The patient lived in South Carolina and had never traveled outside the state. What parasite caused her disease? How is this disease transmitted? How might it be prevented?

and Clinical Application Question 1-3 for Chapter 13 on page 400. A) A 40 year old man who was seropositive for HIV experienced abdominal pain, fatique, and low grade fever (38 degree C) for 2 weeks. A chest X-ray exam revealed lung infiltrates. Gram and acid fast stains were negative. A viral culture revealed the cause of his symptoms: a large , enveloped polyhedral virus with double-stranded DNA. What is the disease? Which virus causes it? Why was virus culture done after Gram and acid-fast stain results were obtained B) A new born female developed extensive vesicular and ulcerative ; lesions over her face and chest. What is the most likely symptoms? How would you determine the viral cause of this disease without doing a viral culture? C) By May 14, two people living in the same household had died with five days of each other. Their illnesses were characterized by abrupt onset of fever, muscle pain, headache , and cough, followed by rapid development of respiratory failure. By the end of the year, 36 cases of the disease, with a 50% mortality rate, had been confirmed. A member of the Orthomyxoviridae, Bunyaviridac, or Adenoviridac could cause this disease . Differentiate among these families by method of transmission, morphology, nucleic acid, and type of replication. The reservoir for this disease is mice. Name the disease .]]>