Nursing As Caring

Nursing As Caring

Brief Description

The focus of nursing is nurturing persons living caring and growing in caring. As an expression of nursing, caring is the intentional and authentic presence of the nurse with another person who is recognized as living caring and growing in caring. A nursing situation is a shared lived experience in which the caring between nurse and nursed enhances personhood. The nurse intentionally enters a nursing situation with the purpose of coming to know the person as caring, offering a direct invitation to the nursed to express what matters most in the moment, hearing calls for caring, and responding with caring nurturance created in the context of the nursing situation Nursing As Caring.


The fullness of nursing as a shared relationship emerges in the caring between. In coming to know self and others as caring persons, persons living caring uniquely and growing in caring, the nurse integrates personal, ethical, sociopolitical, empirical and aesthetic knowing. The Dance of Caring Persons is a caring-centered, person-focused relational model that enables alternating rhythm and honors the richness of context, guiding institutional structures and processes to assure respect for the contributions of all involved in the nursing situation. The Dance of Living Caring extends those values in nursing situations involving machines endowed with advanced artificial intelligence as partners in caring. The theory of Nursing As Caring is in use as a guiding nursing framework in practice, research, education and leadership Nursing As Caring.