited in text only & does not appear on the reference page.)

                                                                           10 Points                                                                                                                                     

All   components are present



10 points

component is missing

8 Points

Two of the components are missing

6 Points

Three of the components are missing

4 Points

Four of the components are missing

2 Point

None of the components are present

0 Points


Paper content requirements:



Define leadership

Define management



All components are present

Leadership defined

Management defined




                  15 points

  Both concepts defined completely







15 points

Both concepts defined but incomplete or one defined completely and one very minimum definition.

10 points

Both concepts defined but minimum explanation for each





7.5 points

One concept defined










5 points

Neither concept defined or only one concept defined with a minimum explanation





0 points

Explain the five most crucial elements of


And Management

All components are present – Total of 10 elements


Leadership – 5 crucial elements Leadership Discussion Assignment


Management- 5 crucial elements





                  20 points

  Both leadership and management

5 crucial elements given and explained.

(10 total elements)


20 points

5 crucial elements given for each (10 total) category but only one explained completely



15 points

5 crucial elements given for each (10 total) category but neither concept  explained completely


10 points

5 crucial elements given for only one category or given for both but not explained for either







5 points

Missing both required components









0 points

As a Baccalaureate Nurse you will be expected to assume positions as leaders and managers. List your characteristics or traits for



Give examples and Be specific        

15 points

  All components listed and thorough examples are provided



15 points

Components listed but no specific examples given for one role



10 points

Components listed but no specific examples given for either  role



7.5 points

Only components listed







5 points

No components listed


0 points

Leadership Discussion Assignment

Nursing Leadership And Management Homework

Nursing Leadership And Management Homework

Change Theories Project

Note: You will create a PowerPoint slide presentation (not an APA paper) for this assignment. Submit your assignment to the Academic Coach for grading for this module. If you do not submit a PowerPoint slide presentation you will not receive credit for this assignment. Nursing Leadership And Management Homework

Overview: Change Theories Project

Each student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. You will begin by selecting one of the options provided in module one and propose a change to solve the problem. If you do not select one of the provided options you will not receive credit for this assignment. Then you will select one of the change theories you have studied that models how you want to implement the proposed change. You will conduct a SWOT analysis and develop a comprehensive action plan. You will create a PowerPoint presentation of your plan with a “script” in the Notes section below each slide, as if you are presenting this to an audience. These will be your speaker notes as if you are presenting your PowerPoint to an audience. You MUST have a notes section for your slides. There will be a 50 point deduction if notes are not present. (The Notes section can be found below each slide within the PowerPoint presentation).


During and after your work, you will examine the types of communications, decision-making processes, and processes you use, and comment upon those in the last part of the “script.” Nursing Leadership And Management Homework


  1. Select and utilize a change theory model to implement the proposed change (chapter 5)
  2. Analyze the leadership roles and management skills necessary to implement a new
  3. Identify your decision-making
  4. Demonstrate the elements of the change Nursing Leadership And Management Homework


Use this rubric to guide your work.


Criteria Target Acceptable Unacceptable

(8 points)

Clear statement of a scenario (problem) and proposed change and rationale


Statement of a proposed change

(2 points)

No statement of a proposed change


Clear statement of appropriate change theory model to use


Statement of theory model addressed

(4 points)

No statement of theory model


SWOT Analysis

(12 points)

Clear identification of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with implementing or failing to implement the proposed plan

(12 points)

Description of some potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with the proposed plan

(9-10 points)

Missing description of viable strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats associated with proposed plan

(0-8 points)

Action Plan

(40 points)

Each of these components addressed in detail

(5 points each = 40 points)

·      Change Theory Model

·      Steps and processes

·      Communication plan

·      Leadership styles

·      Management functions

·      Budget requirements/ implications

·      Steps to assure staff compliance

·      Evaluation

Each of these components addressed generally

(4 points each = 32 points) (See list under “Target”)

Some components addressed minimally or not at all

(0-2 points each = 16 points maximum)

Decision-Making Process

(15 points)

Analysis of the decision- making process used, including effective/ineffective processes and what you would change in the future

(15 points)

General analysis of the decision-making process used, including effective/ineffective processes or what you would you change in the future

(10-14 points)

Minimal or no analysis of the decision-making process used

(0 -9 points)


(25 points)

At least 3 references to professional literature, with correct APA citations


At least 2 references to professional literature, with mostly correct APA citations


One reference to professional literature, with correct APA citation

(10 points)


Note: There will be automatic 50 point reduction if notes are not included.

Action Plan (Pivotal portion of project)

Your plan will include at least-

  • Supporting rationale for implementing the new
  • Steps and processes necessary to assure staff
  • Ways in which you will communicate your
  • The change process you have chosen with an explanation of how and why this model was
  • A definition of the leadership style you expect to be most
  • What management functions you will
  • Any budget requirements/implications.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of using a work group sending an e-mail announcing the change.
  • A plan for how you will handle noncompliance, late majority, laggards, and rejecters.
  • Specifications regarding how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your

You are expected to use current professional references to support your work throughout. At least two of your references must be from separate professional nursing management journals. Nursing Leadership And Management Homework

Project Presentation

Your presentation should be constructed as follows:

You will open a new PowerPoint presentation and save it to your computer desktop or other storage device with the filename: N4455_ YOURNAME. In the actual file, YOURNAME should be replaced by your name.

