Health Care Delivery Models And Nursing Practice

Health Care Delivery Models And Nursing Practice

Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment.  Health Care Delivery Models And Nursing Practice

Include the following:

  1. Outline a current or emerging health care law or federal regulation introduced to reform or restructure some aspect of the health care delivery system. Describe the effect of this on nursing practice and the nurse’s role and responsibility.
  2. Discuss how quality measures and pay for performance affect patient outcomes. Explain how these affect nursing practice and describe the expectations and responsibilities of the nursing role in these situations.


  3. Discuss professional nursing leadership and management roles that have arisen and how they are important in responding to emerging trends and in the promotion of patient safety and quality care in diverse health care settings.
  4. Research emerging trends. Predict two ways in which the practice of nursing and nursing roles will grow or transform within the next five years to respond to upcoming trends or predicted issues in health care.

You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Health Care Delivery Models And Nursing Practice


Health Disparities In The African American Community

Health Disparities In The African American Community

Black History Month Focus and Health Disparities in the African American Community

Learning Outcomes

The purpose of this clinical assignment is to highlight some of the healthcare issues of African Americans in celebration of Black History Month.  This assignment will also address the fact that disparities in health care are strong social determinants of health.

Specifically, students will create a brief document in which they will demonstrate their ability to:

Identify major health conditions that impact the African American (AA) communities in Chicago. Health Disparities In The African American Community

Compare and contrast epidemiological data that showcases the differences among different racial and ethnic groups within the city of Chicago and at the state level. Students will also interpret the data about the impact of the Covid pandemic on the AA population.


Create a document /pamphlet for teaching about sickle cell disease in the AA community

Realize that many health-care policies affect African Americans in a negative way

Appreciate that many African Americans have influenced Public Health in positive ways

Appreciate that the Resurrection University Library has a variety of educational texts and data bases related to African American history and healthcare in the U.S.

Please answer the following in a brief 2-page paper.  Place the questions in BOLD type

“The empirical evidence that race and ethnicity influence physicians to make harmful distinctions in how they treat and interact with White patients versus patients of color is overwhelming.” (Matthew, D. in Just Medicine, A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health care (2015). NY: New York University Press)

What do you think this statement means?

Have you had any experience that you would discuss or share?

Panelists who presented in the “Healthy Chicago 2025 video” noted that there is a significant lifespan difference between African Americans living in Chicago as compared to Caucasians in Chicago.

What is the average lifespan of African Americans in the community that you analyzed for Community /Windshield Project?  Compare this evidence to other communities assigned to your teams.

If we focus on the health condition of sickle cell disease in the AA population, what public health education/promotion is done in the community that you are aware of? As an example of a primary intervention, create a health ed document /pamphlet/fact sheet that could be used in a community forum on sickle cell disease.

Researchers noted below have emphasized that racial disparities exist among AA  nursing home residents.  For example, AA patients are often inappropriately diagnosed with dementia and physical restraint is also deployed with more frequency. Please read the following articles and list three major findings from each:  Health Disparities In The African American Community

Rivera –Hernandez, M; Kumar, A.; Epstein-Lubow, G & Thomas, K.S. (2019). Disparities in nursing home use and quality among African American, Hispanic, and White Medicare residents with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Journal of Aging and Health31(7), 1259-1277.

Shippee, T.P.; Henning-Smith, C., & Rhee, T.G. (2016). Racial Differences in Minnesota nursing home residents’ quality of life: The importance of looking beyond individual predictors. Journal of Aging and Health, 28(2), 199-224.

Following the virtual class presentation with the Res U library staff:

Write a paragraph about something new that you learned from the presentation.

Who are some African American heroes in the medical field?

What are some resources that you learned about for yourself and the families that you will be working with? Please document some of the resources below. Health Disparities In The African American Community

Soap Note 2 Topic: Chronic Conditions : Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)

Soap Note 2 Topic: Chronic Conditions : Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)

Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program)
Follow the MRU Soap Note Rubric as a guide

Turn it in Score must be less than 15% or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 15%. Copy paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement

Soap Note 2 Chronic Conditions


Chronic Conditions : Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)


Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program)
Follow the MRU Soap Note Rubric as a guide

Turn it in Score must be less than 20% or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 50%. Copy paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement. Soap Note 2 Topic: Chronic Conditions : Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) 


This sheet is to help you understand what we are looking for, and what our margin remarks might be about on your write ups of patients. Since at all of the white-ups that you hand in are uniform, this represents what MUST be included in every write-up.


1)      Identifying Data (___5pts): The opening list of the note. It contains age, sex, race, marital status, etc. The patient complaint should be given in quotes. If the patient has more than one complaint, each complaint should be listed separately (1, 2, etc.) and each addressed in the subjective and under the appropriate number.


2)      Subjective Data (___30pts.): This is the historical part of the note. It contains the following:


  1. a) Symptom analysis/HPI(Location, quality , quantity or severity, timing, setting, factors that make it better or worse, and associate manifestations.(10pts).
  2. b) Review of systems of associated systems, reporting all pertinent positives and negatives (10pts).
  3. c) Any PMH, family hx, social hx, allergies, medications related to the complaint/problem (10pts). If more than one chief complaint, each should be written u in this manner.


3)      Objective Data(__25pt.): Vital signs need to be present. Height and Weight should be included where appropriate.


  1. a)      Appropriate systems are examined, listed in the note and consistent with those identified in 2b.(10pts).
  2. b)      Pertinent positives and negatives must be documented for each relevant system.
  3. c)        Any abnormalities must be fully described. Measure and record sizes of things (likes moles, scars). Avoid using “ok”, “clear”, “within normal limits”, positive/ negative, and normal/abnormal to describe things. (5pts).


4)      Assessment (___10pts.): Diagnoses should be clearly listed and worded appropriately.


5)      Plan (___15pts.): Be sure to include any teaching, health maintenance and counseling along with the pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures. If you have more than one diagnosis, it is helpful to have this section divided into separate numbered sections.


6)      Subjective/ Objective, Assessment and Management and Consistent (___10pts.): Does the note support the appropriate differential diagnosis process? Is there evidence that you know what systems and what symptoms go with which complaints? The assessment/diagnoses should be consistent with the subjective section and then the assessment and plan. The management should be consistent with the assessment/ diagnoses identified.


7)      Clarity of the Write-up(___5pts.): Is it literate, organized and complete?





