1)The topic that I chose to research is Teens and STD’s.  As I read Chapter 14 power point about sexually transmitted disease/infection, I was concerned that the number of people who are getting STD’s are increasing especially in teens.  Adolescent is a stage of human development in which adolescents or teens explore sexual feelings.  I think teens may or may not take risks of sexually transmitted diseases seriously and on how it can affect their life permanently.

The first thing I learned that surprisingly shocked me is that two million people in 2016 have been reported to have sexually transmitted disease and that this number has been the highest rate ever reported.  Also, half of these people are reportedly young people.  On the article “Study: Many teens and young women think STD’s can’t happen to them” , teens are knowledgeable about STD yet  fails to get tested.  Despite the educational efforts to provide teens with information about risks of STD, many teens continue to engage in risky behavior and do not take this matter seriously.  If this continues, number of this case will increase rapidly.

The Second thing that I learned is that doctors may be part of the problem of increasing rate of STD. It is sad to know that some teens tend to not say anything to the doctor due to discomfort of discussing STD. Patients should be comfortable talking to the doctor about their health issues. In my opinion, it is not only the doctor’s responsibility to educate teens but everyone such as school teachers, nurses, people who surround teens and most importantly, the parents.  In the ted talk by Taylor Mali, I am amazed by how he cares for his students. I think that in order for teens to be comfortable speaking about private issues is that educators must show a concern about the teen’s issues.

I think the most important point I want all my classmate to know is that educating teens about STD would not be enough but the implementation of the knowledge about STD. Teens must have an access to the types of testing STD without judgment. Also, teens must be thought that testing STD is okay or testing STD is very important. I believe that parents play a huge role in teaching teens about sex education or these types of diseases and infection.


2)I found teen pregnancy as an interesting topic so that’s why I chose this topic. In the past, teen pregnancy had a high rate and now its lower than before then it was now. “In 2017, a total of 194,377 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, for a birth rate of 18.8 per 1,000 women in this age group”(1). It was decreased by 7 % compared to the previous year. More and more adolescents are learning and taking actions in preventing teen  pregnancy and understanding the consequences that follow if they don’t take precautions. “Adolescent mothers are more likely to experience medical complications during the months of pregnancy and their labor is likely to be prolonged. The babies are at greater risk of being premature and of low birth weight” (2). Young adolescent mothers would have complications due to their bodies not fully developing fully and have to have a strict diet to consume to right about providing nutrients for the pregnancy and their growing bodies during puberty. And even older adolescent mothers may have health complications, usually adolescents aren’t eating the correct amount of nutrients and if mothers aren’t eating right, then it could harm the child even stress can cause harm.

A fact that I found interesting is that “Nearly half of pregnant teenagers will have an abortion. Most others will become single mothers”(2).I didn’t know that half of teen pregnancy lead to abortion, I would have thought it was less then that. And according to the Child Trend: Teen Abortion, “In 2013, 24 percent of teen pregnancies ended in abortion”(3). This surprised me even more that it decreased drastically, a little more than half of the previous percentage, compared to the first percentage of abortion. Another fact that surprised me was that “children born to teenage mothers have significantly lower cognitive test scores at age two, compared to children born of intended pregnancy”(4).Adolescents should know the effects of teenage pregnancy could have on not only the mother but the child as well.

Teen pregnancy life is a difficult life to follow through regarding health, education, social impressions, and future complications.“Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, whereas approximately 90% of women who do not give birth during adolescence graduate from high school”(1). Adolescent pregnancy affects the mother’s education not to mention that she not only has to deal with her pregnancy but what others think and say about her negatively, thus the reason for them to decide to drop out of school. “Teen fathers are also less likely to finish high school, and the jobs they hold will most likely be lower paying than those of men who wait to have children”(4). It not only affects young mothers but the fathers as well. Some would leave because they know that it has complications and some stay because they think in their minds that it’s the right thing. And when they do stay, they will most likely to drop out of school as well to be able to support the child if the mother decide to not to do the abortion procedure.



1)The topic that I chose to research is Teens and STD’s.  As I read Chapter 14 power point about sexually transmitted disease/infection, I was concerned that the number of people who are getting STD’s are increasing especially in teens.  Adolescent is a stage of human development in which adolescents or teens explore sexual feelings.  I think teens may or may not take risks of sexually transmitted diseases seriously and on how it can affect their life permanently.

The first thing I learned that surprisingly shocked me is that two million people in 2016 have been reported to have sexually transmitted disease and that this number has been the highest rate ever reported.  Also, half of these people are reportedly young people.  On the article “Study: Many teens and young women think STD’s can’t happen to them” , teens are knowledgeable about STD yet  fails to get tested.  Despite the educational efforts to provide teens with information about risks of STD, many teens continue to engage in risky behavior and do not take this matter seriously.  If this continues, number of this case will increase rapidly.

The Second thing that I learned is that doctors may be part of the problem of increasing rate of STD. It is sad to know that some teens tend to not say anything to the doctor due to discomfort of discussing STD. Patients should be comfortable talking to the doctor about their health issues. In my opinion, it is not only the doctor’s responsibility to educate teens but everyone such as school teachers, nurses, people who surround teens and most importantly, the parents.  In the ted talk by Taylor Mali, I am amazed by how he cares for his students. I think that in order for teens to be comfortable speaking about private issues is that educators must show a concern about the teen’s issues.

I think the most important point I want all my classmate to know is that educating teens about STD would not be enough but the implementation of the knowledge about STD. Teens must have an access to the types of testing STD without judgment. Also, teens must be thought that testing STD is okay or testing STD is very important. I believe that parents play a huge role in teaching teens about sex education or these types of diseases and infection.


2)I found teen pregnancy as an interesting topic so that’s why I chose this topic. In the past, teen pregnancy had a high rate and now its lower than before then it was now. “In 2017, a total of 194,377 babies were born to women aged 15–19 years, for a birth rate of 18.8 per 1,000 women in this age group”(1). It was decreased by 7 % compared to the previous year. More and more adolescents are learning and taking actions in preventing teen  pregnancy and understanding the consequences that follow if they don’t take precautions. “Adolescent mothers are more likely to experience medical complications during the months of pregnancy and their labor is likely to be prolonged. The babies are at greater risk of being premature and of low birth weight” (2). Young adolescent mothers would have complications due to their bodies not fully developing fully and have to have a strict diet to consume to right about providing nutrients for the pregnancy and their growing bodies during puberty. And even older adolescent mothers may have health complications, usually adolescents aren’t eating the correct amount of nutrients and if mothers aren’t eating right, then it could harm the child even stress can cause harm.

A fact that I found interesting is that “Nearly half of pregnant teenagers will have an abortion. Most others will become single mothers”(2).I didn’t know that half of teen pregnancy lead to abortion, I would have thought it was less then that. And according to the Child Trend: Teen Abortion, “In 2013, 24 percent of teen pregnancies ended in abortion”(3). This surprised me even more that it decreased drastically, a little more than half of the previous percentage, compared to the first percentage of abortion. Another fact that surprised me was that “children born to teenage mothers have significantly lower cognitive test scores at age two, compared to children born of intended pregnancy”(4).Adolescents should know the effects of teenage pregnancy could have on not only the mother but the child as well.

Teen pregnancy life is a difficult life to follow through regarding health, education, social impressions, and future complications.“Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, whereas approximately 90% of women who do not give birth during adolescence graduate from high school”(1). Adolescent pregnancy affects the mother’s education not to mention that she not only has to deal with her pregnancy but what others think and say about her negatively, thus the reason for them to decide to drop out of school. “Teen fathers are also less likely to finish high school, and the jobs they hold will most likely be lower paying than those of men who wait to have children”(4). It not only affects young mothers but the fathers as well. Some would leave because they know that it has complications and some stay because they think in their minds that it’s the right thing. And when they do stay, they will most likely to drop out of school as well to be able to support the child if the mother decide to not to do the abortion procedure.