Reflecting on Newtonian vs. Quantum characteristics

Reflecting on Newtonian vs. Quantum characteristics

Reflecting on Newtonian vs. Quantum characteristics described in Porter-O’Grady and Malloch’s quantum Leadership, and the crucial accountability methods that lead to getting the desired results, what leadership style most closely reflects you? Do you think this is the most effective for your work setting? Why?

Posting should be a minimum of 200 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook; it should include citations and references.  Reflecting on Newtonian vs. Quantum characteristics


I’m a manager.

This is a discussion on Quantum Leadership: the kind of leadership that is required for leaders
and their teams to thrive in world of uncertainty, disruption, complexity, and chaos where many
are currently struggling. Research that has been conducted in the mid 2010’s has produced
findings that have led to the evolution of the Quantum Leadership movement.
The need and therefore the emergence of Quantum Leadership will be discussed. A comparison
of the old Newtonian and new Quantum Paradigms will be presented along with the required
Quantum Mindset. A deeper understanding of the Quantum Leader will be offered along with a
clear model for developing Quantum Leadership. Finally, the practices will be outlined that lead
to the shift in consciousness that allows the Quantum Leader to emerge more fully and arrive.
The nature of business has evolved rapidly in recent times and we are now at a critical point
where many business leaders and their organizations struggle to manage the complexities of a
rapidly changing world. Quantum leaders are capable of successfully leading their teams or
organizations in a rapidly changing world of chaos, complexity, disruption, and uncertainty Reflecting on Newtonian vs. Quantum characteristics