Public Health And Health Care Overview

Public Health And Health Care Overview


The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast the different ways two disciplines, public health and health care, address a public health issue. You will use the Public Health and Health Care Table Excel file (linked in Resources) to complete this assignment. Note: Tobacco was used as an example of a public health issue in the template. You must select a different issue. Public Health And Health Care Overview

To fully understand how this assignment will be graded, be sure to read the Public Health and Health Care Scoring Guide carefully. A set of Guiding Questions is also linked in Resources to help you complete this assignment.



Refer to the Leading Health Indicators on the Healthy People 2020 Web site (linked in Resources).

  • Select one of the high-priority health issues identified by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (other than tobacco use) as your topic for this assignment.

Use the Capella library and other Internet resources to do some additional background reading on the history of the issue. Try keywords such as public health historypublic health interventionshealth care, public health issues, public health practices, and health improvement strategies. Public Health And Health Care Overview


Complete the Public Health and Health Care table with the following:

  • A description of the health problems associated with your chosen public health issue.
  • A list of public health agencies and organizations attempting to deal with this public health issue.
  • A chronological list of key public health interventions (health improvement strategies) related to your issue.
  • Descriptions of public health interventions and challenges related to the health issue.
  • Descriptions of health care interventions and challenges related to the health issue.

When entering information into the template, be clear and succinct. Remember to cite your sources. Public Health And Health Care Overview