(sent  me in word for edit, and not copy pasted pleased, thank you )




Name: Mr. W.S.

Age: 65-year-old

Sex: Male

Source: Patient

Allergies: None

Current Medications: Atorvastatin tab 20 mg, 1-tab PO at bedtime

PMH: Hypercholesterolemia

Immunizations: Influenza last 2018-year, tetanus, and hepatitis A and B 4 years ago.

Surgical History: Appendectomy 47 years ago.

Family History: Father- died 81 does not report information

Mother-alive, 88 years old, Diabetes Mellitus, HTN

Daughter-alive, 34 years old, healthy

Social Hx: No smoking history or illicit drug use, occasional alcoholic beverage consumption on social celebrations. Retired, widow, he lives alone.


Chief complain: “headaches” that started two weeks ago

Symptom analysis/HPI:

The patient is 65 years old male who complaining of episodes of headaches and on 3 different occasions blood pressure was measured, which was high (159/100, 158/98 and 160/100 respectively) Soap Note 2 Topic: Chronic Conditions : Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). Patient noticed the problem started two weeks ago and sometimes it is accompanied by dizziness. He states that he has been under stress in his workplace for the last month.

Patient denies chest pain, palpitation, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting.



CONSTITUTIONAL: Denies fever or chills. Denies weakness or weight loss. NEUROLOGIC: Headache and dizzeness as describe above. Denies changes in LOC. Denies history of tremors or seizures.

HEENT: HEAD: Denies any head injury, or change in LOC. Eyes: Denies any changes in vision, diplopia or blurred vision. Ear: Denies pain in the ears. Denies loss of hearing or drainage. Nose: Denies nasal drainage, congestion. THROAT: Denies throat or neck pain, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing.

Respiratory: Patient denies shortness of breath, cough or hemoptysis.

Cardiovascular: No chest pain, tachycardia. No orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal


Gastrointestinal: Denies abdominal pain or discomfort. Denies flatulence, nausea, vomiting or


Genitourinary: Denies hematuria, dysuria or change in urinary frequency. Denies difficulty starting/stopping stream of urine or incontinence.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: Denies falls or pain. Denies hearing a clicking or snapping sound.

Skin: No change of coloration such as cyanosis or jaundice, no rashes or pruritus.

Objective Data

CONSTITUTIONAL: Vital signs: Temperature: 98.5 °F, Pulse: 87, BP: 159/92 mmhg, RR 20, PO2-98% on room air, Ht- 6’4”, Wt 200 lb, BMI 25. Report pain 0/10.

General appearance: The patient is alert and oriented x 3. No acute distress noted. NEUROLOGIC: Alert, CNII-XII grossly intact, oriented to person, place, and time. Sensation intact to bilateral upper and lower extremities. Bilateral UE/LE strength 5/5.

HEENT: Head: Normocephalic, atraumatic, symmetric, non-tender. Maxillary sinuses no tenderness. Eyes: No conjunctival injection, no icterus, visual acuity and extraocular eye movements intact. No nystagmus noted. Ears: Bilateral canals patent without erythema, edema, or exudate. Bilateral tympanic membranes intact, pearly gray with sharp cone of light. Maxillary sinuses no tenderness. Nasal mucosa moist without bleeding. Oral mucosa moist without lesions,.Lids non-remarkable and appropriate for race.


Neck: supple without cervical lymphadenopathy, no jugular vein distention, no thyroid swelling or masses.

Cardiovascular: S1S2, regular rate and rhythm, no murmur or gallop noted. Capillary refill < 2 sec.

Respiratory: No dyspnea or use of accessory muscles observed. No egophony, whispered pectoriloquy or tactile fremitus on palpation. Breath sounds presents and clear bilaterally on auscultation.

Gastrointestinal: No mass or hernia observed. Upon auscultation, bowel sounds present in all four quadrants, no bruits over renal and aorta arteries. Abdomen soft non-tender, no guarding, no rebound no distention or organomegaly noted on palpation

Musculoskeletal: No pain to palpation. Active and passive ROM within normal limits, no stiffness.

Integumentary: intact, no lesions or rashes, no cyanosis or jaundice.



Essential (Primary) Hypertension (ICD10 I10): Given the symptoms and high blood pressure (156/92 mmhg), classified as stage 2. Once the organic cause of hypertension has been ruled out, such as renal, adrenal or thyroid, this diagnosis is confirmed.

Differential diagnosis:

  • Renal artery stenosis (ICD10 I70.1)
  • Chronic kidney disease (ICD10 9)
  • Hyperthyroidism (ICD10 E05.90)


Diagnosis is based on the clinical evaluation through history, physical examination, and routine laboratory tests to assess risk factors, reveal identifiable causes and detect target-organ damage, including evidence of cardiovascular disease Soap Note 2 Topic: Chronic Conditions : Acute Kidney Injury (AKI).

These basic laboratory tests are:

  • CMP
  • Complete blood count
  • Lipid profile
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone
  • Urinalysis
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Pharmacological treatment:

The treatment of choice in this case would be:

Thiazide-like diuretic and/or a CCB

  • Hydrochlorothiazide tab 25 mg, Initial dose: 25 mg orally once daily.


  • Non-Pharmacologic treatment:
  • Weight loss
  • Healthy diet (DASH dietary pattern): Diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products with reduced content of saturated and trans l fat
  • Reduced intake of dietary sodium: <1,500 mg/d is optimal goal but at least 1,000 mg/d reduction in most adults
  • Enhanced intake of dietary potassium
  • Regular physical activity (Aerobic): 90–150 min/wk
  • Tobacco cessation
  • Measures to release stress and effective coping mechanisms.


  • Provide with nutrition/dietary information.
  • Daily blood pressure monitoring at home twice a day for 7 days, keep a record, bring the record on the next visit with her PCP
  • Instruction about medication intake compliance.
  • Education of possible complications such as stroke, heart attack, and other problems.
  • Patient was educated on course of hypertension, as well as warning signs and symptoms, which could indicate the need to attend the E.R/U.C. Answered all pt. questions/concerns. Pt verbalizes understanding to all



  • Evaluation with PCP in 1 weeks for managing blood pressure and to evaluate current hypotensive therapy. Urgent Care visit prn.
  • No referrals needed at this time.



Domino, F., Baldor, R., Golding, J., Stephens, M. (2017). The 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2017 (25th ed.). Print (The 5-Minute Consult Series).