The presentation should include slides with the script in the Notes section of each slide. This script reflects what would be said at an oral presentation of the change proposal to key stakeholders. The slides should be created as follows-

Slide 1:            Title Slide – Title and Your Name Slide 2:                        Introduction with chosen 

                       Change Theory

Slide 3:            SWOT Analysis

Identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats associated with implementing or failing to implement the proposed plan.

Slides 4-14:     Action Plan

Discuss the details of the implementation plan. Demonstrate the application of theory to the specific decisions and recommendations. Nursing Leadership And Management Homework

  • Change theory model
  • Steps and processes
  • Communication plan
  • Leadership styles
  • Management functions
  • Budget requirements/implications
  • Steps to assure staff compliance
  • Evaluation

Slide 15:          Decision-making process

Analyze the decision-making process used. What was effective or ineffective and what would you change in the future? (Note-Your slides should be indicative of what would be used in the presentation to the stakeholders, and the script in the Notes section should describe to the stakeholders how you arrived at decisions. Then, also in the Notes, describe in parentheses the effective and ineffective methods or situations involved in your work. You would probably not go into such details in your presentation to stakeholders!) Nursing Leadership And Management Homework

Slide 16:          References


Throughout: Minimum of three APA references, correct APA format, spelling, and grammar

Individual Professional Practice Document: Scope Of Practice Assignment

Individual Professional Practice Document: Scope Of Practice Assignment

 Student’s Name





 The Advanced Practice Registered Nurses domain is an essential part of the healthcare system. They are important for caring for patients’ current and future needs and ensuring patient safety. The APRN division includes certified nurse midwives, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse midwives, and certified nurse practitioners. Although every profession has a distinct context and history, they share a commonality as APRNs. Every state has its specifications for the APRN scope of practice. They are at the forefront of public healthcare preventive services. They treat and diagnose illnesses, manage chronic illnesses, advise the commute on health issues, and participate in continuous education that helps them stay ahead in the healthcare industry’s methodological, technological, and other essential departments.

Nurse practitioners are responsible for providing acute, primary and specialty healthcare across the lifespan with the help of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injures caused by various factors such as accidents. Certified Nurse-Midwives are at the forefront of providing reproductive and gynecological healthcare. On the other hand, clinical nurse specialists take part in providing diagnosis, treatment, and continuous management of patients (ANA, n.d). They are also responsible for providing support to nurses caring for patients, hoping to drive practice changes throughout organizations and ensure the most outstanding evidence-based care and practices to achieve the most conceivable positive outcomes for patients.


Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist handles the provision of pain management and anesthesia services. APRN’s are educated around several population foci, including pediatrics, adult-gerontology, neonatal, health or gender-related or mental health, and individual and family across lifespan. This means that if, for example, an APRN is working their role as a pediatric nurse practitioner, they practice around the pediatric population. ARN licensure is given at the population and role-focused levels, although Students can enter healthcare areas outside the population and role foci.

An APRN denotes a currently licensed Massachusetts Registered Nurse (RN) in Massachusetts. The nurse is mandated to have current authorization from the board to carry out their advanced practice. Some of the APRN activities encompass examining, assessing, making diagnoses, treating, prescribing, and making referrals for patients they come into contact with who have undifferentiated issues. They deal with individuals presenting with acute diseases, trauma, and life-threatening events requiring rehabilitative or palliative service. The state recognizes the four APRN roles, including Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Certified Nurse Midwife, Certified Nurse Practitioner, and Certified Nurse Specialist.  Individual Professional Practice Document: Scope Of Practice Assignment

The consensus model is an even framework of directives focused on advanced nursing practice future, fashioned to make even the interrelations among licensee, accreditation, certification, and education. The clarity from the model is projected to advantage nurses and improve patient care. The model provides uniformity that allows APRNs to fully practice within their education and licensure and offer new opportunities for nurses by easing mobility across the state lines (ANCC, n.d). It is a product of the collaboration of numerous nursing organizations interested in creating a more uniform nursing practice. It defines the four APRN roles. APRNs will be affected by this change positively because it focuses on increasing their job satisfaction by providing individuals with an opportunity to practice more independently. Therefore, they need to keep their certification current because it will allow them to be flexible as the change continues to unfold throughout numerous states, including Massachusetts. This model involves regulatory changes that affect various states’ licensure and certification requirements. Thus, APRNs need to track state-specific updates to remain updated about the changing regulations.

The state of Massachusetts is meeting the components of the consensus model with a total of 24 points. The state’s APRN title points are four, four for the roles, zero for licensure and authorization to practice, four for education, and four for certification (NCSBN, n.d). When it comes to independent practice, the four roles have each one point and one point for each role concerning independent prescribing (NCSBN, n.d). The State’s Nurse Practice Act establishes the conditions under which Registered Nurses can practice, and the nursing board can authorize them to practice as APRNs. It outlines various principles governing scope, clinical practice, supervision, collaboration, accountability, and supervision. For example, APRNs are mandated not to present to thulium as ARNs unless they have complied with the requirement and are authorized by the board to practice (MASS, n.d). Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists must be eligible for board authorization through a valid license as a Massachusetts registered nurse and excellent moral character. The Nurse Practice Act outlines the various requirements for every nursing role, looking at areas of eligibility such as education, conduct, and licensure, to practice under the various roles that form part of the APRN structure. Therefore, all individuals in Massachusetts who want to practice as APRNs have to pass all the requirements.

