Evidence-Based Concept Map In Healthcare

Evidence-Based Concept Map In Healthcare

Guiding Questions: Concept Map

This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Concept Map assessment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, as an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assessment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assessment. Do not turn in this document as your assessment submission.

Part 1: Concept Map

Develop an evidence-based concept map that illustrates a plan for achieving high-quality outcomes for a condition that has impaired glucose or metabolic imbalance as related aspects.

· Does your concept map fully illustrate the case study, the diagnostic and treatment connections for the condition in the case study, the specific metabolic or glucose-related aspects of the condition, and interprofessional strategies?

o Does your concept map contain all the relevant sections and connections that are present in the example concept map that is most closely related to yours?

· Does your concept map illustrate the desired high-quality outcomes of treatment in the context of your chosen case study?

· Did you use at least 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence as the basis for your concept map?

Note: You will need to further discuss the value and relevance of this evidence in your narrative. However, be sure to cite where specific evidence or sources were used in your concept map. Evidence-Based Concept Map In Healthcare

o The evidence you cite should be no more than five years old.

Part 2: Additional Evidence (Narrative)

Justify the value and relevance of the evidence you used as the basis for your concept map.

· Have you noted why the evidence you have presented in your concept map is valuable and relevant to the case study you are using as the basis for the concept map?

o Have you explained why each particular piece of evidence is appropriate to the case study you are using?

o Have you explained the linkage between the evidence and the specific metabolic or glucose-related aspects of the condition from your chosen case study?

o Have you explained why the evidence you have used is the best available? In other words, how is it linked to best practices, professional or regulatory guidelines, et cetera?


Analyze how interprofessional strategies applied to the concept map can lead to achievement of desired outcomes.

· What interprofessional strategies in assignment help are most applicable to the context of the case study that you are using as the basis for the concept map?

o Why are these interprofessional strategies appropriate in  the context of the case study and your concept map?

· What are the desired outcomes in your concept map (or for the case study that you are using)?

o How will the interprofessional strategies you deemed appropriate and applicable help to achieve the desired outcomes?

o What potential challenges might you need to address to best implement the interprofessional strategies and achieve the desired outcomes?

· Remember, the evidence you cite should be no more than five years old.

Address Generally Throughout Both Parts

Construct concept map and linkage to additional evidence in a way that facilitates understanding of key information and links.

· Is your concept map clearly presented?

· Are the links between the evidence and your diagnostic, treatment, or other care decisions clear and justified?

· Is your writing in both the concept map and the narrative clear and professional?

· Is your writing free from errors?

· Is your narrative submission 2–3 pages (not including the title page and reference list)?

· Are you communicating in an ethical way?

o Are you communicating honestly? Evidence-Based Concept Map In Healthcare

Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.

· Did you use 3–5 sources in your assessment?

o Are the sources you used no more than five years old?

· Are your sources cited in APA format throughout the concept map and narrative?

· Have you included an attached reference list?

· Did you use the APA Work Template for the proper formatting and to include a running head and title page?

o No abstract is needed for this assessment.





· Assignment front sheet

· Assignment – 1


· Qualification  Unit number and title

· Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

· Human Recourses Management Specialization  Unit 45: Business Ethics

· Semester  Batch

· IV  Fall 2016-17

· Student name  Assessor name

·  Ms. Kifah Al-Saleh

· Student No.  Internal Verifier (IV) name

·  Mr. NiranjanShetty

· Date issued  Completion date  Submitted on

· 20.10.2016  04.11.2016


· Assignment title  Understand different ethical perspectives in business & business objectives from an ethical perspective


·  In this assessment you will have the

· Learning  Learning Assessment opportunity to present evidence that  Task Evidence

· Outcome  outcome Criteria  shows you are able to:  no. (Page no)

·  Understand  1.1  Explain the background and development

· 1

·  different of theoretical ethical approaches

·  ethical

· 1.2

·  perspectives in  Compare and contrast absolute and  2

·  LO1  relative ethics

· business

·  1.3  Explain the ethical issues which can affect

· 3 the operational activities of a business

· Understand  2.1  Explain how business objectives are  4   business  affected by ethical considerations

·  LO2

· objectives 2.2  Evaluate the implications for a business  5

· from an ethical  and its stakeholders to operate ethically perspective


· Learner declaration


· I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.


· Student signature:  Date:



· In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following



· Grade Descriptor

· Indicative characteristic/s

· Contextualisation

· M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions

· Effective judgements have been made.