Codina Leik, M. T. (2014). Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review (2nd ed.). ISBN 978-0-8261-3424-0. Soap Note 2 Topic: Chronic Conditions : Acute Kidney Injury (AKI).

Health Disease Research Paper

Health Disease Research Paper

  • This assignment must be in APA format.
  • The assignment should be in paragraph form using complete sentences and avoiding bullet points and numbered list.
  • Use a Level 1 heading to separate your sections (Page 47 of the APA Publication Manual).
  • Title and reference pages do not count toward the total word or page count.  Health Disease Research Paper
  • Textbook and outside sources need to be referenced and cited in the paper.


Essays: (at least 300 words per prompt)

1. How is the Gram stain used to classify bacteria? How do antibiotics inhibit the growth of bacteria? Explain how carriers play an important role in the transmission of pathogens. Jan acquired a MRSA infection during a stay at a rehabilitation facility. Jan’s physician tells her that her MRSA was caused by S. aureus. How would you explain to Jan what S. aureus is and how it can cause diseases?

2. Lou had abdominal surgery. During his stay at the hospital a catheter was inserted into his bladder. After returning home Lou was diagnosed with a nosocomial infection. What are the principle routes of transmission of nosocomial infections? What can be done to prevent nosocomial infections? What are three reasons why rates of nosocomial infections are markedly higher in developing countries? What are five things that increase the risk of nosocomial infection? Health Disease Research Paper

3. What is the difference between a neoplasm, benign tumor, and malignant tumor? Identify four chronic infections that may cause cancer, and what cancer the infection might cause. Mr. Brown age 63 and Mrs. Brown age 61, are being seen in for a routine check-up. What cancer screenings should Mr. and Mrs. Brown receive (name at least 3 and why)?

4. In Western societies, why is colorectal cancer the most common cancer, but yet there has been a decline in the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer over the last 40 years? Identify and discuss four nonspecific warning signs of cancer and which cancer the warning sign is linked to. Aaron is a 28-year-old who had an EBV infection during high school. He noticed one of his lymph nodes in his neck is swollen but is not painful. He is also experiencing night sweats. What is a possible diagnosis? Give some possible treatments for this diagnosis? Health Disease Research Paper

CASE STUDY: Preschool Child: Ricky

CASE STUDY: Preschool Child: Ricky

Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide rationales for your answers. Make sure to provide citations/references for your answers in APA format.  CASE STUDY: Preschool Child: Ricky


Ricky, age 4 years, arrives in the clinic with his mother. Ricky lives with his mother and father, who both work full-time, and his infant sister. Their extended family lives in a different state more than 100 miles away. Both parents are of average height and in good health. Ricky’s mother mentions that Ricky often expresses frustration, particularly in regard to food. Conflict over food occurs every day. Mealtime is a battle to get him to eat, unless his mother feeds him. Ricky’s baby sister seems to tolerate all baby foods but requires her mother to spoon-feed. Ricky’s mother is quite frustrated and concerned that he will become malnourished.

Reflective Questions

1. What additional assessment information would you collect?

2. What questions would you ask, and how would you further explore this issue with the mother?

3. In what ways does the distance of the extended family influence this family’s approach to health promotion?

4. What factors would you consider to determine whether malnourishment is a factor in this family?

Make sure to provide citations/references for your answers in APA format.  Do not forget please CASE STUDY: Preschool Child: Ricky

Psychopharmacologic Approaches To Treatment Of Psychopathology

Psychopharmacologic Approaches To Treatment Of Psychopathology

Select an adult or older adult client with a depressive disorder you have seen in your practicum.

In 4 pages, write a treatment plan for your client in which you do the following:


  • Describe the HPI and clinical impression for the client.
  • Recommend psychopharmacologic treatments and describe specific and therapeutic endpoints for your psychopharmacologic agent. (This should relate to HPI and clinical impression.)
  • Recommend psychotherapy choices (individual, family, and group) and specific therapeutic endpoints for your choices.
  • Identify medical management needs, including primary care needs, specific to this client.
  • Identify community support resources (housing, socioeconomic needs, etc.) and community agencies that are available to assist the client.
  • Recommend a plan for follow-up intensity and frequency and collaboration with other providers.

Psychopharmacologic Approaches To Treatment Of Psychopathology

Assignment: Week 2 Practicum Journal: Safe Prescribing

Assignment: Week 2 Practicum Journal: Safe Prescribing

There is probably no greater responsibility that the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner assumes than the responsibility of prescribing medications. While someone can be harmed by psychotherapy, the level and intensity of the harm generally does not come to the same level of harm that can occur from improper prescribing. The PMHNP must understand his/her responsibility both at a state and federal level when it comes to prescribing medications.


In this Practicum Journal Assignment, you will explore the legalities associated with prescribing controlled substances, as well as what a DEA number is, how to obtain one, and, most importantly, how to prescribe controlled substances in your state.


State- Illinois

In 2-3 pages:

Describe the role of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as it pertains to the PMHNP.
Explain your responsibilities when having a DEA number.
Explain how you apply for a DEA number.
Explain your state’s ( Illinois) requirements for a safe prescribing and prescription monitoring program. Explain your responsibility as a PMHNP to follow these requirements.
Provide an example of a drug you may prescribe from each of the Schedule II-V drug levels. Assignment: Week 2 Practicum Journal: Safe Prescribing


Advocacy And Healthcare Policy (Population Health Advocacy)

Advocacy And Healthcare Policy (Population Health Advocacy)


Population Health Advocacy

Human trafficking, extreme poverty, preventable diseases, the opioid crisis and the lack of adequate low-income housing are a few current societal concerns worthy of social change. Nurses and healthcare leaders are in a good position to shape and influence health care policy. Advocacy And Healthcare Policy (Population Health Advocacy)

Think of a cause you believe in strongly. Access the website of your elected officials either at the local, state, or federal level using the following link: or use the website of your choice. Explore some of the issues and committees your legislators are involved in and select at least one that interest you or align with your beliefs.


This assignment will be at least 1500 words or more. This week reflect on advocacy, collaborative partnerships with other health care practitioners and stakeholders, and the policy making process and write a paper that addresses the following:

  • Describe the policy issue, policy problem of interest or a particular bill that your legislator has introduced
  • Elaborate on why the policy matters and what you can possibly do to strengthen the policy?
  • Briefly define the role you would play as an advocate for the healthcare consumer and healthcare professionals.
  • Explain how the policy impacts the public at large or a particular population.
  • What stakeholders would you collaborate with to promote the cause?

