Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal Paper

Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal Paper

4 PAGES -APA 7th edition. A running head AND abstract are not required. Use appropriate APA headings. No plagiarism! Please follow instructions/rubric below: Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal Paper


  1. Choose OFFICE BASED SURGERY National Patient Safety Goal. Be sure to identify the chosen program of interest and the specific National Patient Safety Goal you will be discussing in the introduction of your paper.
  2. Follow the assignment rubric (see bottom of your screen) closely to write your paper.


**Please be sure to use the above linked and topic; OFFICE BASED SURGERY****


Identify the chosen program of interest and ONE National Patient Safety Goal including the assigned number. Be sure to include a thesis statement (tell the reader what the paper is about). (4-5 sentences) Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal Paper
*Note you do not include a boldface heading Introduction. Instead you type a non-boldface abbreviated title of paper (see APA 7th edition for example)

Discussion: Address why it is important to have this goal and provide specific examples of why this has been a problem in your practice setting. Scholarly references cited to support this section. (1/2 page)

Discussion: National Patient Safety GoalDiscuss if you believe this goal is realistic. Specifically describe obstacles/barriers that impede implementation and identify actions that will facilitate implementation. (1/2 page)

Summary: Provide a summary of main ideas from your paper. Use the term, “In summary” or “In conclusion”. Do not provide any new information in this section. (4-5 sentences)

APA format, Spelling, Grammar, Headings, References Turnitin Similarity ReportsFollows APA 7th edition format (no abstract or running head required), correct grammar and spelling, uses correct headings, minimum of 4 scholarly references (textbook can be 1 reference), and maximum of 2 direct quotes. Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal Paper