Case Study: Fetal Abnormality

Case Study: Fetal Abnormality

From the case, study the couples are faced with a tough decision of aborting the fetus or not being the ultrasound result showed that the child would have abnormalities upon birth. Dr. Wilson suggested abortion of the child based on the defect with Jessica being indecisive of aborting or not. The husband Marco is ready to support her despite the decision she takes though aunty maria believes abortion is wrong. This is a reflection paper showing the theories and influence of recommendations for action by the individuals alongside showing the theory I agree with (“Fetal Abnormality Case Study,” 2017)Case Study: Fetal Abnormality.

Question 1

From my viewpoint, according to aunty Maria who is a strong Christian, firmly believes that the fetus should be given a chance to live because from her perspective abortion is wrong and an against God’s intent. She acts as a moral agency empowering a person to do what is morally right. She believes that with prayers, there is an answer to every problem and that there is a reason one is pregnant. According to Christianity the fetus should be kept and born no matter the situation (Newbanks, Rieg, & Schaefer, 2017, p. 1).


Question 2

Jesica, Maria, Marco, and Dr. Wilson applied different theories in determining the moral status of the fetus. Dr. Wilson gave the family all options required, however, he illustrates great support of abortion on his understanding of medical deformities. Dr. Wilson uses the theory of cognitive properties outlining to have one morals status, needs to be able to illustrate the level of rationality and awareness which is not owned by fetus making fetus not to have a moral condition, thus, acceptable to abort it. Maria asks Jessica to meditate about her roles as a mother to the child to show respect to the intent of God which fall under the theory of relationship. Jessica has united with the fetus as a mother as well as a connection to God offering fetus with a moral status that abortion is wrong. This is illustrating the divine command theory which is based on creator being God and decides morality. Jessica is in financial problems thus making her be in the chaos that the kid posses alongside the beliefs of her religion which is against abortion (“Ethics: Moral Status,” n.d.). Jessica uses the theory of moral agency as she is planning to have the moral status of the child is in place. Macro uses theory based on the relationship because the moral situation of the child may change depending on action by Jessica. Having discussed the above different approaches, it is clear that every one of them has different opinions of what should be done to the fetus of which is very right based on their beliefs and values (Newbanks, Rieg, & Schaefer, 2017, p. 1)Case Study: Fetal Abnormality.

Question 3

They used different theories to give their opinions which also had to determine each of their recommendation for action in one way or another. For instance, Aunt Maris theory is that Jessica should have the kid abandoned and to allow the will of God to be done by not aborting the fetus. Being that she is a strong Christian, she recommends that as she actively follows the principles as well as values of Christianity. Wilson as a doctor understands the pain of departing with a young star who is unborn even though he also comprehends that it would be quite harmful to the mother to have the baby kept keeping in mind that the kind of abnormality the baby is diagnosed. He goes ahead to recommend that the mother to do abortion as a strategy of security of ensuring that the life of the mother is not endangered. He suggests that Jessica can have the abortion as per the constitution and that she could get another baby later on who is not having any abnormalities. The concept of Marcos is based on what the wife finds to be the correct thing for the well being of the baby which is in connection on what his wife finds to be the best opinion (Creinin & Chen, 2016, p. 99)Case Study: Fetal Abnormality.

Question 4

I agree with the doctor’s theory as well as his recommendation of action. The best response for such a case would be abortion since it would give the mother another chance of giving birth to another baby instead of risking her life. What I would avoid and to put is that Christianity and values of Christianity for this particular case are incorrect, the concept of practice was the most suitable theory present that could be applied by Jessica providing her with another living opportunity. If the abortion is done scientifically and medically correct at hand could give Jessica another chance to live and give birth to another kid who is more healthier instead of putting her life in danger. According to this concept, Jessica could have aborted the child before conditions getting worse alongside preserving them from the struggle financially that they currently face with the husband as the child would require more care and attention that would be difficult to them to achieve (Creinin & Chen, 2016, p. 102).

In conclusion, the author together with all the individuals on the case study had different opinions and values on life of human. As a Christian, the author believes that abortion is immortal alongside being against the plans of God. However, my opinion should not influence the patient’s decision being the patient would need to live for more years to come, and the decision regarding abortion is quite challenging to decide. As a health professional, I strongly suggest that we should offer all available opinions in a manner that is unbiased (Creinin & Chen, 2016, p. 101)Case Study: Fetal Abnormality.


Ethics: Moral Status. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Creinin, M. D., & Chen, M. J. (2016). Medical abortion reporting of efficacy: the MARE guidelines. Contraception94(2), 97-103.

Fetal Abnormality Case Study. (2017, October 22). Retrieved from

Newbanks, R. S., Rieg, L. S., & Schaefer, B. (2017). What Is Caring in Nursing? Sorting Out Humanistic and Christian Perspectives. Journal of Christian Nursing, 1. Case Study: Fetal Abnormality