In addition, the act mandated that every APRN is accountable for their actions, nursing judgment, and competency. They can only practice in the clinical category they have attained and maintained certification and their scope of practice to meet the standards outlined by the boards they are affiliated to. The act also touches on prescriptive practice and lays down the various rules that professionals must follow and the requirements they must satisfy to qualify to engage in prescriptive practice within the state of Massachusetts. This act might differ between states because the requirements vary from state to state. However, the act is important to ensure that APRNs are fully eligible and qualified to practice and offer services. This is essential for patient safety and quality improvement in healthcare


American Nurses Association. (ANA). (n.d). Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN). Retrieved From:

American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). (n.d). Consensus Model for APRN Regulation FAQs. Retrieved From:

MASS. (n.d). Massachusetts General Laws. Retrieved From:

NCSBN. (n.d). APRN Consensus Implementation Status. Retrieved From:

Individual Professional Practice Document: Scope Of Practice Assignment

Familial Health Traditions

Familial Health Traditions


  1. Read and follow the directions on pages 160 and 161.
  2. Conduct an interview with an older family member.
  3. Summarize your findings regarding familial and social changes, and your ethnocultural and religiousheritage. (Include one example)
  4. Your paper should be:
    • One (1) page
    • Typed according to APA style for margins, formating and spacing standards
      • See NUR3045 – Library (located on left-side on menu) for tutorial Using APA Style
    • Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file.


Unit I focuses on the background knowledge one must recognize as the foundation for developing CULTURALCOMPETENCY.
■ Chapter 1 presents an overview of the significant content related to the
on-going development of the concepts of cultural and linguistic competency as it is described by several different organizations.
■ Chapter 2 explores the concept of cultural heritage and history and the
roles they play in one’s perception of health and illness. This exploration
xiv ■ Preface
is first outlined in general terms: What is culture? How is it transmitted? What is ethnicity? What is religion? How do they affect a person’s
health? What major sociocultural events occurred during the life trajectory of a person that may influence his or her personal health beliefs Familial Health Traditions
and practices?
■ Chapter 3 presents a discussion of the diversity—demographic, immigration, and poverty—that impacts on the delivery of and access to
health care. The backgrounds of each of the U.S. Census Bureau’s categories of the population, an overview of immigration, and an overview
of issues relevant to poverty are presented.
■ Chapter 4 reviews the provider’s knowledge of his or her own perceptions, needs, and understanding of health and illness.
Unit II explores the domains of HEALTH, blends them with one’s personal
heritage, and contrasts them with the Allopathic Philosophy.
■ Chapter 5 introduces the concept of HEALTH and develops the concept in broad and general terms. The HEALTH Traditions Model is presented, as are natural methods of HEALTH maintenance and protection.
■ Chapter 6 explores the concept of HEALTH restoration or HEALING and
the role that faith plays in the context of HEALING, or magico-religious,
traditions. This is an increasingly important issue, which is evolving to a
point where the health care provider must have some understanding of
this phenomenon. Familial Health Traditions
■ Chapter 7 discusses family heritage and explores personal and familial
HEALTH traditions. It includes an array of familial health/HEALTH beliefs and practices shared by people from many different heritages.
■ Chapter 8 focuses on the health care provider culture and the allopathic
health care delivery system.
Once the study of each of these components has been completed, Unit III
(Chapters 9 to 13) moves on to explore selected population groups in more detail, to portray a panorama of traditional HEALTH and ILLNESS beliefs and practices, and to present relevant health care issues.
Chapter 14 is devoted to an overall analysis of the book’s contents and
how best to apply this knowledge in health care delivery, health planning, and
health education, for both the patient and the health care professional.
Each chapter in the text opens with images relevant to the chapter’s topic. They
may be viewed in the CULTURALCARE Museum on the accompanying web page.
These pages cannot do full justice to the richness of any one culture or
any one health/HEALTH belief system. By presenting some of the beliefs and
practices and suggesting background reading, however, the book can begin to
inform and sensitize the reader to the needs of a given group of people. It can
also serve as a model for developing cultural knowledge of populations that are
not included in this text. Familial Health Traditions
There is so much to be learned. Countless books and articles have now
appeared that address these problems and issues. It is not easy to alter attitudes
Preface ■ xv
and beliefs or stereotypes and prejudices, to change a person’s philosophy.
Some social psychologists state that it is almost impossible to lose all of one’s
prejudices, yet alterations can be made. I believe the health care provider must
develop the ability to deliver CULTURALCARE and knowledge regarding personal fundamental values regarding health/HEALTH and illness/ILLNESS. With
acceptance of one’s own values come the framework and courage to accept
the existence of differing values. This process of realization and acceptance can
enable the health care provider to be instrumental in meeting the needs of the
consumer in a collaborative, safe, and professional manner.
This book is written primarily for the student in basic allied health professional programs, nursing, medical, social work, and other health care provider
disciplines. I believe it will be helpful also for providers in all areas of practice,
especially community health, long-term oncology, chronic care settings, and geriatric and hospice centers. I am attempting to write in a direct manner and to use
language that is understandable by all. The material is sensitive, yet I believe that
it is presented in a sensitive manner. At no point is my intent to create a vehicle
for stereotyping. I know that one person will read this book and nod, “Yes, this is
how I see it,” and someone else of the same background will say, “No, this is not
correct.” This is the way it is meant to be. It is incomplete by intent. It is written
in the spirit of open inquiry, so that an issue may be raised and so that clarification of any given point will be sought from the patient as health care is provided.
The deeper I travel into this world of cultural diversity, the more I wonder at the
variety. It is wonderfully exciting. By gaining insight into the traditional attitudes
that people have toward health and health care, I found my own nursing practice
was enhanced, and I was better able to understand the needs of patients and their
families. It is thrilling to be able to meet, to know, and to provide care to people
from all over the world and every walk of life. It is the excitement of nursing. As
we go forward in time, I hope that these words will help you, the reader, develop
CULTURALCARE skills and help you provide the best care to all.
You don’t need a masterpiece to get the idea. Familial Health Traditions
—Pablo Picasso
■ Features
■ Research on Culture and Health. As evidence-based practice grows
in importance, its application is expected in all aspects of health care.
This special feature spotlights how current research informs and impacts cultural awareness and competence.
■ Unit and Chapter Objectives. Each unit and chapter opens with objectives to direct the reader when studying.
■ Unit Exercises and Activities. The beginning of each unit provides exercises and activities related to the topic. Questions stimulate reflective
xvi ■ Preface
consideration of the reader’s own family and cultural history as well as
to develop an awareness of one’s own biases.
■ Figures, Tables, and Boxes. Throughout the book are photographs,
illustrations, tables, and boxes that exemplify and expand on information referenced in the chapter. Familial Health Traditions
■ Health Traditions Imagery. These symbolic images are used to link
the chapters. The images were selected to awaken you to the richness of
a given heritage and the practices inherent within both modern and traditional cultures, as well as the beliefs surrounding health and HEALTH.
(HEALTH, when written this way, is defined as the balance of the person,
both within one’s being—physical, mental, spiritual—and in the outside
world—natural, familial and communal, metaphysical.)
■ Keeping Up. Selected resources that present information that is frequently published in a timely manner to keep you abreast of data, on
such topics as poverty, income, immigration, and so forth, as the facts
and figures change. This is a new feature for this edition.
■ Supplemental Resources
■ CulturalCare Guide. Previously available as a separate booklet, the
contents of this helpful guide are now available for downloading on
the Companion Website. The guide includes the Heritage Assessment Tool, Cultural Phenomena Affecting Health Care, CulturalCare
Etiquette, and other assessment tools and guides.
■ Companion Website. The Companion
Website includes a wealth of supplemental material to accompany each
chapter. In addition to the complete contents of the CulturalCare
Guide, the site presents chapter-related review questions, case studies,
exercises, and MediaLinks to provide additional information. Panorama
of Health and Illness videos accompany many chapters, and a glossary
of terms appears for each chapter. Also included is a collection of the
author’s photographs and culturally significant images in the CULTURALCARE Museum. Familial Health Traditions
■ Instructor’s Resource Center. Available to instructors adopting the
book are PowerPoint Lecture Slides and a complete testbank available
for downloading from the Instructor’s Resource Center, which can be
accessed through the online catalog.
■ Online Course Management. Built to accompany Cultural Diversity
in Health and Illness are online course management systems available
for Blackboard, WebCT, Moodle, Angel, and other platforms. For
more information, contact your Pearson Education sales representative. Familial Health Traditions

