Comprehensive Client Family Assessment

Comprehensive Client Family Assessment

Demographic information

Juan Hernandez Senior is a 27-year-old Latino man who is married to a 25-year-old Latino woman, Elena Hernandez and both have a family (Hernandez family).

Presenting problem

Junior Hernandez Senior described that his parents used to punish him while he was a kid and that he ended inheriting the behavior of punishment his children from his parents. The punishment was so painful to him since he would be made to hold the heavy books form encyclopedia. Juan Hernandez Senior explains that he inherited this behavior of disciplining his children from his parents. The social work has been sent to Juan Hernandez Senior since the children are complaining of how painful this punishment has been to them, especially to Juan Hernandez Senior. Comprehensive Client Family Assessment


History of present illness

The father of Juan Hernandez senior, Hector reports that Hernandez has not drug abuse problem though he has had criminal history of petty theft.

Past psychiatric

The father reports that Hernandez senior has been of sound psychiatric health status.

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Medical history

The father reports that Hernandez senior has been okay health-wise. However, her wife, Elena Hernandez, has recently been diagnosed with diabetes.

Substance use history

No history of substance abuse has been reported for the parents of Hernandez senior.

Development history

The father reports that Hernandez senior experienced no delays in development.

Family psychiatric history

No psychiatric issues in the family history of Hernandez senior’s parents Comprehensive Client Family Assessment

Psychosocial history

Hernandez Senior is described as a sociable person who was able to interact in friendly manner with his parents and friends.

History of abuse/trauma

No other form of abuse has been reported on Hernandez senior apart from the punishment of holding heavy books that his parents used to institute on him. As such, he did not inherit any other form of punishment from his parents.

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Review of Systems:

Physical assessment

Juan Hernandez Senior is medium-slim Latino male who seems to be cheerful and smart all the time.

Mental status exam

The counseling has to involve the whole family: Hernandez senior, Elena Hernandez, Hernandez Junior, and Alberto Hernandez. This is because there is need to address all the root causes of the current problem (Wheeler, 2014). Hernandez Senior seems to be a bit ready to learn how he can overcome the habit that he inherited from his parents of giving his children torturing punishment of holding heavy encyclopedia books. This is because he does not see why his children should suffer the same way he used to suffer while undergoing the same punishment. He is, therefore, ready to be helped how he and his wife can stop this habit and improve their relationship with their children. Comprehensive Client Family Assessment

Differential diagnosis

Both Hernandez Senior and his wife, Elena Hernandez married at very young age and inherited many behaviors from their parents, including the way to raise and discipline children.



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The diagnosis is to do with how Hernandez senior and his wife can change their behavior which they inherited from their parents on how to discipline their children.

Case formation

A social worker will try to assess why Hernandez senior inherited the behavior of disciplining his children from his parents and how this behavior can be stopped. Hernandez Senior is a casual worker at the airport and sometimes drinks 6-8 beer on weekends. He has had petty criminal record while at tender age. His wife has had no criminal or drug abuse record.

Treatment Goals

Goals: The goals for treatment is to help Hernandez Senior to do away with the behavior he adapted from his parent of punishing his children the way he does and also adapt new positive ways of disciplining them in the way that will improve the relationship with his children. Comprehensive Client Family Assessment

Treatment strategy/interventions: The first treatment strategy or intervention will involve removing the anger that Hernandez Senior underwent through when enduring the harsh punishment from his parents. The other treatment strategy will involve teaching Hernandez senior and his wife, Elena Hernandez, the positive and safe skills which are effective in disciplining their children. This will improve the parent-child relationship. Comprehensive Client Family Assessment

Estimated completion: 3 months