Dietary Analysis Project

Dietary Analysis Project

You should take time this week and next to review and compose Part IV of the Dietary Analysis Project: Final Project Presentation. You will submit the entire Dietary Analysis Project including revisions of Part I through Part III, and Part IV. This should be submitted by Week 7 (July 9th) Sunday at 11:59 p.m., eastern time.

Note: If needed, please refer to the full project details attached here – they are the same instructions that were posted in Week 3.

Write at least five sentences explaining why you are predicting what you predict for each category . Please address the micronutrients in general (if you think overall the 24-hour recall diet will be too low, adequate/moderate or too high in most vitamins and minerals) and also specifically address the mineral, sodium and the sub-categories, saturated fat, cholesterol and dietary fiber in your write-up . You will lose points for not addressing all categories noted here. Dietary Analysis Project



NUTR 100 – Dietary Analysis Project Template

Part II: Data Findings and Analysis of Original 24-hour Food Recall


Data Findings & Analysis


Getting Started:

Please submit this Template for Part II, which should include your completed Part I above and any corrections needed per the instructors feedback. Also, be sure to submit the Nutrient Intake Report.

Use this template in conjunction with the Complete Dietary Analysis Project Instructions. Submit this template when finished with each Part.

Start with the Daily Food Group Targets. Click on “View by Meal” (located under the graph on the Food Tracker page). You will want to copy and paste the Food Groups table into this document, replacing the example below. You may not be able to simply copy and paste depending on your computer. You can also take a screenshot, and then crop the graphic as needed (see example below)Dietary Analysis Project.

Food Group Table

Next, look at the Daily Food Group Graph (next to the word data and below the daily food group targets). Take a screenshot, and then crop the graphic as needed (see example below); then answer the questions and write a summary of your findings per the instructions below.

Food Group Graph

Food Group Questions: Dietary Analysis Project

· What are the total percentages of the target for each food group?

· Example: Grains are 94%, Vegetables are 151%, Fruits are 111%, Dairy is 53% and Protein is 71% of the targets.

· For grains, what percent is whole and what percent is refined (hover the arrow over the sections on the chart and it will show this)?

· Example: Whole grains are 65% of total grains

· For dairy, what percent is from milk/yogurt and what percent is from cheese?

· Example: Milk and yogurt are 80% of dairy intake; cheese is 20% of dairy intake

· For fruit, what percent is from whole fruit and what percent is from fruit juice?

· Whole fruit is 60% of fruit intake and fruit juice is 40% of fruit intake.

· Write at least five sentences addressing your findings regarding the food groups for the diet recall. Address, what foods from the 24-hour diet recall caused the food groups to be in these proportions? How can they be improved upon for the revised diet? Dietary Analysis Project


· Next, look at Daily Limits. This is below the graph you were just looking over on SuperTracker.


As with the above graphs, these charts need to be used in the final presentation, so save them now (sometimes right clicking and selecting “save picture as” will work). You may copy and paste into this template, you may use screenshots (replace the example below).


Daily Limits Graph

Daily Limits Questions: (please answer them all together in paragraph form)

· Write at least five sentences summarizing your findings for daily limits. Address, what foods from the 24-hour diet recall caused these levels of daily limits? How can they be improved upon for the revised diet? Include answers to the questions below as well.

· What are total calories eaten for the day? Are they within 100 calories of the total limit? If not, how can this be achieved with the revised menu?

· Should added sugar be reduced in order to be lower than the limit? If yes, how can you revise the menu to meet this target while meeting other targets?

· How much saturated fat, and sodium were eaten and what were those limits? If these are above the limits how can they be improved upon in the revised menu? Dietary Analysis Project

The next step is to open the Nutrient Intake Report (just below the graph, smaller print, next to “Related Links”). You will need to submit this report with your Part II submission as well as with the final presentation, so make sure to save it! I strongly recommend exporting it as a word document so you can edit it per the requirements for Part III. The report will list the target (or RDA), average eaten, and the status. Make note of those that exceed guidelines and those that do not meet the guidelines. For now, you can assess this as over or under the guideline just based on the status provided. In your final presentation submission you will be converting these to percentages. Remember that for saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium you want to be below the value, so no need to comment if you fall below, only if you exceed it.


You now have all the information you need to assess the data and write up your findings. Keep this information, as you will need it for the final presentation of your work.


Outcomes of Your Predictions

See if your predictions matched up with the findings. Include both charts below with your original predictions and findings.


Original Charts with Your Predictions:

  Total Calories Fiber Food Groups Macronutrients Micronutrients
      Veg Fruit Whole Grains Dairy Protein Carbs Fat Vitamins/ Minerals
Too Low                    
Too High                    


  Sodium Saturated fat Cholesterol



Analysis Charts with Your Findings:

  Total Calories Fiber Food Groups Macronutrients Micronutrients
      Veg Fruit Whole Grains Dairy Protein Carbs Fat Vitamins/ Minerals
Too Low                    
Too High                    


  Sodium Saturated fat Cholesterol



Outcomes of your predictions summary:

(Write at least 5 sentences discussing and comparing your predictions with the findings. Please summarize which of your predictions were accurate (or close) and which were not. For those predictions that were not in line with the findings discuss why you think your predictions were off)


NUTR 100 – Dietary Analysis Project Template

Part III: Original 24-hour Food Recall with Revised 24-hour Final Menu & Analysis

Getting Started:

Please use the provided Template for Parts I, II & III, which should include your completed Part I & II and any corrections needed per the instructors feedback. Label all graphs and tables as “Revised” so it’s easy for me to distinguish between the original menu data and the revised menu data. IMPORTANT: before starting Part III take a look at the check list of requirements for the revised menu at the end of this document. Dietary Analysis Project