Policy Evaluation Analysis Assignment

Policy Evaluation Analysis Assignment

To Prepare:

  • Review the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources.
  • Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.
  • Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.


Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. References at least 4. Be sure to address the following:

  • Introduction
  • Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes.
  • How was the success of the program or policy measured?
  • How many people were reached by the program or policy selected?
  • How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?
  • At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?
  • What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?
  • What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?
  • What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.
  • Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?
  • Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not? Policy Evaluation Analysis Assignment
  • Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation.
  • Conclusion

Plagiarism free…… thank you

Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  • Chapter 7, “Health Policy and Social Program Evaluation” (pp. 116–124 only)To Prepare:
    • Review the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources.
    • Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.
    • Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.


Omics research ethics considerations – Nursing Outlook

Leading by Success: Impact of a Clinical & Translational Research Infrastructure Program to Address Health Inequities (

Policy Evaluation Analysis Assignment

Mental Health Assignment

Mental Health Assignment

Professional Development

  • Write a 1000-word APA reflection essay of your experience with the Shadow Health virtual assignment(s). At least two scholarly sources in addition to your textbook should be utilized. Answers to the following questions may be included in your reflective essay:
    • What went well in your assessment?
    • What did not go so well? What will you change for your next assessment?
    • What findings did you uncover?


    • What questions yielded the most information? Why do you think these were effective? Mental Health Assignment
    • What diagnostic tests would you order based on your findings?
    • What differential diagnoses are you currently considering?
    • What patient teaching were you able to complete? What additional patient teaching is needed?
    • Would you prescribe any medications at this point? Why or why not? If so, what?
    • How did your assessment demonstrate sound critical thinking and clinical decision making? Mental Health Assignment



Throughout your training we are committed to your learning by providing a training and assessment framework that ensures the knowledge gained through training is translated into practical on the job improvements.

