Nursing Literature Analysis

The nurse is often a moral spectator observing decisions made by others and dealing with the patient’s response to those decisions.

Analyze a scholarly article about a situation where a decision by a physician, insurance company, government agency or health institution adversely affected a patient or countermanded a patient’s wishes.


Write a mini-paper of three pages that addresses the following points:

  • The nurse’s role in affirming the patient’s wishes and risks involved
  • The social and economic consequences of reversing this decision
  • Guidance from the Code of Ethics that sheds light on this situation
  • Guidance from the Spirituality in Nursing which affects the situation
  • The lessons to be learned for similar future situations
  • The moral residue that haunts the nurse

The paper should be an APA formatted paper. The components should include a title page, the body of the paper with a conclusion, and a reference page. You will have in-text citations APA cited and you will have the reference page APA formatted. You should have at least three (3) scholarly references that support your viewpoint.

Please make sure your work is your own and do not copy and paste from an article. The faculty will be checking plagiarism so please do not plagiarize. If there is plagiarism you will receive a zero on the paper. Nursing Literature Analysis