Health care and Disabilities Assignment

Health care and Disabilities Assignment


Topic: Health care and Disabilities

Question & Instructions Attached

After reviewing the website from the WHO about disabilities, including the infographic Better health for people with disabilities:


Topic: Health care and Disabilities

Question: In 350 Words


After reviewing the website from the WHO about disabilities, including the infographic Better health for people with disabilities:


Week 08 Team Testimony Part 1 – Peer-Reviewed Articles


In this week we will examine the challenges and consider what policies might help us address the needs of vulnerable populations.

With an aging population and increasing chronic illnesses, these vulnerable populations will continue to increase; yet our healthcare system does not have a clear policy or effective system to address the complex health needs and meet the cost of care.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one billion people—15% of the world’s population—live with some form of disability. With an aging population and increasing chronic illnesses, these rates will continue to rise; yet our healthcare system does not have a clear policy or effective system to address the complex health needs and meet the cost of care. In this unit, we will examine the challenges and consider what policies might help us address the needs of these vulnerable populations. Health care and Disabilities Assignment


For this discussion:

  1. Choose a Health Care Policy that you are going to Research
  2. Each team member will create a discussion topic for their research and include the name of their team partner(s) for easy cross-referencing.
  3. Each team member will post their chosen Policy/Issue and identify their stakeholder.
  4. Each team member will provide full citations and links to their peer reviewed article that addresses the topics/arguments on the policy issue.
  5. Classmates should review the articles, before viewing the testimony video in next weeks discussion, to be informed and able to engage in the online discussion next week. In 350 Words Health care and Disabilities Assignment