You are going to be assessed for:

  • Your skills and knowledge using written and observation activities that apply to your workplace.
  • Your ability to apply your learning.
  • Your ability to recognise common principles and actively use these on the job.

All of your assessment and training is provided as a positive learning tool. Your assessor will guide your learning and provide feedback on your responses to the assessment materials until you have been deemed competent in this unit. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS


How you will be assessed

The process we follow is known as competency-based assessment. This means that evidence of your current skills and knowledge will be measured against national standards of best practice, not against the learning you have undertaken either recently or in the past. Some of the assessment will be concerned with how you apply your skills and knowledge in your workplace, and some in the training room as required by each unit.

The assessment tasks have been designed to enable you to demonstrate the required skills and knowledge and produce the critical evidence to successfully demonstrate competency at the required standard.

Your assessor will ensure that you are ready for assessment and will explain the assessment process.  Your assessment tasks will outline the evidence to be collected and how it will be collected, for example; a written activity, case study, or demonstration and observation.

The assessor will also have determined if you have any special needs to be considered during assessment. Changes can be made to the way assessment is undertaken to account for special needs and this is called making Reasonable Adjustment. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS


What happens if your result is ‘Not Yet Competent’ for one or more assessment tasks?

Our assessment process is designed to answer the question “has the desired learning outcome been achieved yet?” If the answer is “Not yet”, then we work with you to see how we can get there.

In the case that one or more of your assessments has been marked ‘NYC’, your trainer will provide you with the necessary feedback and guidance, in order for you to resubmit your responses.


What if you disagree on the assessment outcome?

You can appeal against a decision made in regards to your assessment.   An appeal should only be made if you have been assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent’ against a specific unit and you feel you have sufficient grounds to believe that you are entitled to be assessed as competent. You must be able to adequately demonstrate that you have the skills and experience to be able to meet the requirements of units you are appealing the assessment of.

Your trainer will outline the appeals process, which is available to the student. You can request a form to make an appeal and submit it to your trainer, the course coordinator, or the administration officer. The RTO will examine the appeal and you will be advised of the outcome within 14 days. Any additional information you wish to provide may be attached to the appeal form.


What if I believe I am already competent before training?

If you believe you already have the knowledge and skills to be able to demonstrate competence in this unit, speak with your trainer, as you may be able to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS


Assessor Responsibilities

Assessors need to be aware of their responsibilities and carry them out appropriately.  To do this they need to:

  • Ensure that participants are assessed fairly based on the outcome of the language, literacy and numeracy review completed at enrolment.
  • Ensure that all documentation is signed by the student, trainer, workplace supervisor and assessor when units and certificates are complete, to ensure that there is no follow-up required from an administration perspective.
  • Ensure that their own qualifications are current.
  • When required, request the manager or supervisor to determine that the student is ‘satisfactorily’ demonstrating the requirements for each unit. ‘Satisfactorily’ means consistently meeting the standard expected from an experienced operator.
  • When required, ensure supervisors and students sign off on third party assessment forms or third party report.
  • Follow the recommendations from moderation and validation meetings.

How should I format my assessments?

Your assessments should be typed in a 11 or 12 size font for ease of reading. You must include a footer on each page with the student name, unit code and date. Your assessment needs to be submitted as a hardcopy or electronic copy as requested by your trainer.  ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS


How long should my answers be?

The length of your answers will be guided by the description in each assessment, for example:

Type of Answer Answer Guidelines


Short Answer 4 typed lines = 50 words, or

5 lines of handwritten text

Long Answer 8 typed lines = 100 words, or

10 lines of handwritten text =  of a foolscap page

Brief Report 500 words = 1 page typed report, or

50 lines of handwritten text = 1foolscap handwritten pages

Mid Report 1,000 words = 2 page typed report

100 lines of handwritten text = 3 foolscap handwritten pages

Long Report 2,000 words = 4 page typed report

200 lines of handwritten text = 6 foolscap handwritten pages


How should I reference the sources of information I use in my assessments?

Include a reference list at the end of your work on a separate page. You should reference the sources you have used in your assessments in the Harvard Style. For example:

Website Name – Page or Document Name, Retrieved insert the date. Webpage link.

For a book: Author surname, author initial Year of publication, Title of book, Publisher, City, State ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS


assessment guide

The following table shows you how to achieve a satisfactory result against the criteria for each type of assessment task.

Assessment Method Satisfactory Result Non-Satisfactory Result
You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for the unit. The assessment process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are required to achieve a satisfactory result in each of these to be deemed competent overall. Your assessment may include the following assessment types.
Questions All questions answered correctly Incorrect answers for one or more questions
Answers address the question in full; referring to appropriate sources from your workbook and/or workplace Answers do not address the question in full. Does not refer to appropriate or correct sources.
Third Party Report Supervisor or manager observes work performance and confirms that you consistently meet the standards expected from an experienced operator Could not demonstrate consistency. Could not demonstrate the ability to achieve the required standard
Written Activity The assessor will mark the activity against the detailed guidelines/instructions Does not follow guidelines/instructions
Attachments if requested are attached Requested supplementary items are not attached
All requirements of the written activity are addressed/covered. Response does not address the requirements in full; is missing a response for one or more areas.
Responses must refer to appropriate sources from your workbook and/or workplace One or more of the requirements are answered incorrectly.