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1500-2000 words in length

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment.  Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment. Advocacy And Healthcare Policy (Population Health Advocacy)

Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay

Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Middle-Aged White Male With Anxiety

The client is a 46-year-old white male who works as a welder at a local steel fabrication factory. He presents today after being referred by his PCP after a trip to the emergency room in which he felt he was having a heart attack. He stated that he felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, and feeling of impending doom. He does have some mild hypertension (which is treated with low sodium diet) and is about 15 lbs. overweight. He had his tonsils removed when he was 8 years old, but his medical history since that time has been unremarkable. Myocardial infarction was ruled out in the ER and his EKG was normal. Remainder of physical exam was WNL.
He admits that he still has problems with tightness in the chest and episodes of shortness of breath- he now terms these “anxiety attacks.” He will also report occasional feelings of impending doom, and the need to “run” or “escape” from wherever he is at.
In your office, he confesses to occasional use of ETOH to combat worries about work. He admits to consuming about 3-4 beers/night. Although he is single, he is attempting to care for aging parents in his home. He reports that the management at his place of employment is harsh, and he fears for his job. You administer the HAM-A, which yields a score of 26 Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.
Client has never been on any type of psychotropic medication.


The client is alert, oriented to person, place, time, and event. He is appropriately dressed. Speech is clear, coherent, and goal-directed. Client’s self-reported mood is “bleh” and he does endorse feeling “nervous”. Affect is somewhat blunted, but does brighten several times throughout the clinical interview. Affect broad. Client denies visual or auditory hallucinations, no overt delusional or paranoid thought processes readily apparent. Judgment is grossly intact, as is insight. He denies suicidal or homicidal ideation.
The PMHNP administers the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) which yields a score of 26.
Diagnosis: Generalized anxiety disorder. Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.

§ Hamilton, M. (1959). Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. Psyctests, doi:10.1037/t02824-0

Decision Point One
Select what the PMHNP should do:

Begin Zoloft 50 mg po daily

Begin Zoloft 50 mg po daily

Begin Imipramine 25 mg po BID

Begin Imipramine 25 mg po BID

Begin Buspirone 10 mg po BID

Begin Buspirone 10 mg po BID

The Assignment
Examine Case Study: A Middle-Aged Caucasian Man With Anxiety. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this client. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the client’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.
At each decision point stop to complete the following:
• Decision #1
o Which decision did you select?
o Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
o What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.
o Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #1 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
• Decision #2
o Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
o What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
o Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #2 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
• Decision #3
o Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
o What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
o Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #3 and the results of the decision. Why were they different? Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Sample Essay.
Also include how ethical considerations might impact your treatment plan and communication with clients.

Below is a simple paper for reference.

