Nursing homework help

The media portray many images of nursing, some favorable and some unfavorable.

  • Does media portrayal of nursing affect how patients perceive nurses as authority figures? Why or why not? Think about nursing stereotypes and discuss the ways you can influence the public image of nursing.
  • Discuss the various roles nurses can play that support the real image of nursing. Think about community health care and preventive services for all, but especially the underserved.

In order to receive full credit, you will need to clearly respond to both parts of the question using subtitles or bullets AND cite at least one scholarly reference in your response.  Nursing homework help


The media portray many images of nursing, some favorable and some unfavorable.

  • Does media portrayal of nursing affect how patients perceive nurses as authority figures? Why or why not? Think about nursing stereotypes and discuss the ways you can influence the public image of nursing.
  • Discuss the various roles nurses can play that support the real image of nursing. Think about community health care and preventive services for all, but especially the underserved.

In order to receive full credit, you will need to clearly respond to both parts of the question using subtitles or bullets AND cite at least one scholarly reference in your response.  Nursing homework help


Nursing homework help

Review the posts made by your classmates and reply to at least two who took a position other than your own. Reply to those posts indicating which aspect(s) of their reasoning you found most compelling.


As of 2019, premarital genetic testing is no longer a requirement in the U.S. (McMaken, 2019).

Requiring pre-marriage genetic testing is a very political discussion because, although it has many benefits such as avoiding hereditary diseases, it brings forward legal issues such as:

· A doctor finding out patient A, who is related to patient B, is genetically determined to experience cancer, which would mean patient B also has those chances. The doctor may chose to say nothing and let the family handle the information or they could risk violating HIPAA laws and say something to Patient B.

I do not believe it should be legal for states to require pre-marital genetic testing. I think it should be the couples choice to get genetically tested. The genetic testing only tells you what you COULD pass to your offspring with no guarantee they will receive those genetic mutations.

Violation of autonomy is the main factor I believe pre-marital genetic testing should not be required. According to Ebrahim (2018), “the imposition of mandatory premarital genetic testing by the State compromises the autonomy of the populace and that is considered to be unethical.” Nursing homework help


Ebrahim, A. F. (2018). Mandatory Premarital Genetic Screening For Hereditary Disease In Light Of The Five Objectives Of Islamic Law. The Egyptian Journal of Fertility of Sterility22(1), 23-27.


McMaken, R. (2019, October 16). The pre-marriage blood test in America is now gone. Mises Institute. Retrieved February 15, 2022, from


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I do agree with you on this being something that is informative and a good educational piece for soon-to-be married couples. I believe being better informed will allow couples to re-evaluate their readiness of parenthood. It first gives them the idea that not all pregnancies are going to be easy and/or all children will be healthy. Being an LPN I work at a Same Day Clinic- I asked a provider on this subject and they agreed it would be nice to have done but we all know the evils of greed. What happens when insurance companies start wanting this information? Will they increase the cost for people that have a higher risk of conceiving children with genetic defects? Will they use the samples to gather more information than originally discussed? What would they do with that information? I like to think that this isn’t something that would happen but after thoughts I am on the fence. I think it should be treated like vaccines. We have “mandated” vaccines but people can opt out of.


But then with the discussion of the greed… who is going to ensure the protection of the public and make sure the information is not going to get into the wrong hands?


Interesting thing is due to the pandemic Singapore; which has universal health care has stopped covering all bills related to COVID if the person is not vaccinated. I have a feeling that insurances here in the US wont be far behind on that, as in higher premiums, not covering COVID related illness if you’re not vaccinated…


Harrison. V (11/2021) Nursing homework help

Identify a population to assess and develop an evidence-based, primary care health promotion recommendations to deliver in their own communities (Hispanics-Diabetes). 

Identify a population to assess and develop an evidence-based, primary care health promotion recommendations to deliver in their own communities (Hispanics-Diabetes).

: Explain why this contribution was so important at that particular point in history

  • GRADED ELEMENT: Analyze the climate of the time period in terms of political, socioeconomic, environmental and technological context in which this person worked
    • HELP: Think about whether this person was up against resistance or was their work welcomed. [For example, if you were writing on Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery, you would note that slavery was prevalent and accepted at the time and the change was welcomed by some and rejected by others]
  • GRADED ELEMENT: Examine the personal beliefs of your person that prompted this work.
    • HELP: You are basically addressing the question: “Why did this person get involved with the issue at the time?” [In continuing the Lincoln example above, you would note that black people were considered property, not people; yet Lincoln believed everyone had equal rights regardless of skin color].
  • ACTION: Think about how this person overcame the barriers and issues
    • GRADED ELEMENT: Examine how this individual overcame and/or confronted any adversities to succeed in his/her task
      • HELP: Questions to consider: What did the person specifically do? Did they have any allies? How did their actions succeed/fail?
    ACTION: Think about the importance of the contribution to community/public health at the time
    • GRADED ELEMENT: Describe the final outcome of this individual’s contribution to community and/or public health
      • HELP: Think about this question: What occurred as a result of this person’s action?
    • GRADED ELEMENT: Explain what his/her contribution did for overall community and/or public health at the time
      • HELP: Think about this question: What was the purpose for the community and/or nation? [In the Lincoln example, the explanation would involve a national recognition of human rights of all people, regardless of skin color]
    • GRADED ELEMENT: Explain why this contribution was so important at that particular point in history
      • HELP: Think about this question: What made this important for our nation? [In the Lincoln example, you would answer the question: Why was it so important that Lincoln freed the slaves?]
    You have a choice of which format you wish to present your findings: Format 1: Written Paper
    • Must be at least 4 pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
    • Must include a separate title page with the following:
      • Title of paper
      • Students name
      • Course name and number
      • Instructor’s name
      • Date submitted
    • Must use at least four scholarly sources (one of those may be the course text).
    • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

    Explains setting and/or context in   which nursing problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need is   observed.

