Ethical Dilemma Assignment paper

Ethical Dilemma Assignment paper

An ethical dilemma is when a person chooses to take a risk when the person already knows the benefits and the shortcomings of taking the risk. Ethical dilemmas exist in personal relationships. Other dilemmas may come in the form of life-or-death impact (Markey et al., 2019), following the rules, the cost of cure, etcetera. Ethics have different perspectives, including applied ethics, meta-ethics, descriptive ethics, moral ethics, and normative ethics.

Let’s start with providing informed consent of treatment (Anderson & Anderson, 2018), where a patient seeks alternative treatment ways than later set for an option that fits them best. For example, a patient was admitted to me with an injury to the ankle, which was already stinking; he got a minor cut while taking his evening exercise and assumed this had developed several sores, and it later appeared to be healed though he still felt a slight pain from the inside. However, the patient reported to me with a minimal itching sore in the ankle seeking treatment. Then, I assessed the ankle, and it was all affected; an operation had to be undertaken to avoid spreading the harm to the upper tissues. The issue was affecting the patient and the doctor advised him to be operated on the knee. We had to start by mentioning the benefits of seeking medical attention even for miscellaneous attacks and later informed him of the activity in his situation. The patient asked for a 2 hour break as it was a difficult decision to make; after having a question and answer session, he finally accepted the proposal. He was operated on the knee. The sore was handled alongside being given medication to treat the injury. Ethical Dilemma Assignment paper


          The second situation is addressing advance care planning. Advance care planning is my latest experience I tackled during the covid-19 pandemic where a patient tested positive for covid-19 (Jackson et al., 2018) and had to be isolated as the rules were earlier on stated. Moreover, the situation became worse since the vaccines were not yet invented. Therefore, I was in a dilemma handling another patient dealing with a dangerous disease with fear of being infected if the patient with Covid 19 was poorly handled. Additionally, the other situation was the force from the family members who needed to know the status of their loved ones; they had to be counseled and given words of encouragement to settle back and remain with hope.

The patient also was worried about his situation, seeing it as a death mark. I settled with the patient, and we talked about the previous diseases that worried people and later came to pass, like malaria. The patient was encouraged and survived thanks to the treatment we gave him, and they were thankful together with the family members.

In conclusion, patients should have at least treatment hopes to get healed. Many patients suffer from stress and they can control their situation when advised accordingly. Situations arise at times more difficult ones, and people have to consult themselves on the doctor’s advice to improve their health. At the same time, other nurses should learn how to handle such moments to avoid the sorrowful moments of family members.


Anderson & Anderson, 2018. Geth: A general ethical dilemma analyzer. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 9(1), 337-357.

Jackson, Perkins, Khandor, Cordwell, Hamann & Buasai, 2018. Integrated health promotion strategies contribute to tackling current and future health challenges. Health promotion international, 21(suppl_1), 75-83.

Markey, O’Brien, Graham & O’Donnell, 2019. Juggling to survive: Master of Science postgraduate nursing students’ experiences of studying far from home. Journal of Research in Nursing, 24(3-4), 250- Ethical Dilemma Assignment paper