Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

Please answer the following prompt(s) in your initial post (you will not be able to see the posts of your classmates until you make your initial post).  Discussion board posts are individual-level assignments.  Please do not discuss with your group members or anyone else within/outside of your section.

(a) Identify one concept that was not clear to you from chapters 1 through 6.  Elaborate why the concept was not clear in 50-100 words (i.e., minimum 50 words and maximum 100 words).

(b) Identify one concept from chapters 1 through 6 that you are most likely to use in your career.  Elaborate how you will use it in your career in 50-100 words (i.e., minimum 50 words and maximum 100 words). Nursing homework help


Chapter 1: What is Strategy?

LO 1-1 Explain the role of strategy in a firm’s quest for competitive advantage.

LO 1-2 Define competitive advantage, sustainable competitive advantage, competitive disadvantage, and competitive parity.

LO 1-3 Describe the roles of vision, mission and values in a firm’s strategy.

LO 1-4 Evaluate the strategic implications of product-oriented and customer-oriented vision statements.

LO 1-5 Justify why anchoring a firm in ethical core values is essential for long-term success.

LO 1-6 Explain the AFI strategy framework.

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Strategy and Competitive Advantage

Strategy: Goal-directed actions a firm takes

Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage

Superior performance relative to competitors in your industry

Company X

Company Y

Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) Nursing homework help


Industry Average ROIC %
Consulting 20
Newspaper -5

Competitive advantage

Competitive disadvantage

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Competitive Advantage and Economic Value Created

Exhibit 5.7

Jump to Appendix 7 long image description

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Baker, Sama Baker Sulaiman (BSBS) –

Differentiation Strategy: Achieving Competitive Advantage

Exhibit 6.3

SOURCE: Adapted from M.E. Porter (1980), Competitive Strategy. Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors (New York: Free Press).

Jump to Appendix 4 long image description

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Under a differentiation strategy, firms that successfully differentiate their products enjoy a competitive advantage. Firm A’s product is seen as a generic commodity with no unique brand value. Firm B has the same cost structure as Firm A but creates more economic value, and thus has a competitive advantage over both Firm A and Firm C because (V − C)B > (V − C)C > (V − C)A. Although, Firm C has higher costs than Firm A and B, it still generates a significantly higher economic value than Firm A.


Baker, Sama Baker Sulaiman (BSBS) – Why people paying less for firm B?

Cost Leadership Strategy: Achieving Competitive Advantage

Exhibit 6.4

Jump to Appendix 5 long image description Nursing homework help

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Under a cost-leadership strategy, firms that can keep their cost at the lowest point in the industry while offering acceptable value are able to gain a competitive advantage. Firm A has not managed to take advantage of possible cost savings, and thus experiences a competitive disadvantage. The offering from Firm B has the same perceived value as Firm A but through more effective cost containment creates more economic value (over both Firm A and Firm C because (V − C)B > (V − C)C > (V − C)A. The offering from Firm C has a lower perceived value than that of Firm A or B and has the same reduced product cost as with Firm B; as a result, Firm C still generates higher economic value than Firm A.


Baker, Sama Baker Sulaiman (BSBS) –

Unique Strategic Positioning

Conscious trade-offs: [DIFFERENTIATION] or [COST LEADERSHIP]

What to do and what not to do

Successful strategy requires combining a set of activities for a unique position in an industry

Competitive advantage has to come from:

Performing different activities or

Performing the same activities differently than rivals


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What Strategy Is Not

Grandiose statements

Example: “We will be No. #1”


A failure to face a competitive challenge

Example: Blockbuster didn’t address Netflix, Redbox, Amazon Prime, and Hulu


Operational effectiveness, competitive benchmarking, or tactical tools

Examples: “pricing strategy,” “operations strategy,” “brand strategy”

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Element of Strategy: A-F-I Framework


Effective Vision

Captures an organization’s aspiration

Identifies what it ultimately wants to accomplish

Forward-looking and Inspiring: Motivates employees to aim for a target

Employees tend to feel part of something bigger than themselves.

Helps employees find meaning in their work

Allows employees to experience a greater sense of purpose





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Two Types of Vision Statements



Defines a business in terms of a good or service provided

Defines a business in terms of providing solutions to customer needs

To be the most efficient carrier in the railroad business

To make the world more open and connected

Myopic view of the competitive landscape

Less flexible

Focuses employees on problem solving for the customer

Customer needs may change

The means of meeting those needs may change also

We are building a new history in which our customers and our individual team members realize transformational growth (Vision statement for Central Maine and Quebec Railway)

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Vision Statement and Competitive Advantage

Vision Statement

Competitive advantage

The vision is customer-oriented
Internal stakeholders help define the vision
Organizational structures align with the vision statement

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Mission and Values





Defines how the vision is accomplished

Principles to guide behavior of employees at all levels

The products and services it will provide

Ethical standards and norms

The markets in which it will compete

Helps employees understand the company culture

Deal with complexity and resolve conflict

Top management commitment to values or lip service

GMU’s core values? IDEA

Need strategic commitments/actions:

– Costly

– Long-term oriented

– Difficult to reverse. Nursing homework help