Week 2 Assignment: Assessing and Treating Pediatric Clients with Mood Disorders
Depression is considered an affective disorder due to its effect on the internal emotions and external mood seen by others (Stahl, 2013). Symptoms of depression include generalized sadness which can lead to feelings of guilt, fatigue, anxiety, poor concentration, changes in sleep pattern, increased or poor appetite and social isolation among many others. It is theorized that the cause of depression is due to a deficiency of monoamine neurotransmitters which are responsible for the amount of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine in the brain (Stahl, 2013). When treating a patient with depression, medications generally target this deficiency in hopes to provide relief from the symptoms the client is experiencing.
Case Study Information
The case study presented this week consists of an 8-year-old African American male presenting to the emergency department with mom due to increased feelings of sadness, withdrawn behavior in school, decreased appetite and occasional agitated behaviors (Laureate Education, 2016e). While the physical examination and laboratory studies were within normal limits, the mental status exam proved to be normal with reported “sad” mood, blunted affect but appropriately smiled at times and endorses thoughts of passive suicidal ideation (Laureate Education, 2016e). The client scored a 30 on the Children’s Depression Rating Scale, indicating significant depression (Laureate Education, 2016e) Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.
The purpose of this assignment is to consider the 8-year-old client and information and make three decisions concerning medications to prescribe to the client. Each decision offers multiple options to choose from. The decision will be chosen based on evidence consisting of recent academic resources and research studies along with a rational for why the other two options were not chosen. Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Sample Essay. Each outcome will be discussed based on if it was expected or not and what the next step will be. Lastly, ethical considerations will be discussed and how they may impact the treatment plan for the client and the communication with the client and his family.
Decision One
The first decision point the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) must choose which medication the client will start. The medications to choose from include Zoloft (sertraline) 25 mg by mouth daily, Paxil (paroxetine) 10 mg by mouth daily, and Wellbutrin (bupropion) 75 mg by mouth twice daily (Laureate Education, 2016e). As the PMHNP caring for this client, Zoloft 25 mg daily would be the first choice of therapy for this patient. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are known to be the first line of treatment for children with depression (DeFilippis & Wagner, 2014). While sertraline and paroxetine are both SSRIs, sertraline is FDA approved when treating children whereas paroxetine has been found to be affective when treating children with depression, it is not specifically approved by the FDA at this point in time (Stahl, 2014b). Sertraline is approved by the FDA for use in children with depression beginning at the age of six (Stahl, 2013). Additionally, paroxetine is not recommended in use for children due to its short half-life which can lead to withdrawal when the medication is stopped abruptly (Nathan & Gorman, 2015).
The safety and efficacy of bupropion have not been established thus far but it some research that has been done suggests that this medication is effective for treatment of a client with both attention deficit disorder and depression, something that the client in this case study does not exhibit (Stahl, 2014b). Research has also shown that often the placebo effect alone on prescription medications can play a part in reduction of depressive symptoms in both children and adults (DeFilippis & Wagner, 2014). Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.
As a new prescriber, I would most likely make a cautious decision when treating a child for the first time. Due to the fact that sertraline is FDA approved in the treatment of depression in children, I would most likely go with that medication as a primary action for prescribing for this client. The goal of this treatment is to alleviate depressive symptoms in the client while minimizing the risk for side effects of the medication.
When the client returned to the clinic four weeks after starting on Zoloft 25 mg daily, there was no change in the depressive symptoms at all (Laureate Education, 2016e). I am surprised that there was absolutely no change given the fact that the effects can be either medicinal or placebo, with changes seen as early as a week into the medication trial (Nathan & Gorman, 2015). As with all medications, there is always the chance that the client does not see an improvement in symptoms.
Decision Two
After the initial trial of Zoloft 25 mg yielded no change in the client’s symptoms, the treatment options are to increase the dose to 37.5 mg daily, increase the dose to 50 mg daily or to change the medication completely to Prozac 10 mg daily (Laureate Education, 2016e). Because the patient has not exhibited any adverse reactions to the medication, there is no need to change the medication at this time. As for titrating the sertraline, it can be titrated in increments of 25 mg with the maximum dosage not to exceed 200 mg daily (Southammakosane & Schmitz, 2015). Once the medication is started and tolerated, research supports titrating the medication up to minimize depressive symptoms (Cheung et al., 2018). Paroxetine, in general, was not recommended for treatment of pediatric depression based on research by Nathan & Gorman (2015) and this will not be considered for this client Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.
Based on this research, the decision was made to increase the Zoloft dose to 50 mg daily for the client. Again, the goals of treatment are to find a medication that reduces depressive symptoms in this pediatric patient while minimizing adverse effects. Once that goal is accomplished, long term goals for the client would be medication compliance and absence of relapse in depressive symptoms and suicidality.
The client returned to the clinic in four weeks with a decrease in depressive symptoms by 50% and is tolerating the medication well (Laureate Education, 2016e). While I anticipated the patient to have a reduction in depressive symptoms with the increase in dose, I had hoped the low dose would be effective for this patient. Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Sample Essay. I am pleasantly surprised that the patient is not exhibiting any side effects from the medication.
Decision Three
The increase in the Zoloft dose to 50 mg yielded decreased depressive symptoms and no side effects (Laureate Education, 2016e). The next decision for the client involves maintaining the current dose, increasing the dose by 25 mg again to achieve a total dose of 75 mg daily or changing the medication to a SNRI (Laureate Education, 2016e). When discussing the medication with the client and parent, it would be important to discuss medication adherence to assure the client is taking the medication as directed. If this is the case, I would likely recommend increasing the dose to 75 mg due to the fact that the medication can be titrated up in 25 mg increments with the maximum prescribed dose of Zoloft being no more than 200 mg by mouth each day (Southammakosane & Schmitz, 2015). If the patient had seen no response and had reached the upper limit of Zoloft already, I would consider changing the medication, but it appears as though there is some desired effect from the medication without adverse reactions, which is the goal of treatment.
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI’s) such as duloxetine, venlafaxine and desvenlafaxine are considered second-line or third-line treatments for children with depression (Koechlin et al., 2018). Additionally, some research shows that there is significant cost benefit as well as safety in using SSRI’s over SNRI’s (Locher et al., 2107) Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay. In this case, I would continue with the SSRI medication I have been utilizing for this patient, which is a first line medication until I have exhausted my dosage options.
With increasing the dose of the Zoloft to 75 mg daily, I am hopeful that the medication will have an increased effect, perhaps 75-100% effective with little to no side effects. The response to the decision was that the client had a sufficient response to the medication with associated symptom reduction (Laureate Education, 2016e). It was recommended to either continue the Zoloft at 50 mg daily considering there was a response to the medication and evaluate again in four weeks to see if the medication continues to work or to increase it to 75 mg daily considering it was not complete remission of depressive symptoms (Laureate Education, 2016e).
While an increased dose may yield potential adverse effects, it can also give the necessary response of decreased depressive symptoms. This could be an opportunity to discuss the medication and symptoms with both the client and his parents to make them apart of the decision making. Although the client is only 8-years-old, he is capable of discussing his feelings as well as his response to the medication. Family can offer additional feedback from an external source about the client’s symptoms (Stahl, 2013). Should the patient not be able to tolerate the medication increase, the dose can be decreased as well. As I anticipated with the third decision, there is no reason to change the medication to an SNRI at this time considering the client is tolerating the Zoloft dose and exhibiting a response to it Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.
While there is not one correct answer when treating a child with depression, beginning drug therapy with a SSRI and titrating up slowly and as indicated has proved to be effective for my 8-year-old client with depression. When combined with therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment is enhanced and side effects of medications are diminished (Giles & Martini, 2016). Along with follow up for medication management, this client and his mom should also be educated on potential side effects including potential increase in suicidality. Should this happen, the client should be encouraged to reach out to a parent or adult he trusts and seek an appointment immediately.
Ethically, when treating clients with medications, benefit of treatment must outweigh potential harm (Merry et al., 2017). When discussing the treatment plan with the client and family, we must remain transparent and educate them on the pros and cons of the medications and also the potential for a placebo effect from taking an antidepressant medication. Information should be provided based on educational level and should be basic enough for an 8-year-old to understand and also complex enough for the parent to gauge an understanding of the medication their child is taking.
This assignment was an opportunity to examine different medication therapy for a child with depression and make changes as needed to help alleviate the client’s symptoms. Although there is not one clear answer when diagnosing and treating patients, it is important we treat each patient individually and based upon their needs and responses to medications prescribed Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.
Cheung, A. H., Zuckerbrot, R. A., Jensen, P. S., Laraque, D., Stein, R. E., & GLAD-PC
STEERING GROUP. (2018). Guidelines for adolescent depression in primary care (GLAD-PC): Part II. Treatment and ongoing management. Pediatrics, 141(3), e20174082.
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children and adolescents. Pediatric Drugs, 16(5), 353-361
Giles, L. L., & Martini, D. R. (2016). Challenges and promises of pediatric
psychopharmacology. Academic pediatrics, 16(6), 508-518.
Koechlin, H., Kossowsky, J., Gaab, J., & Locher, C. (2018). How to address the placebo
response in the prescription SSRIs and SNRIs in children and adolescents.
Laureate Education (2016e). Case study: An African American child suffering from depression
[Interactive media file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Sample Essay.
Locher, C., Koechlin, H., Zion, S. R., Werner, C., Pine, D. S., Kirsch, I. & Kossowsky, J. (2017).
Efficacy and Safety of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors, and Placebo for Common Psychiatric Disorders Among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry, 74(10), 1011–1020. jamapsychiatry.2017.2432
Merry, S. N., Hetrick, S. E., & Stasiak, K. (2017). Effectiveness and Safety of Antidepressants
for Children and Adolescents: Implications for Clinical Practice. JAMA psychiatry, 74(10), 985-986.
Nathan, P. E., & Gorman, J. M. (Eds.). (2015). A guide to treatments that work. Oxford
University Press Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.