Does not refer to or utilise appropriate or correct sources of information

Observation All elements, criteria, knowledge and performance evidence and critical aspects of evidence, are demonstrated at the appropriate AQF level Could not demonstrate elements, criteria, knowledge and performance evidence and/or critical aspects of evidence, at the appropriate AQF level
Case Study All comprehension questions answered correctly; demonstrating an application of knowledge of the topic case study. Lack of demonstrated comprehension of the underpinning knowledge (remove) required to complete the case study questions correctly.  One or more questions are answered incorrectly.
Answers address the question in full; referring to appropriate sources from your workbook and/or workplace Answers do not address the question in full; do not refer to appropriate sources.



Assessment cover sheet

Assessment Cover Sheet
Student’s name:  
Assessors Name:   Date:
Is the Student ready for assessment? Yes No
Has the assessment process been explained? Yes No
Does the Student understand which evidence is to be collected and how? Yes No
Have the Student’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? Yes No
Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during assessment? Yes No
The following documents must be completed and attached
Written Activity Checklist

The student will complete the written activity provided to them by the assessor.

The Written Activity Checklist will be completed by the assessor.

Observation / Demonstration

The student will demonstrate a range of skills and the assessor will observe where appropriate to the unit.

The Observation Checklist will be completed by the assessor.

Questioning Checklist

The student will answer a range of questions either verbally or written.

The Questioning Checklist will be completed by the assessor.

I agree to undertake assessment in the knowledge that information gathered will only be used for professional development purposes and can only be accessed by the RTO:
Overall Outcome                                          oCompetent                   oNot yet Competent
Student Signature: Date:
Assessor Signature: Date:




written activity

For this assessment, you will need to perform the following tasks. These tasks will need to be completed and submitted in a professional, word processed, format. Each question must be 100 words minimum in length.

  1. Discuss the basic human needs that we all have.
These are the basic human needs that every human being have:

1.      Physical: Physical needs

2.      Psychological

3.      Spiritual: Ceremonial observances

Formal and informal religious observance

Need for privacy

Need for an appropriate environment to reflect and / or participate in spiritual activities

Culturally appropriate spiritual support assists care recipients to express their unique spirituality in an open and non-judgemental environment by helping them to maintain important practices, beliefs and networks


In all cases when working in a community service or health environment you will need to consider and respect a person’s social, cultural and spiritual differences if you are going to work with them effectively

Ceremonial and festive observances

 Dress and dietary observance

 Need for continued interaction with cultural communityIt is then the care workers role to ensure that dignity is respected by giving them the privacy they require.

It is important that you ensure your work practices accommodate a client’s modesty and privacy according to cultural requirements.

Accept cultural and religious ceremonies and link in to them

Celebrate different cultures by sharing food from that culture or having cultural days

Get guest speakers to talk about different cultures

Learn a language (even a few words) to make people feel more welcome

5.      Sexual: From the discussion above, it is clear that you should avoid imposing your own values and attitudes regarding sexuality on others, including your clients. Your own values may not be consistent with those of your client, and if you impose these conflicting values on your client this can cause them problems – including psychological harm. RECOGNISE, RESPECT AND ACCOMMODATE THE PERSON’S EXPRESSIONS OF IDENTITY AND SEXUALITY AS APPROPRIATE IN THE CONTEXT OF THEIR AGE OR STAGE OF LIFEA client’s circumstances may have a significant impact on their expression of identity and sexuality. Expression of identity and sexuality may include: ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS

Access to assistive / protective devices

Love and affection

Need for privacy and discretion

Physical appearance



  1. Discuss the concept of self-actualisation.
Maslow’s hierarchy reflects a linear pattern of growth depicted in a direct pyramidal order of ascension. Moreover, he states that self-actualizing individuals are able to resolve dichotomies such as that reflected in the ultimate contrary of free-will and determinism. He also contends that self-actualizers are highly creative, psychologically robust individuals. It is argued herein that a dialectical transcendence of ascension toward self-actualization better describes this type of self-actualization, and even the mentally ill, whose psychopathology correlates with creativity, have the capacity to self-actualize.

Maslow’s hierarchy is described as follows:

1. Physiological needs, such as needs for food, sleep and air.

2. Safety, or the needs for security and protection, especially those that emerge from social or political instability.

3. Belonging and love including, the needs of deficiency and selfish taking instead of giving, and unselfish love that is based upon growth rather than deficiency.

4. Needs for self-esteem, self-respect, and healthy, positive feelings derived from admiration.

5. And “being” needs concerning creative self-growth, engendered from fulfillment of potential and meaning in life. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS


  1. Outline human development across the lifespan.
Which stage of life is the most important? Some might claim that infancy is the key stage, when a baby’s brain is wide open to new experiences that will influence all the rest of its later life. Others might argue that it’s adolescence or young adulthood, when physical health is at its peak. Many cultures around the world value late adulthood more than any other, arguing that it is at this stage that the human being has finally acquired the wisdom necessary to guide others. Who is right? The truth of the matter is that every stage of life is equally significant and necessary for the welfare of humanity. In my book The Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life, I’ve written that each stage of life has its own unique “gift” to contribute to the world. We need to value each one of these gifts if we are to truly support the deepest needs of human life. Here are what I call the twelve gifts of the human life cycle:

1. Prebirth: Potential – The child who has not yet been born could become anything – a Michaelangelo, a Shakespeare, a Martin Luther King – and thus holds for all of humanity the principle of what we all may yet become in our lives.