    Explains setting and/or context in   which nursing problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need is   observed.


        The relationship between compassion fatigue and burnout among critical care nurses

    The relationship between compassion fatigue and burnout among critical care nurses


    What arguments would you use to make the case for the policy? What argument(s) would your opponents make?

    Using a Health Policy Model to Develop a Change in Policy to Improve the Public’s Health This assignment focuses on the methods to develop a change in policy to improve the public’s health by using a health policy model.


    Suppose you want to initiate a policy of taxing sugared sodas/pop/beverages in your community. Use the Longest’s policy cycle model to ponder the following questions:
    • What arguments would you use to make the case for the policy?
    • What argument(s) would your opponents make?
    • How would you go about getting buy-in for your proposed policy?
    • What stakeholder groups need to be involved in promoting your policy?

    Submission Details:

    • Submit your response in a 2-page Microsoft Word document (500 words).
    • Name your document SU_NSG4068_W1_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
    • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
    • Cite sources in the APA format on a separate page.

      What do you think about the role of integrating nursing with faith? Do you feel is appropriate? When is it appropriate? In what types of settings do you feel this would work best in? Do you feel all nurses should integrate faith in their nursing practice? Why or why not and how?

    Explain from a healthcare professional perspective, what you would have done differently in the case.

    Required Reading D’Abramo, F., Schildmann, J., & Vollmann, J. (2015). Research participants’ perceptions and views on consent for biobank research: A review of empirical data and ethical analysis. BMC Medical Ethics, 16(60). doi:10.1186/s12910-015-005305. Retrieved from Duffy, J. D. (2016). Ethical aspects of palliative medicine. Oxford American Handbook of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care, 287. DeCamp, M., Farber, N. J., Torke, A. M., George, M., Berger, Z., Keirns, C.C., & Kaldjian, L.C. (2014). Ethical challenges for Accountable Care Organizations: A structured review. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 29(10) Latham, S. R., Kipnis, K., Martin, M. W., & Gabard, D. L. (2014). Health care. In M. Davis & A. Stack (Eds.) Conflict of interest in the professions. (pp. 279-335). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Linder, D. (2018). Free exercise of religion;The issue: When may the government enforce a law that burdens an individual’s ability to exercise his or her religious beliefs? Retrieved from Marcus, B. S., Shank, G., Carlson, J. N., & Venkat, A. (2015). Qualitative analysis of healthcare professionals’ viewpoints on the role of ethics committees and hospitals in the resolution of clinical ethical dilemmas. HEC Forum, 27(1), 11-34. doi: Oyez. (n.d.). Cases – Free exercise of religion. Retrieved from Perry, F. (2013). The tracks we leave: Ethical and management dilemmas in healthcare. Chapter 1: Understanding Your Ethical Responsibilities. Retrieved from Rossum, R. A. & Tarr, G. A. (2013). Chapter 6: Freedom of religion. American constitutional law, volume II: The Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments. New York: Westview Press. Snyder, J. E., & Gauthier, C. C. (2008). Evidence-based medical ethics. Chapter 2: The Underlying Principles of Ethical Patient Care Retrieved from Summers, J. (2013) Principles of healthcare ethics. In E. E. Morrison and B. Furlong (Eds.) Health care ethics: Critical issues for the 21st century. (47-63). Burlington, MA: Jones and Barlett Learning, LLC. Retrieved from: Thomson Reuters. (2018). United States Supreme Court; ROE v. WADE, (1973); No. 70-18 Argued: December 13, 1971; Decided: January 22, 1973. Retrieved from University of Washington School of Medicine. (2013). Ethics in medicine: Clinical ethics and law. Accessed from World Health Organization. (2016). Global health ethics. Accessed from

    Required Video

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2018, January 18). OCR new conscience and religious freedom division announcement [Video file]. Retrieved from

    Optional Reading

    Vidat, A., Lecturer. (2015). Issues legal and economic regarding amendments of the individual employment contract because the individual performance targets are not achieved by the employee. Juridical Tribune Journal = Tribuna Juridica, 5(2), 201-207. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT:

    Assignment Overview

    As a healthcare professional, it is your responsibility to be ethically sound. You have an essential responsibility to effectively apply ethical reasoning to crucial decisions. One method of elevating your ethical reasoning abilities is through the practice, reading, and understanding of case studies. While every case is not identical, the review of ethical case studies prepares you for similar incidents that may arise.

    Case Assignment

    For the Module 1 Case Assignment, you are to review 2 cases from the AMA Journal of Ethics ( In a 3-page paper complete the following:
    1. Identify each case that you have selected.
    2. Explain in detail the ethical issue of each case.
    3. Identify the ethical principle(s) that have been violated in the cases.
    4. Explain from a healthcare professional perspective, what you would have done differently in the case.
    You are to support your analysis and views with at least 3 scholarly references (e.g., peer-reviewed journals).

    Assignment Expectations

    1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
    2. Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages.
    3. Support your proposal with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
    4. You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment:

    Define and discuss these four principles. In your discussion, provide a healthcare related example of each principle (you can provide an example of either preserving or neglecting).