Case Study Theory Pender

Case Study Theory Pender

You as the advanced practice nurse are working in a community health center. Your next patient is Mrs. Richards,  a 39 year-old Caucasian female, presenting to the clinic with a history of Hypothyroidism, Depression, and recent history of Substance Abuse (Heroine Use). During the initial interview, it is revealed that her husband and two children were killed in a traffic accident 8 months ago and she reports using illicit drugs since their death.

Based on your knowledge of the Health Promotion Model, make a chart and/or diagram that outlines all components of the theory and how the theory can be applied to this case study to formulate a plan of care for this patient. Also, list one scholarly, practice-based resource (article and/or clinical guideline) that supports the application of the Health Promotion Model in clinical practice. Case Study Theory Pender


  • Please research one of the presented nursing theorists for this week (See below under attachment). Utilize the university library resources and locate an article applicable to the theorist and/or their theory.
  • Post the article to the discussion board and write a critique on the article.
  • Follow the criteria for APA written assignments. (Refer to your course syllabus).
  • Your critique should include the type of article
    • Pamela Reed – Theory of Self-Transcendence
    • Patricia Liehr and Mary Jane Smith – Story Theory
    • Nola J. Pender – Health Promotion Model

    The article can be about the theory itself or the application of the theory as it applies to nursing practice. Case Study Theory Pender


This week’s assignment includes readings from Chapter 23 and Chapter 24 (Section VI: Middle Range Theories).

Reading Assignments

Chapter 23: Pamela Reed’s Theory of Self-Transcendence

Reed’s self-transcendence theory. Pamela Reed defines this concept as the expansion of the self-conceptual boundaries in a three-dimensional way. According to this theory, people can be seen as open systems and the only obstacle between them, and self-transcendence is the boundaries they set for themselves.

Video: Pamela Reed’s Self Transcendence Theory

Web Link:

PowerPoint Link:’s_theory_of_self_transcendence.pdf

Applying Reed’s Self Transcendence Theory to modern day nursing practice is best understood through the application of these case studies. The theory has best utilization within specialties such as post-partum or psychiatric nursing disciplines. Please review and take time to draw from these experiences.

Please review the following link: Case Study Theory Pender

Chapter 24: Patricia Liehr and Mary Jane Smith’s Story Theory

Story Theory is a middle-range theory put forward by Mary Jane Smith and Patricia Liehr in 1999. They believe that stories are an essential part of nursing practice. They believe that stories are just as important to diagnose and treat as the physiologic bodily responses of the patient. Patricia Liehr and Mary Jane Smith were middle range theorists who developed the story theory. The duo team believed that story telling had the potential to aid in the healing process of patients. The story theory is believed to be life experiences that connect people and time, which is expressed through who people are, where they have been, and where they will be going in life. Applied through qualitative research, this theory serves its purpose by guiding nursing practice and research by inheriting stories and health experiences that is important in process of healing for nurses and their patients. An assumption of this theory includes how experiences of the past and future affect the present moment, also known as the here and now. Case Study Theory Pender

Video: Patricia Liehr & Mary Jane Smith

Power Point Link:

Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model: (click on the following link for readings on this model)

The Health Promotion Model was designed by Nola J. Pender to be a “complementary counterpart to models of health protection.”. It defines health as a positive dynamic state rather than simply the absence of disease. Health promotion is directed at increasing a patient’s level of well-being.

Additional Readings on Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model can be found at the following link:

Web Link: Nola Pender – Health Promotion Model Case Study Theory Pender