2. Birth: Hope – When a child is born, it instills in its parents and other caregivers a sense of optimism; a sense that this new life may bring something new and special into the world. Hence, the newborn represents the sense of hope that we all nourish inside of ourselves to make the world a better place.

3. Infancy (Ages 0-3): Vitality – The infant is a vibrant and seemingly unlimited source of energy. Babies thus represent the inner dynamo of humanity, ever fueling the fires of the human life cycle with new channels of psychic power.

4. Early Childhood (Ages 3-6): Playfulness – When young children play, they recreate the world anew. They take what is and combine it with the what is possible to fashion events that have never been seen before in the history of the world. As such, they embody the principle of innovation and transformation that underlies every single creative act that has occurred in the course of civilization.

5. Middle Childhood (Ages 6-8): Imagination – In middle childhoood, the sense of an inner subjective self develops for the first time, and this self is alive with images taken in from the outer world, and brought up from the depths of the unconscious. This imagination serves as a source of creative inspiration in later life for artists, writers, scientists, and anyone else who finds their days and nights enriched for having nurtured a deep inner life.

6. Late Childhood (Ages 9-11): Ingenuity – Older children have acquired a wide range of social and technical skills that enable them to come up with marvelous strategies and inventive solutions for dealing with the increasing pressures that society places on them. This principle of ingenuity lives on in that part of ourselves that ever seeks new ways to solve practical problems and cope with everyday responsibilities.

7. Adolescence (Ages 12-20): Passion – The biological event of puberty unleashes a powerful set of changes in the adolescent body that reflect themselves in a teenager’s sexual, emotional, cultural, and/or spiritual passion. Adolescence passion thus represents a significant touchstone for anyone who is seeking to reconnect with their deepest inner zeal for life.

8. Early Adulthood (Ages 20-35): Enterprise – It takes enterprise for young adults to accomplish their many responsibilities, including finding a home and mate, establishing a family or circle of friends, and/or getting a good job. This principle of enterprise thus serves us at any stage of life when we need to go out into the world and make our mark.

9. Midlife (Ages 35-50): Contemplation – After many years in young adulthood of following society’s scripts for creating a life, people in midlife often take a break from worldly responsibilities to reflect upon the deeper meaning of their lives, the better to forge ahead with new understanding. This element of contemplation represents an important resource that we can all draw upon to deepen and enrich our lives at any age.

10. Mature Adulthood (Ages 50-80): Benevolence – Those in mature adulthood have raised families, established themselves in their work life, and become contributors to the betterment of society through volunteerism, mentorships, and other forms of philanthropy. All of humanity benefits from their benevolence. Moreover, we all can learn from their example to give more of ourselves to others.

11. Late Adulthood (Age 80+): Wisdom – Those with long lives have acquired a rich repository of experiences that they can use to help guide others. Elders thus represent the source of wisdom that exists in each of us, helping us to avoid the mistakes of the past while reaping the benefits of life’s lessons.

12. Death & Dying: Life – Those in our lives who are dying, or who have died, teach us about the value of living. They remind us not to take our lives for granted, but to live each moment of life to its fullest, and to remember that our own small lives form of a part of a greater whole. 5 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS


  1. Define each of the following:
    1. Spiritual Wellbeing
    2. Cultural Wellbeing
    3. Financial Wellbeing
    4. Career/occupation Wellbeing
a. An important part of respecting cultural and spiritual preferences is to provide your clients with information on the cultural and spiritual networks available to them. Networks may include:

 Advocates

 Carers

 Clergy / pastoral care providers

 Family members

 Friends

 Veteran’s / war widow organisations

To be able to provide information to your clients on the cultural and spiritual networks available to them, it is important that you are aware of the cultural and spiritual networks available in your local community (including both existing and new, as they occur). As noted above, networking – that is, engaging – with other professionals in the community services and in related fields is important in this respect, as these networks will be able to provide you with valuable information on events and services which might be suitable for your clients. Also, as discussed, you may research suitable opportunities online and in local newspapers / magazines, etc.

b. Cultural issues may also be affecting your client’s ability to socialise and therefore may be impacting on their well-being. People in care often have limited ability to socialise due to illness or incapacitation but in some cases, there may be language barriers that can affect people. English may not be their first language and it is possible that they are isolated because of this. Of course, these two issues are not the only ones that can impact of mental and physical well-being. You should consider all aspects of the person if you notice a deterioration in


CHCCCS023 – Support independence and wellbeing Version 2

Course code and name

mental and physical health in your clients and record and report them to your supervisor.

c. It is a well-known fact that people who are struggling financially have a higher rate of illness than those who are not. You may often find that the well-being of your client’s is affected by the financial struggles they face. People who need home care do not work, perhaps live on disability income or aged pensions, where their disposable income is limited. People often isolate themselves because they do not have the finances to be socially active. This can increase depression and physical illness in your clients. If you recognise signs of mental illness, depression or other signs that might be negatively impacting your client, consider their financial state as at least one aspect that could be impacting their well-being. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS


