cognitive and social-cognitive theories

cognitive and social-cognitive theories

The cognitive and social-cognitive theories reviewed in this session help to expand your understanding of personality in that forces either within or beyond the individual are considered as forces in shaping behavior. Thus, constructs, thoughts and expectancies as cognitive components of the individual as well as situational cues are used to explain behavior. Mischel’s influence lies in his challenge that personality traits alone, are not accurate predictors of behavior across situations. Thus, traits are poor predictors of behavior across situations. This theorist argues that it is the interaction of personal characteristics (e.g. cognitive-affective processes) and situational aspects that ultimately give rise to stability of behavior across situations (Allen, 2016). Such a position was “heresy” to those psychologists favoring the trait approach.


Both Rotter’s social learning model and Bandura’s social-cognitive theory of learning emphasize the importance of situational influences as they impact an individual’s behavior and help to shape behavioral consistencies through events and expectations (Allen, 2016). Strict behavioral interpretations of “personality” no longer appeared to be viable to these personologists. cognitive and social-cognitive theories

Your Task

1. Main Entry:  Start a new thread, and update the topic title, identifying the post as uniquely yours (e.g., Joes thoughts on …; Research gone wild…).  Within the body of your post, clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.

a. Mischel embraced an “interaction” point of view on human behavior. Explain this concept and provide an example of your own behavior to demonstrate your understanding.   How does Mischel address cultural differences in behavioral expression in his model?

b. Rotter is best known for his concept of internal/external  locus of control. Explain this concept. Now, go to Box 12.4 and actually take the I/E scale. Interpret your results. Do you see this as a valid measure in predicting your behavior? Why? Why not?

c. A core component of Bandura’s model is learning through observation by virtue of vicarious reinforcement. Provide and example of this principle.

2. Post Constructive Peer Feedback: In addition to posting your Main Entry, respond to at least TWO (2) of your classmates’ entries.  In four (4) or more sentences, provide constructive feedback.  Do you agree with the points presented?  Why?  Do you have some additional thoughts to share?  Share them.  When providing your feedback present the logic behind it. cognitive and social-cognitive theories