Remediation And Planning

Remediation And Planning

Assignment Content

  1. Consider what you have learned in this course and what you are still struggling with as you think about the following questions:
    • What were your weakest areas on the Week 2 and Week 3 Signature Assignments? Is there something that wasn’t covered in these assignments that you’re still unsure about or would like to learn more about?
    • How confident are you about completing the Week 5 Signature Assignment? Are there any areas you think will be difficult for you?
    • Discuss these questions with your team and share any resources or information you have that might help your team members. Also discuss what steps you can take to grow in the areas of concern. Remediation And Planning

A Remedial Action Plan, or Remediation Plan is a guideline that proposes a series of engineering and geological procedures, in order to feasibly perform contamination cleanup actions over a strategic period of time. When pollution exists on a property, at levels requiring cleanup, it is important to design the most appropriate course of action to carry out the environmental remediation process. The actions of the proposal are part of an intrinsic plan that will satisfy the requirements of agency regulators, achieve property owner goals, and ensure worker safety. Environmental professionals, such as geologists and engineers, typically prepare these guidelines. Updated January 15, 2021

What is a RAP?

The term “RAP” stands for Remedial Action Plan. And this is a document that outlines the course of cleanup action for the site. Technical professional consultants with special licensing prepare these procedures, under the regulatory oversight of government environmental agencies. The main requirements for a Remediation Plan are to outline which remediation methods are necessary, and why. Moreover, feasibility in terms of cost, time, and effort, is additionally a discussion point. Remediation Plans also explain what other methods may be considerable. Lastly, each RAP discusses the site-specific objectives, with a focus on reasonable time frames, cleanup goals, and case closure requirements.

Remedial Action Plan Prerequisites

While a Remedial Action Plan is the primary document dictating how the remediation will take place, there are other documents that inform the RAP and make its creation possible. It is critical to fully characterize the site in order to determine the best cleanup plan. Further, it is necessary to understand the levels of pollutants and health hazards by such chemicals at the site. This way, project planners can determine what the target levels are, in order to sufficiently reduce the exposure risks. And this is achievable by conducting a series of studies, or remediation site assessments, that will gather the information necessary to produce a RAP. Remediation And Planning

Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

Site characterization may include a Phase 1 ESA, Phase 2 ESA, and additional or “Phase 3” assessments. A deep understanding of the site, which is developed through this process, is the requirement before a Remedial Action Plan can be in place. Before the cleanup begins, it is important to conduct a thorough subsurface investigation to fully delineate the extent of the contamination. How deep did the chemicals travel? How widespread is the contamination? Did it reach groundwater? The subsurface investigations will gather background information on the site and reveal not only the type of contaminants but also subsurface conditions. For instance, soil type, depth to groundwater, etc.  All this information is necessary in order to select the right remediation method.

Site Conceptual Model (SCM)

After proper site characterization, an initial Site Conceptual Model (SCM) becomes the requirement. The SCM is a document that includes all the environmental information throughout the course of the investigation. The purpose of an SCM is to outline the chemical source, migration pathways, and potential exposure risks. It will include written sections along with figures such as maps and tables. The Site Conceptual Model will present all the data to date, offer an interpretation of that data, and discuss the remedial methodology to implement.  The SCM is a dynamic document that is subject to updates as the project progresses. Eventually, the SCM includes the successful closure of the site Remediation And Planning.