Introduction To The Science Of Translation

Introduction To The Science Of Translation

Week 6: Introduction to the Science of Translation, II “Change” as a word is somewhat abstract. The same could be said of the phrase “science of translation.” But as you likely know from your nursing experience, change is not abstract for those working to make it happen or those implementing—or adjusting to—a new protocol or procedure. A significant part of your work in this module involves focusing on stakeholders in an EBP QI project. As you have identified practice sites, you have identified staff members within each setting who would have a say in the approval and a hand in the success of a quality improvement initiative. It is vital to keep those professionals in your sights and to speak with language that will have meaning for them. Consider in a health care setting where “quality improvement” is not formalized through an office or department and how differences in approach and nuance may be required. As you complete your module Assignment this week, pay particular attention to the presentation you are preparing and how you are applying the science of translation to ensure your EBP QI aims and outcomes are fully understood.


Learning Objectives Students will: Introduction To The Science Of Translation  Compare health care settings for quality improvement projects Justify practice problems for quality improvement Analyze site and stakeholder requirements for quality improvement projects in nursing practice settings Compare stakeholder requirements for quality improvement projects across nursing practice settings Evaluate translation science frameworks and models for application to practice problems Apply implementation science frameworks/models for evidence-based practice quality improvement projects Learning Resources Required Readings (click to expand/reduce) Required Media (click to expand/reduce) Module 3 Assignment: Exploring EBP Quality Improvement Continue working on your Module 3 Assignment to complete this week. Keep in mind that the key requirements are to identify a hypothetical practice problem as the focus of an evidence-based quality improvement project; a hypothetical health care setting for the project based on investigating actual sites; stakeholders for project approval and implementation within health care settings; and a presentation outlining the basic steps of a specific framework/model for translating research and evidence to improved practice. Although “hypothetical” is the watchword for this Assignment, the substantial effort you have invested and the information and insights obtained can pay real dividends as you begin your DNP project in earnest. Photo Credit: [Steve Hix/Fuse]/[None]/Getty Images The Assignment Part 1: Key Project Elements Complete your paper of 6–8 pages, plus cover page and references page, explaining your investigation of three hypothetical practice sites for an EBP QI project Introduction To The Science Of Translation.