grand / middle-range nursing theory

grand / middle-range nursing theory

Use the attached textbook and research article to respond to the questions below in essay format. Theoretical Basis for Nursing Book by Evelyn M. Wills and Melanie McEwen

  1. Complete a library search for a nursing research article from a peer-reviewed nursing journal that uses a grand or middle-range nursing theory as the theoretical framework for a research study in the practice setting.
  2. Present the article and describe how the nursing theory was used to guide the research study.
  3. Discuss and provide example on how application of theoretical frameworks and models can strengthen nursing research studies and promote theory-based practice within the nursing profession.
  4. Provide example and experiences to supplement your discussion
  5. Attach the article to your initial discussion post. grand / middle-range nursing theory


Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Theoretical Basis for Nursing

Book by Evelyn M. Wills and Melanie McEwen
Grand Theories

Grand theories are the most complex and broadest in scope. They attempt to explain broad areas within a

discipline and may incorporate numerous other theories. The term macrotheory is used by some authors to

describe a theory that is broadly conceptualized and is usually applied to a general area of a specific discipline

(Higgins & Moore, 2000; Peterson, 2017).

Grand theories are nonspecific and are composed of relatively abstract concepts that lack operational

definitions. Their propositions are also abstract and are not generally amenable to testing. Grand theories are

developed through thoughtful and insightful appraisal of existing ideas as opposed to empirical research

(Fawcett & DeSanto-Madeya, 2013). The majority of the nursing conceptual frameworks (e.g., Orem, Roy, grand / middle-range nursing theory

and Rogers) are considered to be grand theories. Chapters 6 through 9 discuss many of the grand nursing


Middle Range Theories

Middle range theory lies between the grand nursing models and more circumscribed, concrete ideas (practice

or situation-specific theories). Middle range theories are substantively specific and encompass a limited

number of concepts and a limited aspect of the real world. They are composed of relatively concrete concepts

that can be operationally defined and relatively concrete propositions that may be empirically tested (Higgins

& Moore, 2000; Peterson, 2017; Whall, 2016).

A middle range theory may be (1) a description of a particular phenomenon, (2) an explanation of the

relationship between phenomena, or (3) a prediction of the effects of one phenomenon or another (Fawcett &

DeSanto-Madeya, 2013). Many investigators favor working with propositions and theories characterized as

middle range rather than with conceptual frameworks because they provide the basis for generating testable

hypotheses related to particular nursing phenomena and to particular client populations (Chinn & Kramer,

2015; Roy, 2014). The number of middle range theories developed and used by nurses has grown significantly

over the past two decades. Examples include social support, quality of life, and health promotion. Chapters 10

and 11 describe middle range theory in more detail. grand / middle-range nursing theory