· Effective approach to study and research


· To achieve M1, you will make effective judgements while comparing and contrasting absolute and relative ethics (task 2).


· To achieve M1, you will have made an effective approach to study and research for studying the background and development of theoretical ethical approaches (task 1)  Evidence-Based Concept Map In Healthcare


· M2 Select / design and apply appropriate methods / techniques  A range of sources of

· information has been used


· To achieve M2, you will have used a range of sources of information while explaining the background and development of theoretical ethical approaches (task 1).


· M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings  The appropriate structure and approach has been used  To achieve M3, you will have produced your answer with appropriate structure and approach while explaining the ethical and operational issues of Oman Arab Bank (task 3)

· D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions  Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified  https://onlyessayhelp.com/tag/economics-assignment-help/

· To achieve D1, you will have reached cconclusions through synthesis of ideas while evaluating implications for stakeholders and company of operating ethically (task 5).


· To achieve D1, you will have arrived at conclusions through synthesis of ideas and have been justified the effect of objectives on ethical considerations (task 3).


· D2 Take responsibility for

· managing and organising activities  Demonstrated autonomy/independence  To achieve D2, you will have demonstrated autonomy/independence while explaining the objectives and ethical considerations for ABC company (task 4)

· D3 Demonstrate creative thinking  Ideas have been generated and decisions taken  To achieve D3 you will have generated ideas and decisions taken while evaluating the implications for stakeholders and company of operating ethically (task 5).

· Page 2 of 7

· Source: Customised by CBFS@PSD@HND based on Pearson BTEC format: Annexure 5


· Assignment brief

· Purpose of this assignment


· This assignment will develop learner to understand different ethical perspectives in business & to understand business objectives from an ethical perspective




· Task 3 – LO1 – Assessment Criteria 1.3 (M3/D1):


· “Oman Arab Bank attaches considerable importance to the good corporate governance practices and the Board of Directors committed to applying the highest standards of professional competence in all its activities. The Bank follows the guidelines of the Central Bank of Oman, Basel Committee recommendations, Accounting and Auditing Standards, it also apply the Capital Market Authority that match with the Bank legal form”.


· To achieve PASS you must;


· • Explain three ethical issues of Oman Arab Bank

· • Explain the operational activities of Oman Arab Bank

· • Explain how these three ethical issues can affect the operational activities of Oman Arab Bank.


· To achieve M3, you will have produced your answer with appropriate structure and approach while explaining the ethical and operational issues of Oman Arab Bank.


· To achieve D1, you will have arrived at conclusions through synthesis of ideas and have been justified the effect of objectives on ethical considerations.


· Task 4 – LO2 – Assessment Criteria 2.1 (D2):


· ABC is a national company and its main objective is to increase its profits by cutting costs and going international. With the current economical conditions and recession phase for the company, the CEO has been faced with some difficult issues for decision making that affects the company’s different business operations to reach to its main objective, Profit!


· To achieve PASS you must;


· • Explain the rationality of few objectives for ABC company

· • Explain the ethical considerations for ABC company

· • Explain how the objectives can affect the ethical considerations of ABC company


· To achieve D2, you will have demonstrated autonomy/independence while explaining the objectives and ethical considerations for ABC company.



· Task 5 – LO2 – Assessment Criteria 2.2 (D1/D3):


· Mohammed and Mohammed (M&M) is a global company at growth phase in its business cycle. Mr. Ali being the CEO of the company is trying to balance the objectives of the company’s different stakeholders by applying the quote “bigger is always better”. Applying such a business practice to the company’s operations to reach to the peak will cause the company’s management of using poor business ethics.  Evidence-Based Concept Map In Healthcare.


· To achieve PASS you must;


· • Find three stakeholders for Mohammed and Mohammed company

· • Evaluate the implications for these stakeholders of M&M Company operating ethically.


· To achieve D1 you will have reached conclusions through synthesis of ideas while evaluating implications for stakeholders and company of operating ethically.


· To achieve D3 you will have generated ideas and decisions taken while evaluating the implications for stakeholders and company of operating ethically.








· Guidance notes:


· 1. Use standard document formats and structures.

· 2. Word process the documents.

· 3. Use 12 point Arial or Times New Roman script.

· 4. Provide a list of references and use the Harvard referencing system.

· 5. Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity.

· 6. Upload the entire assignment in MS word format only on Turnitin.

