Why did the United States develop a style of music so different from Europe?

Nationalism was one of the popular movements during the Romantic period. Nationalism refers to composing music about one’s home country, such as patriotic music, music based on folk tales, and music based on events or famous places. So far in this course, the United States has not been mentioned as a source of art music. Czech composer Antonin Dvořák (1841–1904) came to the United States as director of the National Conservatory of Music in New York City. Dvořák believed every country should have its own art music, lamenting that the United States did not. He advocated for the use of Native American and African American music as the basis for American art music, but to no avail. Instead, music from the United Stated turned to more popular music. Minstrel and vaudeville shows, Stephen Foster, George Gershwin, and musical theatre were the genres of choice in the United States. Why do you think this was so?

Why did the United States develop a style of music so different from Europe?

Dvořák chose to depict his idea of American nationalism in his symphony From the New World. The listening guide is located in Part 6: Chapter 14 of the course textbook.

After listening to Dvořák, follow the listening guides in Chapters 11 and 13, which present nationalist music from Russia (Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition) and Bohemia (Smetana: The Moldau). Do you find any differences between what is considered Bohemian, Russian, and American sounds? What elements are used to create these differences?

Choose a piece of music that you think best depicts America or an American story or ideal. What musical elements (aside from lyrics) create what might be called the “American” sound? (Popular, folk, patriotic, or other genres such as jazz or ragtime may be used, but you must explain why it sounds “American” using musical elements.)

DISCUSSION 2 must be 400 word counts


Substance Use Disorders

In society, many people link abusing drugs or alcohol to an individual’s lack of personal responsibility or morality. Prior to American model Anna Nicole Smith’s death, which was from an apparently accidental overdose of several prescription medications, her son, Daniel, had died just months before from an apparent drug overdose. This incident poses the question of whether the son inherited a vulnerability to addiction from his mother or was the habit picked up from living with her over the years.

To prepare for this week’s Discussion, review the following sources in addition to this week’s assigned Reading.

  • Harvard Health. (2011, July). How addiction hijacks the brain. Retrieved from http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/how-addiction-hijacks-the-brain
  • In the case studies in the Course Resources, read Case Study 3 Ellis: Substance Use Disorder: Opioid

Proceed with this week’s Discussion by addressing the following about the nature of substance use disorders:

  1. Provide an overview of the biological, psychological, sociocultural theories surrounding the causes of substance use disorders.
  2. Next, select one of the theories (biological causes, psychological causes, or sociocultural causes) and defend and support how the selected approach can explain why people use psychoactive drugs, such as the individual in this week’s case study.
  3. Based on the selected cause, explain why it is difficult for a person to stop the drug or alcohol use and addiction.

The strongest answer will refer to the textbook and concepts from the Reading material or other credible sources.



Korean War

Write a paragraph,using at least five sentences,that answers the following questions.

1. What was the United States original purpose in Korea after WW II?

2. Did they accomplish that purpose?

3.Did the United States ever exceed their purpose in Korea?