Assessing and Treating Clients with Anxiety Disorder


Anxiety disorders refer to a syndrome of mental disorders typified by substantial feelings of fear and anxiety.  The anxiety and fears may cause physical symptoms like shakiness and rapid heart rate. Various forms of anxiety disorders include panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, among other disorders (Locke et al, 2015).  The focus of this assignment is on a 46-year-old male who presented with symptoms of anxiety disorder that included breath shortness, chest tightness as well as a feeling of impending doom. Results of ER and ECK were normal which ruled out myocardial infarction. (HAM-A) scale yielded a score of 26 and a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) was made. Following the diagnosis, three decisions will be made about the treatment regimen for the client. After making each decision, a rationale supported by clinical evidence and patient data will be provided. Moreover, after making each decision, factors likely to impact the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes for the client will be considered when making decisions. Finally, ethical considerations likely to impact the client’s treatment plan will be discussed Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.

Decision Point One

The first choice for the client would be to begin Zoloft 50 mg orally daily. This decision was selected because Zoloft is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and SSRIs are the recommended first-line treatments for anxiety disorders. SSRIs work by increasing the amount of serotonin within the brain; serotonin is a brain chemical that is very important for mood regulation (Locher et al, 2017). Accordingly, SSRIs such as Zoloft work by hindering serotonin reuptake in the brain and therefore increases the level of serotonin in the brain; availability of serotonin thus helps in regulating moods and hence improves anxiety symptoms. In addition, evidence shows that Zoloft is effective in improving anxiety symptoms manifest in GAD; this is because anxiety depletes serotonin in the brain and this is addressed by an SSRI such as Zoloft which replaces the depleted serotonin in the brain (Patel et al, 2018).

Imipramine (Tofranil) at 25 mg BID and Buspirone (Buspar) 10 mg orally twice daily choices were not selected because as aforementioned evidence recommends SSRIs as the first-line medications in the treatment of anxiety disorders Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Sample Essay. Moreover, these two medications are not well tolerated as Zoloft and also have numerous side effects when compared to Zoloft Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.

By selecting the decision to begin Zoloft 50 mg orally daily, it was expected that symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder manifested by the client would gradually clear away. It was also expected that the HAM-A score for the client would significantly reduce indicating an improvement of the anxiety symptoms. This is because evidence shows that Zoloft as an SSRI is effective in the treatment of GAD symptoms (Patel et al, 2018). In addition, it was hoped that the client would have minimal side effects and tolerate the medication because evidence shows that SSRIs have minimal side effects are well tolerated (Clevenger et al, 2018)

There was no significant difference between the actual outcome of the decision and the expected results because when the client came for review the anxiety symptoms had significantly reduced and manifested by the client not having symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest tightness. Moreover, the client reported that he had stopped worrying about his job and also the HAM-A score dropped from 28 to 18 which shows that the client was responding to treatment, although partially.

Decision Point Two

The chosen second decision is to increase the client’s Zoloft dose to 75 mg orally daily. This decision was selected because the client’s HAM-A score dropped from 28 to 18 which indicated a partial response to treatment which shows that the client is responding to the treatment. Therefore, the increase of the dose from 50 mg to 75mg will further increase the availability of serotonin within the brain and thus further improve the anxiety symptoms for the client.  Evidence supports the gradual increase of the SSRIs dosage if the clients are not satisfactorily responsive to the treatment (Jakubovski et al, 2016). This decision was also based on the fact that the client seems to be tolerating Zoloft medication well and without any side effect Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.

The option to increase Zoloft to 100mg was not chosen because dosage increase and titration are supposed to be gradual to ensure the client continues to tolerate the medication well with minimal side effects.  On the other hand, the option to have the client continue with the same dose and have him reassessed after four weeks was not selected because the client’s response is partial and therefore it is essential to increase the dosage to ensure complete response to the medication (Jakubovski et al, 2016). Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Sample Essay.

By choosing this decision, the expectation was that the anxiety symptoms would continue reducing and this would be indicated by a significantly reduced HAM-A score. There was no noticeable difference between the actual decision and the expected decision because on coming to the clinic the client’s anxiety symptoms had further reduced as indicated by the further reduction of the HAM-A score.

Decision Point Three

For the third decision, the chosen decision is to have the client maintain the current dose of Zoloft 75 mg orally daily. This decision was chosen because with the current decision the client is showing improvement of the anxiety symptoms as indicated by the subjective data and the HAM-A score; the client reported that he was no longer experiencing the symptoms and also the HAM-A score indicated significant reduction with the current dose. This means that the client is responding to the current medication and dose adequately. Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Sample Essay. In addition, with the current dose, the client is not experiencing any side effects and he is tolerating the medication very well. Evidence and clinical guidelines recommend titration of medications according to the response of the client; in this case, the client is responding very well and hence there is no need to titrate medication any further (Jakobsen et al, 2017) Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.

The option to either augment the current treatment with Buspar or the option of increasing the current dose of Zoloft to 100mg was not chosen since the client is showing a satisfactory response to the current dose of Zoloft 75 mg.

By selecting this decision, the expectation is that the client will show a complete response to the treatment where the client will report complete clearance of the symptoms and the HAM-A score will significantly reduce.

Impact of Ethical Considerations on the Treatment Plan

For this client, the ethical considerations will encompass informed consent, confidentiality, and autonomy. First, it is essential to seek informed consent from the client to ensure that the client has full information about the recommended treatment before he consents to the treatment (Millum, 2013). Secondly, the confidentiality of the client should be respected. This means that any information and the client’s treatment regimen should not be disclosed to any other party without the consent of the client. Lastly, the client’s autonomy should be respected where the client should not be forced or coerced to have any treatment; he should decide to accept or refuse the treatment. Any decision the client makes about the treatment should be respected (Millum, 2013) Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.


The selected first decision is to begin Zoloft 50 mg orally daily. The rationale for selecting this decision is because SSRIs such as Zoloft are the first treatment choice for anxiety disorders and evidence shows that the medication is effective in treating anxiety symptoms. There was significant improvement with this decision. The second decision was to increase the dose to the Zoloft dose to 75 mg orally daily. This decision was made because the client was showing partial response as indicated by the HAM-A score and hence increasing the dose would facilitate a satisfactory response. The third decision is to maintain the current dose because the client is showing a satisfactory response to the treatment as indicated by the reduced HAM-A score and reduced symptoms as per the subjective data. Finally, the ethical considerations that should be considered include autonomy, confidentiality, and informed consent Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.


