Respiratory Case Studies
Respiratory Case Studies
56-year-old man present to you with the following symptoms: 24-hour history- Complaints of SOB, chills, malaise, and yellowish-green sputum. Medical history of hypertension patient currently on Lisinopril 10mg daily. Pleuritic rub on both inspiration and expiration and dullness to percussion on the right base and right lower lobe chest infiltrates from chest Xray.
V/S: BP:120/75 Temp- 100.7, HR 100, Pulse Ox92% , RR 22, WBC 14.4, BUN16, Creatine 1.0
DX: Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)
According to the guidelines:
- a) Where would you treat this gentleman?
- b) What would be your treatment choices and why?
- c) What bugs are you covering?
- d) What would you expect the recovery period?
- e) Is there any vital sign that particularly worries you?
70-year-old mild COPD and smoker no other comorbidities present with the last 72 hours of worsening pleuritic chest pain, Xray reveals lower lobe chest infiltrates Chest x-ray infiltrates and evidence of consolidation BUN 17 creatine 1.1 WBC-14.4 130/78, T-100.8, HR 98, RR 32 Pulse Ox 90% Respiratory Case Studies
- f) Where would you treat this gentleman?
- g) What would be your treatment choices and why?
- h) What bugs are you covering?
- i) What would you expect the recovery period?
- j) Is there any vital sign that particularly worries you?
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