Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles and Inter-professional Practice

Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles and Inter-professional Practice

Instructions for template
The SDOH Will be “Access to food that support healthy eating patterns in Los Angeles, CA”)
A. Analyze the context and scope of a Social Determinant Of Health (SHOH) in your
community by doing the following:
1. Describe one SDOH that necessitates a policy change to optimize health in your
Note: Possible sources for the SDOH include “Healthy People 2020” (provided in the Web
Links section) or another government website (e.g., the CDC, WHO).
a. Provide data from state or local resources to support your description.
2. Describe three characteristics of the target population affected by the SDOH.
3. Identify the policy makers who will receive the policy brief (e.g., community group or Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles and Inter-professional Practice
individuals, including name and title).


4. Explain why the SDOH requires the policy makers’ attention.
a. Discuss the current policy for the SDOH in your community if one exists. Or discuss the
effect that not having an existing policy for the SDOH has on your community.
b. Discuss the ethical implications of the current policy or the absence of an existing policy.
5. Complete the demographics table in the template and provide a scholarly resource for
each of the following aspects:
• demographics associated with the SDOH
• risk factors associated with the SDOH
• trending facts associated with the SDOH
Policy Proposal and Implementation Plan
B. Create a policy proposal and implementation plan by doing the following:
1. Develop two policy alternatives to address the SDOH described in part A1.
Note: Include supporting evidence.
2. Explain why one of the policy alternatives from part B1 is preferable over the other
alternative. Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles and Inter-professional Practice
Note: Include Supporting evidence.
3. Analyze the potential impact of your proposed policy by doing the following:
a. Explain how the desired results will optimize health in the community.
b. Discuss the financial costs and benefits of the proposed policy.
c. Discuss two ethical implications of the proposed policy on the population.
4. Describe actual or potential barriers to the implementation of your policy.
5. Explain what methods of communication you will use to introduce the policy to the policy
maker(s) and educate them on the anticipated effectiveness of the proposed policy
change on the SDOH in the community.
6. Describe the potential results of inaction.
Executive Summary
C. Write an executive summary to begin your policy brief by doing the following:
1. Summarize the context and scope of the chosen SDOH in your community.
2. Summarize how your proposed policy will address the SDOH in your community.
3. Propose a persuasive course of action for the policy makers to address the policy change.
D. Write a reflection statement that includes the following:
1. Describe how you were a change agent in creating this policy brief.
2. Discuss the knowledge and skills you need to develop to continue influencing policy
development decision-making.
E. Create a References section for your policy brief using APA style.
F. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations, for content that is quoted,
paraphrased, or summarized.
G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. Essentials of Advanced Nursing Roles and Inter-professional Practice