Professional Nursing Paper On The 4 Domains Of Nursing

Professional Nursing Paper On The 4 Domains Of Nursing

APA 7th edition. Running head and abstract not required. Use appropriate level APA headings.

The four domains of nursing are the person, environment, health, and nursing.  Professional Nursing Paper On The 4 Domains Of Nursing

2. Review the definition of nursing developed by the American Nurses Association (ANA), “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (2004, p. 7). ANA Definition (Links to an external site.).

3. Formulating your philosophy of nursing. Use the questions below to help you develop a philosophy. The following are ideas to reflect on in the process of defining your own personal beliefs. You shouldn’t list and answer each one in your paper . Instead use your responses to the questions to devise a nursing philosophy.


What is your central belief about the individual person? What makes up a person, who they are and how they got to where they are?

What constitutes the environment? Does it include elements both external and internal? Give examples. Find out what internal/external environments are and how the person interacts with them. A good source for this information is Chitty and Black “Professional Nursing Concepts and Challenges” 6th edition, or Google search should give you direction on this

How do the individual and the environment interact? Think about how you view health. Your Finkelman textbook mentioned above will give you a basic understanding but you will need to expand upon this.

What is your view of health? What is health and how is illness related to health? Is health a continuum with absolutes at either end, is it a dichotomy: either good or bad? Is it a state that includes illness? Note that disease and illness is not the same thing. One can have a disease and not be ill, and one can be ill and not have a disease.

What is the central reason for the existence of nursing? Why are we, as nurses, here? Don’t think of this as a task based definition. Why do you get up every day and go to work? How do we do what we do every day?
Spend a little bit of time thinking about the questions provided and you will do fine!
Don’t look for a “right” answer, this is your personal philosophy/thought. Professional Nursing Paper On The 4 Domains Of Nursing


Introduction with thesis statement; core competencies of nursing; professional characteristics of nursing; conscious caring; definition of nursing, personal philosophy of nursing and summary

Assignment rubic:

Introduction:Introduce paper by telling the reader what you will be writing about. Be sure to include a thesis statement (3-4 sentences)

Core Competencies:Describe the core competencies for all healthcare professionals: delivering patient-centered care, working in interdisciplinary teams, utilizing evidence-based practice, apply quality improvement, and use of informatics( 1/2 page)

Professional Characteristics of Nursing:Describe professional characteristics of nursing as described by American Nurses Association: autonomy, responsibility, and accountability (1/2 page)

Definition of Nursing:Discuss the meaning of terms (choose only 3) found in the definition of nursing developed by the American Nurses Association.

Choose any 3 of the following terms (these can be 2nd level headings per APA in paper): promotion of health, optimization of health, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering, human response, and advocacy.

Consider the following questions for your discussion: What does the term mean to you personally as a nurse? What does the term mean for your patients and families? Could the term have a different meaning for various cultural groups? (1 page)

Conscious Caring: Describe five actions that demonstrate conscious caring and provide one example from your own nursing practice. (1/2 page)

Personal Philosophy of Nursing: Reflect on the four domains of a nursing philosophy and develop your own personal philosophy of nursing. (1/2 page) Professional Nursing Paper On The 4 Domains Of Nursing

Summary: Provide a summary of main ideas from your paper. Begin the paragraph by using the words, “In summary or In conclusion”. Do not provide any new information in this section. (4-5 sentences)

APA Format: Follows APA 7th edition format (no abstract or running head required), correct grammar and spelling, uses correct headings, minimum of 3 scholarly references (textbook can be 1 reference), and maximum of 2 direct quotations.

Total 6 pages. No plagiarism, APA style 7th edition. reference page must be included. Due February 25th @ 5pm. Professional Nursing Paper On The 4 Domains Of Nursing