Environmental Health

Topic research, asthma and air pollution in California

my part is only about methodology (like causes and more) of asthma and air pollution, 2 pages long and must be in APA format, including in-text citations and reference list, excluding title page and abstract (general orientation on APA format.


PAGE ONE: Title page will have title, name, and NU affiliation. (2 points)

  • PAGE      TWO: Abstract and Key Words will      provide an overview of what you determined within your paper within      200-250 words, and have 5-7 keywords at the end of the abstract (10      points)
  • PAGE      THREE TO SIX: 
    • Introduction to the topic of choice (one to two       paragraphs). (12 points)
    • Methods and Discussion section including the       methods you used for your literature view and all applicable research       information. (30 points)
    • Conclusion- summary of ove
    • rall research, quality, and potential recommendations you       would (or would not) make regarding your environmental health topic. (10       points)
  • PAGE      SEVEN: Reference page (include at least 10 references primarily      from peer-reviewed journals). (15 points)
  • Quality of work: APA formatting, grammar,      structure, effort, overall professionalism of paper. (15 points)

· Submission of Journal References in PDFs: All pdf journal references must be uploaded in electronic version and contain the following name format to receive


base on the PowerPoints that is attached, Grading Rubric:


full points:


Grading Rubric:


  • attachment

  • attachment