Clevenger S, Devvrat M, Dang J, Vanle B & William I. (2018). The role of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in preventing relapse of major depressive disorder. Ther Adv Psychopharmacology. 8(1): 49–58. Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Sample Essay.

Jakubovski E, Anjali V, Freemantle N, Taylr M & Bloch M. (2016). Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Dose-Response Relationship of Selective-Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in Major Depressive Disorder. Am J Psychiatry. 173(2): 174–183.

Jakobsen J, Kumar K, Timm A, Gluud C, Ebert E et al. (2017). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors versus placebo in patients with major depressive disorder. A systematic review with meta-analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis. BMC Psychiatry. 17(58).

Locke A, Faafp M, Krist N & Shultz C. (2015). Diagnosis and Management of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder in Adults. Am Fam Physician.  1;91(9),617-624.

Locher, C., Koechlin, H., Zion, S. R., Werner, C., Pine, D. S., Kirsch, I. & Kossowsky, J. (2017).
Efficacy and Safety of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors, and Placebo for Common Psychiatric Disorders Among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry. 74(10), 1011–1020.

Millum J. (2013). Introduction: Case Studies in the Ethics of Mental Health Research. J Nerv Ment Dis. 200(3), 230–235.

Patel D, Feucht C, Brown K & Ramsay J. (2018). Pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents: a review for practitioners. Transl Pediatr. 7(1): 23–35 Assessing and Treating Clients With Anxiety Disorders Essay.

Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay

Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay

Bipolar Therapy
Client of Korean Descent/Ancestry

The client is a 26-year-old woman of Korean descent who presents to her first appointment following a 21-day hospitalization for onset of acute mania. She was diagnosed with bipolar I disorder.
Upon arrival in your office, she is quite “busy,” playing with things on your desk and shifting from side to side in her chair. She informs you that “they said I was bipolar, I don’t believe that, do you? I just like to talk, and dance, and sing. Did I tell you that I liked to cook?”
She weights 110 lbs. and is 5’ 5” Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay



Patient reports “fantastic” mood. Reports that she sleeps about 5 hours/night to which she adds “I hate sleep, it’s no fun.”
You reviewed her hospital records and find that she has been medically worked up by a physician who reported her to be in overall good health. Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Essay. Lab studies were all within normal limits. You find that the patient had genetic testing in the hospital (specifically GeneSight testing) as none of the medications that they were treating her with seemed to work.
Genetic testing reveals that she is positive for CYP2D6*10 allele.
Patient confesses that she stopped taking her lithium (which was prescribed in the hospital) since she was discharged two weeks ago Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay.

The patient is alert, oriented to person, place, time, and event. She is dressed quite oddly- wearing what appears to be an evening gown to her appointment. Speech is rapid, pressured, tangential. Self-reported mood is euthymic. Affect broad. Patient denies visual or auditory hallucinations, no overt delusional or paranoid thought processes readily apparent. Judgment is grossly intact, but insight is clearly impaired. She is currently denying suicidal or homicidal ideation.
The Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) score is 22

§ Chen, R., Wang, H., Shi, J., Shen, K., & Hu, P. (2015). Cytochrome P450 2D6 genotype affects the pharmacokinetics of controlled-release paroxetine in healthy Chinese subjects: comparison of traditional phenotype and activity score systems. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 71(7), 835-841. doi:10.1007/s00228-015-1855-6 Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Essay.

Decision Point One
Select what the PMHNP should do:

Begin Lithium 300 mg orally BID

Begin Risperdal 1 mg orally BID

Begin Seroquel XR 100 mg orally at HS Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay

To prepare for this Assignment:
• Review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider how to assess and treat clients requiring bipolar therapy.
The Assignment
Examine Case Study: An Asian American Woman With Bipolar Disorder. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this client. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the client’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.
At each decision point stop to complete the following:
• Decision #1
o Which decision did you select?
o Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
o What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources. Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Essay.
o Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #1 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
• Decision #2
o Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
o What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
o Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #2 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
• Decision #3
o Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
o What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
o Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #3 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
Also include how ethical considerations might impact your treatment plan and communication with clients Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay.

Decision #1

Selected Decision

The first decision is to start Risperdal 1mg orally BID

Reason For Selecting This Decision

Risperdal, originally referred to as risperidone, is a typical antipsychotic that has proven to be highly effective in the management of bipolar disorders.  It does so by trying to influence a rebalance in serotonin and dopamine thus resulting in good conduct. Since the patient was having bipolar confusion, Risperdal happens to be the best alternative also considering that it is readily accessible (Culpepper, 2014).  In the past treatment therapy, the patient happened to default lithium. Therefore, it wouldn’t be a smart option to start lithium 300mg since the chances of the patient not adhering to treatment are high. Similarly, Seroquel XR could be a good alternative. However, its side effects of constipation and weight addition might contribute to non-compliance thus not achieving the therapeutic goals (John & Antai-Otong, 2016).  This leaves Risperdal as the best option in this case. Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay.

Expected Outcomes

Within four weeks on treatment, the patient is expected to show immense progress. The current manifestations of bipolar disorder that she experiences are also expected to diminish to an extent that the patient has a peaceful state of mind. The patient should be restful and be able to conduct her activities of daily life with little or no difficulty (John & Antai-Otong, 2016) Risperdal is the best choice to influence mental action and improve the patient’s capacity to be of rational sound mind in the way she addresses issues. It is also expected that the patient’s self-destructive practices and tension would diminish and will respond to her environment and social interactions positively (Fang, et al., 2017) Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay.

 Difference between Expected Outcomes and Actual Outcomes

After four weeks, the client returned to the clinic accompanied by her mother looking very lethargic and sedated. They, however, agreed that the patient’s self-destructive practices had significantly diminished. The client’s mother explained that the client had been lethargic for about a week after the last visit. Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Essay. It should be noted that one of the side effects of Risperdal is sedation (John & Antai-Otong, 2016) Similarly, based on the fact that the client is reportedly positive for CYP2D6*10 allele, it is probable that she might be having a slow rate of clearance of Risperdal from her systems leading to higher levels than normal of Risperdal in blood (Chen et al., 2015). Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Essay.Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay

Decision #2

Selected Decision

Based on the client’s presentation and the initial decision, the second best decision, in this case, would be reducing Risperdal to 1mg HS.

