NM 480: Case Study Rubric
Criteria | 16-20 points | 12-15 points | 8-11 points | 4-7 points | 0-3 points |
Organization | All questions answered with information organized in logical sequence | All questions answered with information generally organized in logical sequence | All questions answered and information intermittently organized | All questions answered but information disorganized | All questions not addressed |
Analysis and Evaluation | Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of issue; Support analysis with at least one scholarly source | Presents a thorough analysis of issue; Support analysis with at least one scholarly source | Presents an incomplete analysis of issue by failure to address one aspect: No scholarly support of analysis | Presents an incomplete analysis of issue by failure to address multiple aspects; No scholarly support of analysis | Presents a superficial analysis of issue; No scholarly support of analysis |
Conclusion and recommendation | Effective recommendation or solution aligned with the analysis | Recommendation or solution loosely aligned with the analysis | Recommendation or solution does not align with the analysis | Recommendation or solution does not align with the analysis and is unrealistic | No recommendation or solution offered |
Writing Mechanics and Formatting | Demonstrates clarity, conciseness, and correctness.
Current APA formatting used and free of grammar and spelling errors |
Majority of information is clear with some questions left to reader interpretation. APA with 1-3 grammar and spelling errors | Sentence structure proper but paragraph is disorganized. APA with 4-5 grammar and spelling errors | Poorly organized and does not follow proper sentence structure. APA with greater than 5 grammar and spelling errors | Unfocused and rambling. Not in current APA format |
- Please answer all questions associated with the case study as thoroughly as you can.
- Please use at least 2 reference when responding to the Case Study unless otherwise noted.
- There is no particular length requirement as long as you answer the questions thoroughly and use a reference(s) to support your responses.
- Use the most current APA edition when writing and referencing.
- Please proofread your papers. NM 480: Case Study Rubric
Cristen Calahan is a nurse manager of a 36-bed orthopedic unit in a community hospital. Within the past 2 weeks, two full-time RNs who work evening shift have turned in their resignations and have given Nurse Calahan a 6-week notice of intent to leave. Staffing on night shift is typically composed of two RNs, and there are only three full-time and one part-time RNs employed. Nurse Calahan feels pressured to replace the two RN vacancies on the 11 PM-7 AM shift, immediately. She knows that the other RNs on the 7 AM-3 PM and 3 PM-11 PM shifts do not like to rotate to the 11 PM-7 AM shift. In addition, pulling from the other shifts will create RN shortages on all shifts. Nurse Calahan contacts the human resources department, posts the position vacancy information, and has the positions advertised appropriately. She contacts the human resources department and discovers that two new graduate RNs are interested in the openings.
Nurse Callahan decides to screen and interview these two candidates and any other applicants using a targeted selection process.
- Why might she choose this interview method? How does this choice affect the types of questions she is likely to ask?
- Are there some questions that should not be asked in these interviews?
- How does the targeted selection process influence her ability to ask the “wrong” questions? NM 480: Case Study Rubric