Advanced Nurse Practitioner Annotated Bibliography Of Nursing Theories

The Annotated Bibliography includes 5 nursing theories.

Please write in master level

Need nursing knowledge.

Annotated Bibliography is already formatted, and articles included. Please only use sources and articles provided.

Health Belief Model: Kocoglu‐Tanyer, Dengiz, K. S., & Sacikara, Z. (2020). Development and psychometric properties of the public attitude towards vaccination scale – Health belief model. Journal of Advanced Nursing76(6), 1458–1468.

  • Summarize the article.
  • Describe how the article relates to the chosen theory/model.
  • Reflect on how the article could (or could not) be relevant to future Family Nurse Practitioner practice. Advanced Nurse Practitioner Annotated Bibliography Of Nursing Theories

Social Cognitive Theory: Plotnikoff RC, Lubans DR, Penfold CM, Courneya KS. Testing the utility of three social‐cognitive models for predicting objective and self‐report physical activity in adults with type 2 diabetes. British Journal of Health Psychology. 2014 05;19(2):329-46.

  • Summarize the article.
  • Describe how the article relates to the chosen theory/model.
  • Reflect on how the article could (or could not) be relevant to future Family Nurse Practitioner practice.

Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change: Selçuk‐Tosun, & Zincir, H. (2019). The effect of a transtheoretical model–based motivational interview on self‐efficacy, metabolic control, and health behaviour in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Practice25(4), e12742–n/a.


  • Summarize the article.
  • Describe how the article relates to the chosen theory/model.
  • Reflect on how the article could (or could not) be relevant to future Family Nurse Practitioner practice. Advanced Nurse Practitioner Annotated Bibliography Of Nursing Theories

Family Systems Theory: Pratt, K. J., & Skelton, J. A. (2018). Family Functioning and Childhood Obesity Treatment: A Family Systems Theory-Informed Approach. Academic Pediatrics18(6), 620–627.

  • Summarize the article.
  • Describe how the article relates to the chosen theory/model.
  • Reflect on how the article could (or could not) be relevant to future Family Nurse Practitioner practice.

Family Assessment and Intervention Model: Aass, Skundberg-Kletthagen, H., Schrøder, A., & Moen, Ø. L. (2020). Young Adults and Their Families Living With Mental Illness: Evaluation of the Usefulness of Family-Centered Support Conversations in Community Mental Health care Settings. Journal of Family Nursing, 26(4), 302–314.

  • Summarize the article.
  • Describe how the article relates to the chosen theory/model.
  • Reflect on how the article could (or could not) be relevant to future Family Nurse Practitioner practice.