how do you intend on altering your approach to problem solving in the future?

Question 1. PHI 210 “Take a Look at Ethics Around You:” (half page)

Using what you’ve read through the WebText on ethics as a guide, examine the world around you.

Search online for your local news website and locate local a story where you believe an ethical dilemma is going on. Please keep this story local and not national news.

Explain, in a few sentences the story, the ethical dilemma you believe is going on in the story, and how you think it can be resolved.

Then comment on at least one other student’s post and solution.

Please include a link to the story in your original post.

NOTE: All   students are required to post a minimum of two (2) posts per online   discussion thread. Students must have one (1) original post and a minimum of   one (1) other post per discussion thread.

Question2. PHI 210 Reflect on the Process

Throughout this term, we’ve strived to expand your personal thought processes. Using the week 10 sections of the WebText as your guide, how do you intend on altering your approach to problem solving in the future?

If you could select one (1) aspect that you encountered over this term, what would you tell a future PHI210 student is the most important aspect of this course? What advice would you give a future PHI 210 student about how to get the most out of this class? (I may collect your advice to pass on to people next term.)


NOTE: All students are required to post a   minimum of two (2) posts per online discussion thread. Students must have one   (1) original post and a minimum of one (1) other post per discussion thread.


Question 3. Math’s Discussion Question (half of a page)

1. “System of Three (3) Equations”   Please respond to the following:

  • Write a problem for a      classmate to solve that can be translated to a system of two (2) or more      equations in at least two (2) variables. Explain your answer.

2. “Matrix Multiplication”   Please respond to the following:

Determine whether or not matrix multiplication is commutative. Support your answer using at least one (1) real-world example or scenario.