Reason for Selecting This Decision

Based on the patient’s progress during the second visit, it was evident that Risperdal was effective in attaining therapeutic goals of treatment. However, the unwanted side effects were the major concerns. It is therefore wise to decrease the dosing to deal with the side effects rather than change to another drug.  Decreasing the dosage to one mg HS would be the best alternative that will help to reduce the significant impact of the side effects (Culpepper, 2014). Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Essay. Changing the drug to lithium will possibly result in non-compliance since the client has already developed some demeanor towards it. Besides, the patient may turn out to generally have a negative attitude towards all medicines which may be prescribed by the mental health practitioner. Giving the patient support to adapt to an alternate dosage of the same medication will also improve their dedication, trust, and understanding to collaborate in achieving the treatment goals (John & Antai-Otong, 2016) Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay.

Expected Outcomes

As earlier stated, Risperdal has proven to be effective in managing the symptoms of bipolar disorder by influencing a balance in serotonin and dopamine to help address a patient’s self-destructive behaviors. Based on the fact that the client is positive for CYP2D6*10 allele, the initial dosage could have resulted in an accumulation of Risperdal which is slowly being cleared (John & Antai-Otong, 2016). Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Essay. Reducing the dosage to one mg HS will definitely reduce the amount of Risperdal accumulated in the body and subsequent side effects of lethargy and sedation. By adjusting this dosage, it is expected that the patient will record some positive progress in terms of reduced self-destructive behaviors, ease in performing activities of daily life and thinking patterns (Fang, et al., 2017). It is also expected that the client will have minimal episodes of lethargy and sedation Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay.

Difference between Expected Outcomes and Actual Outcomes

After four weeks, the client returned to the clinic accompanied by her mother. She was less sedated, less lethargic and showed a lot of improvement in symptoms. The young mania rating scale had also reduced from 22 to 16, an illustration that there was more than a 25% reduction in symptoms. These outcomes were actually foreseen and were the reason the dosage of Risperdal was reduced to one mg HS (John & Antai-Otong, 2016) Risperdal is a powerful choice for bipolar disorder; its side effects are easily manageable and help in the achievement of therapeutic goals for bipolar patients more easily Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Essay.

Decision #3

Selected Decision

My third decision would be to continue at the same dosage of 1 mg HS.

Reason for Selecting This Decision

From the initial visit, it was evident that the client has good progress in terms of reducing self-destructive behaviors and management of the drugs side effects. Maintaining this dosage and reassessing the client after four weeks will contribute to the achievement of the treatment goals for both the client and the attending mental health practitioner. The initial dosage of 1 mg BID had turned out to be detrimental to the patient’s health (Fang, et al., 2017). Therefore, going back to it would prompt similar side effects.  Besides, changing to Latuda is not recommendable in this case since Latuda is FDA approved for bipolar I depression which differs from the patient’s presentation that we are trying to manage. Besides, Latuda is costly and most health insurance companies would decline to pay for it until other drugs have been attempted and proven to fail (John & Antai-Otong, 2016). Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay

Expected Outcomes

It is expected that, within four weeks, the patient will record immense progress by reducing self-destructive behaviors. Besides, she will report very minimal or no side effects from Risperdal. She will have a good state of mind, conduct, and good thinking patterns. Risperdal is FDA approved for managing bipolar symptoms and has proven to be highly effective with manageable side effects (John & Antai-Otong, 2016)

Difference between Expected Outcomes and Actual Outcomes

As initially expected, the patient has some significant progress and very minimal side effects of lethargy and sedation. The reassessment proved that Risperdal had adequately helped to achieve the necessary treatment goals in the entire course of treatment. Given the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of Risperdal, these are certainly the outcomes that ought to be expected. Since the client is for positive for CYP2D6*10 allele, Risperdal could be clearing at a slower rate resulting to higher than normal levels in the blood (Fang, et al., 2017).


However, the effect, in this case, may not be significant as compared to the initial point.

How Ethical Considerations Might Impact the Treatment Plan and Communication With Clients

            The major ethical considerations that ought to be considered in managing clients with bipolar disorder are beneficence, nonmaleficence, and autonomy. Despite the fact that clients need treatment to live near-normal lives, the risks of the choice of medications used should balance with the corresponding benefits. Alternatively, a mental healthcare provider should consider giving the patient some of the best available options for management to maximize the benefits of treatment (Ratheesh et al., 2017).  The impairment or insight and judgment that is always characterized by mania and mood episodes may render a patient as not able to provide informed consent nor incapable of making rational decisions regarding their treatment. Besides, a number of clinical presentations such as delusional thinking and irritability could probably be a threat in damaging the therapeutic alliance that exists between a client and a mental healthcare provider. It should also be noted that, due to the relapsing-remitting nature of bipolar disorder, there are instances where a patient might feel well and question the need to continue with treatment (Ratheesh et al., 2017).  This places the treatment goals laid by the mental healthcare provider in conflict with the patient’s autonomy to make decisions. Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay.


Chen, R., Wang, H., Shi, J., Shen, K., & Hu, P. (2015). Cytochrome P450 2D6 genotype affects the pharmacokinetics of controlled-release paroxetine in healthy Chinese subjects: comparison of traditional phenotype and activity score systems. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 71(7), 835-841.

Culpepper, L. (2014). The diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder: decision-making in primary care. The primary care companion for CNS disorders16(3).

Fang, F., Wang, Z., Wu, R., Calabrese, J. R., & Gao, K. (2017). Is there a ‘weight neutral’second-generation antipsychotic for bipolar disorder?. Expert review of Neurotherapeutics17(4), 407-418.

John, R. L., & Antai-Otong, D. (2016). Contemporary Treatment Approaches to Major Depression and Bipolar Disorders. Nursing Clinics51(2), 335-351.

Ratheesh, A., Cotton, S. M., Davey, C. G., Adams, S., Bechdolf, A., Macneil, C., & McGorry, P. D. (2017). Ethical considerations in preventive interventions for bipolar disorder. Early intervention in psychiatry11(2), 104-112. Assessing and Treating Clients with With Bipolar Disorder Sample Essay