  1. What are the basic requirements for good health for every person?
Mental health

o Nutrition and hydration

o Exercise

o Hygiene

o Lifestyle

o Oral health


  1. What are the signs of mental health or developmental issues and the risk and protective factors?
Gross motor signs:

 Has a markedly clumsy manner when compared with others of same age

Vision signs:

 Has difficulty following objects (or people) with eyes

Hearing signs:

 Fails to develop sounds or words that would be appropriate for their age

Signs of mental health issues may include but are not limited to:

 Changes in cognition:

o Hallucinations or delusions

o Excessive fears or suspiciousness (paranoia)

o Confused thinking

 Changes in mood:

o Loss of interest in once pleasurable activities

o Thinking or talking about suicide

 Changes in behaviour:

o Bizarre behaviour (strange posturing, ritualistic behaviour)

o Intention harming or killing of animals (especially in children)

o Hyperactivity

o Physical changes:

o Deterioration in hygiene or personal care

o Unexplained weight gains or loss

o Sleeping too much or being unable to sleep

Consultation and questioning of the client should be conducted in an exploratory and clinically professional manner at all times, if you feel that a client is presenting with issues that are outside your scope of responsibility or expertise then appropriate referrals must be made in line with organisational, legal and ethical guidelines.



  1. Service delivery models and standards
Integrated service delivery refers to a number of service agencies working together to collaborate and coordinate their support, services and interventions to clients. The focus is generally on clients, or client target groups, who have complex needs that require services from a number of agencies. Some efforts may be one-off, but more typically, there will be a system developed that enables agencies to meet or communicate and possibly streamline processes, to provide ongoing coordination.

 The primary purpose of integrated service delivery approaches is to improve outcomes for our clients. How this is achieved, and the factors that are important, will vary according to the service settings, agency capabilities and specific needs of the clients. They may include:

 Improving communication between agencies to monitor client progress and changes and be more responsive to these.

 Identifying areas of duplication, working at cross-purposes, or what is creating confusion for clients about who is doing what.

 Developing one plan for the client which includes the work being done by/with all agencies. This plan may also include actions and responsibilities the client agrees to do.

 Building understanding and capacity between the agencies – such as sharing practice frameworks and legal and funding limitations – so they can work together more effectively and generally support each other in their service delivery.

 Identifying systematic issues that create problems for clients, and for services in their efforts to meet client needs. This may include identification of client groups or needs that “fall between the gaps”. Ideally, there will be a process whereby these issues can be brought to the attention of decision-makers.

 Development of streamlined processes which can provide more seamless services to clients, such as a common referral or assessment process.7

There are also governance and management rules that apply to community service organisations. For access to all the current standards please go to:,-guidelines-and-legislation/human-services-standards-evidence-guide-and-resource-tool ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS


  1. What are the relevant funding models that are used in health and community services

Flexible Funding models have been created to provide a new flexible way to fund many of the nation’s health priorities.

The creation of the Funds will, over time, reduce red tape, increase flexibility and more efficiently provide evidence-based funding for the delivery of better health outcomes in the community.

For further information on flexible funding models go to:


A fundamental principle of the new block funding arrangements is that changes to the service mix will be determined at the local level and negotiated between organisations and the Department of Health.

Changes should focus on the local community’s needs but also take into account broader health objectives, along with the capacity of the ACCHO.

Each ‘ACCO Services’ activity or ‘bucket’ includes sub activities that describe the programs or ‘jam jars’.

In a block funding model, ACCHOs will have the flexibility to move funds from one ‘bucket’ to another, as well as have one ‘jam jar’ to another, to address local priorities.

The service standards and guidelines for each program area will still apply.

For a full description of block funding arrangements go to:


The key principles of ABF are the accurate and transparent allocation of funding to health services based on the activity they perform. This requires an ability to define, classify, count, cost and fund activity in a consistent manner.

Three key elements form the building blocks of ABF.

 Classification – grouping activity that uses a similar amount of resources into clinical meaningful classes

 Counting – applying the same rules and units to measure the amount of activity that occurs

 Costing – measuring in dollars the amount of resources used to provide each output in the classified group

For a full outline on activity based funding models go to:


Community service workers are often required to make decisions according to the ethics and philosophies of their organisation. Behaving in a way that is ethical and adhering to the policies and procedures of the organisation are a good starting point for providing high standards of care for the client. It is the responsibility of management to develop policies and procedures which reflect the values, objectives, and purpose of the organisation. Whilst management also have the responsibility to introduce staff to the policies and procedures, particularly to the new worker at the time of induction, it is the responsibility of the worker to familiarise themselves with the relevant information and ensure they comply.

Position descriptions are a good way for the worker to establish the scope of their work. These descriptions provide information about the scope of the work and the duties to be performed.

Policies and procedures provide valuable information about how the work should be done.

Community workers should pay particular attention to the boundaries of their work. Not only are they expected to perform to a particular standard outlined by the organisation, but they must ensure that they do not exceed the boundaries of their work role. Attempting to work beyond the level of one’s qualifications can be both dangerous to the health and safety of others, as well as to the detriment of the client. For example A person who holds a certificate 4 in community services should not be attempting to provide treatment for a client which would normally be the job of a registered nurse.

All workers need to be aware of their responsibilities and the boundaries of their work role. If at any stage you are unclear about the scope of your work then you should consult with your supervisor or manager, as well as the policy and procedure manual of the organisation. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS