week 7.1.2



Using references, identity the research result that you could use in your practice setting.

This research I refer to identify key points in my project, my research question is about increasing communication to decrease readmission rates align well with the result of the following article. Ya-huei and Hung-Chang (2019), provide the readers with the type of tool they used to compute the result of their study with an outcome that was closed enough to the right answer. The use of  the  Kaiser-Meyer Olkin test has shown that these researchers have used the right amounts of subjects, in which it was proven that the result was accurate and can be used by healthcare professionals to make necessary improvement in the workplace. The overall reliability for the study was .93, and the retest to make sure that  the result is solid and can be trusted was almost the same. The validity of the study shows a firm association in that positive outcomes can derive from learning how to correctly communicate in the healthcare settings. Per Schaffer, Sandau, and Diedrick, (2012). Evidence-based practice is a paradigm and life-long problem-solving approach to clinical decision-making that involves the conscientious use of the best available evidence (p. 1198)

Determine fit, feasibility, and appropriateness of the result for your practice setting.

I can see that using certain information from the study that show a positive association on the outcome of the problem will surely take precedence in what I need to accomplish by using EBP to make change. The following four factors from the study put together the general idea that  providers can use when they need to increase communication in the practice setting. Knowing these facts will help put the focus on the importance of what matter to patients.  Per Ya-huei and Hung-Chang (2019), these factors are: “1- perception of trust and receptivity, 2- patient-centered information giving, 3- rapport building, and  4- facilitation of patient involvement+ (p. 7, 8). Knowing the focus area will help put into perspective the change process and will have a better chance to succeed. As stated in the result of the study the number of subjects were enough to deduct that the study can be used as evidence to make change in the workplace.

Using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA), outline an action plan.

The PDSA model is a great tool that provider can use to establish a ground rule in order to implement a change that is needed at the workplace. An action plan in this instance is the strategy that  will be used to make the implemented change successful. Per Mennella and Balderrama, (2017), the component of the PDSA in which P: will be the planning phase, which is where the leader put the plan into action by establishing goals, identifying the cause of the problem, what needs to be done in this instance: increase communication, which starts by gather information. D: that is where the leader start doing, so after talking to participants he or she provides ground rules for participants to follow, the idea is to make notes to see if any of these rules were followed. S: is looking back at the information and see is the current situation has improved, or whether the need for improvement is needed, is there any barrier? If so, it will be imperative at this point to break these barriers for a complete success of the change. A: to take action is always an important phase after implementation of a change, because this is where the leader will revise and take action either to continue with the current change or make changes. In any case the need to se that the issue has improved and even resolved is the epitome of the project for change.

Identify the resources (physical, personal, technology) needed to implement your action plan.

Communicate to every participant, share what the leader sees for the future, in addition, establish a way for participants to know what is going on with the proposed change such as encrypted email, or text. Also, establish leadership and make sure participants know that you are in charge. As per Mennella and Balderrama, (2017), “Effective communication occurs through verbalization of the vision and role modeling of desired actions. Role modeling is generally more effective than verbalization” (p. 2).

Determine the criteria that you would use to determine whether the implementation of your project was successful.

Per Brousseau and Pohl,  (2017). In a study in which they were looking at risk of readmission  shows that when you know the risk and correct them, it will lower readmission from 7.4% to 3%.  With that said, regarding this proposed change, when readmission rates decreased and patients were seen by a provider within 48 hours of discharge, only then that we can tentatively say the change is a success. Easter and Tamburri (2018) stated that  the reason leaders should use the PDSA model is the fact that it can authenticate the new change and can show that the enhancement at the practice is underway.

Identify one future research study that would be useful in extending knowledge of your selected project result.

It will be interesting to continue looking  into  research and know that healthcare quality improvement is a complete success due to improve awareness on issues that impede its quality. Per Adair, Quow, Frankel, Mosca, Profit, Hadley, and Sexton. (2018). “To date, no validated scale exists to specifically measure Improvement Readiness (IR), or the ability of a work-setting to effectively participate in continuous learning” (p. 1). In this article quality improvement in healthcare needs work, and providers should always on the look out for research based  on EBP to drive delivery of care and to continue healthcare promotion.

BROUSSEAU, H., & POHL, D. (2017). Quality Improvement Processes in Obesity Surgery Lead to Higher Quality and Value, Lower Costs. Rhode Island Medical Journal, 100(3), 28–30. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=121622898&site=eds-live&scope=site (Links to an external site.)

Easter, K., & Tamburri, L. M. (2018). Understanding Patient Safety and Quality Outcome Data. Critical Care Nurse, 38(6), 58–66. https://doi-org.chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org/10.4037/ccn2018979 (Links to an external site.)

Kathryn C. Adair, Krystina Quow, Allan Frankel, Paul J. Mosca, Jochen Profit, Allison Hadley, … J. Bryan Sexton. (2018). The Improvement Readiness scale of the SCORE survey: a metric to assess capacity for quality improvement in healthcare. BMC Health Services Research, (1), 1. https://doi-org.chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org/10.1186/s12913-018-3743-0

Mennella, H. D. A.-B., & Balderrama, D. R. M. (2017). Leadership: Facilitating Change. CINAHL Nursing Guide. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nup&AN=T903697&site=eds-live&scope=site (Links to an external site.)

Ya-huei Wang, & Hung-Chang Liao. (2019). Development and validation of the Patient-Healthcare Provider Communication Scale: Chinese version. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 47(3), 1–10. https://doi-org.chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org/10.2224/sbp.75