Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice

Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice

After reading Chapter 1 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab),  please answer the following questions.  Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references included in your post.

Additionally, you are expected to reply  to two other students and include a reference that justifies your post.  Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs. Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice

Chapter 1

1.  After reading Chapter 1,  do you think Florence Nightingale is relevant in the 21 st century to the nursing profession?  Why or why not?

2.  What do you think would be the response of historical nursing leaders such as Florence Nightingale, Lillian Wald, and Mary Breckenridge if they could see what the profession of nursing looks like today?


comprehension through various strategies that meet the learning needs of students while
also generating enthusiasm about the topic. This interactive approach addresses different
learning styles, making this the ideal text to ensure mastery of key concepts. The
pedagogical aids that appear in most chapters include the following:

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