· 7. Staple only once to keep the pages of your work together.

· 8. Late submission, late work will only be marked on the next occasion the unit is taught.

· 9. Submit the work along with the Turnitin report to the respective assessors in their offices.

· 10. Collect the assignment submission form duly signed by the assessor and the learner.


· Achievement Summary




· Qualification

· Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in

· Business

· Human Recourses Management

· Specialization

· Assessor

· name



· Ms. Kifah Al-Saleh


· Unit Number and title  Unit 45: Business Ethics   https://onlyessayhelp.com/tag/language-and-culture-assignment-help/

· I.V. name


· Mr. NiranjanShetty


· Student

· Number

· Student name




· Criteria

· Reference  To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:  Achieved? (tick)

· LO1


· 1.1  Explain the background and development of theoretical ethical approaches

· 1.2

·  Compare and contrast absolute and relative ethics

· 1.3  Explain the ethical issues which can affect the operational activities of a business

· LO2

· 2.1

·  Explain how business objectives are affected by ethical considerations

· 2.2

·  Evaluate the implications for a business and its stakeholders to operate ethically


· Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)



· Grade descriptor


· Achieved?

· (tick)

· Grade descriptor

· Achieved?

· (tick)



· M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions


· D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions


· M2:  Select/design  and  apply

· appropriate methods/techniques

·  D2: Take responsibility for managing and

· organising activities


· M3:  Present  and  communicate

· appropriate findings

·  D3:  Demonstrate

· convergent/lateral /creative thinking


· Assignment Feedback


· Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student




















· Action Plan


· Summative feedback












· Feedback: Student to Assessor








· Assessor Signature

·  Kifah Al-Saleh

· Date


· IV Signature

· Date


· Student Signature

· Date



· Reacting to Parents or Caregivers Who Display a Sense of Entitlement Nursing Assignment Help

· The teachers should recognize their right to teach professionally without disruptions as suggested by Charles (2011) and use this position to address the problem. Like teachers, parents and caregivers have their rights in fostering the education of their children. However, parents and caregivers should avoid evoking a climate that would undermine the development of students as stated in the Bible (Colossians 3:20-21). In this history assignment help, some parents might overstep their rights and display a sense of entitlement. Teachers have a responsibility to intervene based on the best interests of students. The appropriate reaction from teachers is to engage the parents in dialogue to achieve an understanding of relevant rules and policies as well as their roles as partners in promoting the development of their children. Evidence-Based Concept Map In Healthcare

· The dialogue should entail three key elements. In the first element, the teachers should listen to the perspectives and attitudes of the parents towards the students. This element would help the teachers to avoid yelling or arguing with the parents (Emmer & Evertson, 2013). As teachers operate in increasingly more diverse classroom environments, it becomes easier to overlook the diverse perspectives of the parents and caregivers about teaching and school at large. Some attitudes of the parents and caregivers might encourage them to display a sense of entitlement and diverge from the policies of the school. Seeking to understand such attitudes would be an important initial step for the teachers in addressing the problem.

· In the second element, the teachers should explain the roles, policies, rules, and procedures to the parents. Upon gaining an understanding of the attitudes of the parents, the teachers would be in a strong position to provide explanations or parent education that would improve the situation. Perhaps a lack of understanding on the part of the parents or caregivers regarding their role might be a contributing factor in displaying a sense of entitlement. Teachers might be dealing with parents from diverse backgrounds, but the established policies, rules, and procedures provide an opportunity to foster common ground. An explanation of the roles of the parents as partners with teachers in the learning environment, as well as the rules, policies, and procedures, might influence the parents to adopt a cooperative approach rather than display a sense of entitlement (assignment help).

· The final element regards the teachers taking specific measures to cultivate a relationship of trust and respect with the parents. These values are consistent with the Christian worldview and would help the teachers to reach a consensus with the parents. Overall, the dialogue would help teachers and parents or caregivers to build solidarity and create a environment of collective agreements, mutual-respect, and collective responsibility for the education of the students.


· References

· Charles, C. M. (2011). Building classroom discipline(10thed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. https://historyassignmenthelp.com/tag/writing/

· Emmer, E. T. & Evertson, C. M. (2013). Classroom management for middle and high school teachers. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

· Colossians 3:20-21 20“Children, always obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord. 21Fathers, do not aggravate your children, or they will become discouraged.” https://learnedwriters.com/category/assignment-help/ Evidence-Based Concept Map In Healthcare