Evidence Based Proposal Information

Evidence Based Proposal Information


Unit 6 summarizes the steps we have gone through to translate research into practice. We discussed a clinical problem and developed a PICO question. We searched for evidence and critiqued the proposed solution as seen in the literature. In the unit readings, these are presented as 11 sequential steps. We have covered the first 7 of these steps.

You will now address steps 8-11, implementing the practice change as the manager of your unit or facility. These steps are addressed in Unit 6, topic 4 and beyond. Using the unit information and information from the Library, outline the change in practice that you will theoretically initiate, based on your findings.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation to present to the staff who will be affected by the practice change you are recommending based on your evidence. In the PowerPoint Presentation address the following:

    • Title (start with a title page and end with a reference slide
    • Introduce the problem and present the evidence
    • Identify a model you would use to frame your change and explain why you chose it
    • Identify champions for change and how you will utilize them
    • Identify barriers to change and how you will address those
    • Discuss the staff education needed and how it will be provided
    • What is the timeline for this change? Evidence Based Proposal Information
    • How will the change be evaluated?
  • Consider: Expertise of the staff, values and attitudes of the patients, and buy-in of the stakeholders when determining how to implement your plan.

Additional Instructions:

  • Create a reference slide and put all references used in the presentation
  • Add (speaker) presenter notes which enhance the content of the slides, as if you were presenting to a group, and this is your script. In PPT, access “notes view” to see the presenter notes boxes. Slides should not contain paragraphs of narrative or complete sentences. They should contain only bullet points or brief explanations. The longer narratives belong in your presenter notes.
  • The assignment must be submitted no later than midnight in week 7
  • Upload your completed presentation to the assignment link and to your e-portfolio for objective #1. See course home page for objectives
  • The EBP PowerPoint presentation is due the end of week 7. (Sunday night at midnight)

No points will be given for this assignment if it is not correctly uploaded into the eportfolio.

Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.


  • For format and guidelines for PPT presentations check out the Purdue Online Writing Lab website at Evidence-Based Proposal Presentation Purdue Owl(Links to an external site.). (PowerPoint presentation is available here  Download PowerPoint presentation is available here)
  • Instructions on how to use speakers notes in PowerPoint(Links to an external site.) Evidence Based Proposal Information



NSG324 Proposal Presentation Rubric

NSG324 Proposal Presentation Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
35 pts

Level 5

Identifies a creative, focused, and manageable topic that addresses potentially significant aspects of the topic. Synthesizes in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/ approaches.

31.5 pts

Level 4

Identifies a creative, focused and manageable topic that addresses important and notable aspects of the topic. Examines in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/approaches.

28 pts

Level 3

Identifies a focused and manageable/ doable topic that appropriately addresses relevant aspects of the topic. Explains in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view/ approaches.

24.5 pts

Level 2

Identifies a topic that while manageable/ doable, is too narrowly focused and leaves out relevant aspects of the topic. Relates information from relevant sources representing limited points of view/ approaches.

21 pts

Level 1

Identifies a topic that is far too general and wide-ranging as to be manageable and doable. Relates information from irrelevant sources representing limited points of view/ approaches.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not clearly identify a topics that is relative to the assignment. Information is irrelevant to the topic. No clear point of view/approaches.

35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis
35 pts

Level 5

Organizes and synthesizes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

31.5 pts

Level 4

Organizes and analyzes evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

28 pts

Level 3

Organizes evidence to reveal important patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

24.5 pts

Level 2

Organizes evidence, but the organization is not effective in revealing important patterns, differences, or similarities

21 pts

Level 1

Describes evidence, but it is not organized and/ or is unrelated to focus

0 pts

Level 0

Lists evidence but it is not organized and/or is unrelated to focus.

35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImages
15 pts

Level 5

Highly professional presentation; high quality and relevant images are presented. Evidence Based Proposal Information

13.5 pts

Level 4

Somewhat professional presentation; relevant images are presented.

12 pts

Level 3

Acceptable presentation; relevant images are presented.

10.5 pts

Level 2

Acceptable presentation; relevant images presented or images are poor quality (i.e. Blurry).

9 pts

Level 1

Unprofessional presentation; images are presented; images may not be relevant; and images are poor quality (i.e. Blurry)

0 pts

Level 0

Does not include any images with the assignment.

15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation
20 pts

Level 5

Overall very professional presentation; detailed speaker notes contain 900-1000 words; OR recording is 5-6 minutes in length; includes a title slide and correctly formatted References slide.

18 pts

Level 4

Overall professional presentation; detailed speaker notes contain 750-1000 words; OR recording is 4-6 minutes in length; includes a title slide and correctly formatted References slide.

16 pts

Level 3

Somewhat professional presentation; speaker notes contain 500-750 words; OR recording is 3-4 minutes in length; includes a title slide and References slide with some APA formatting errors.

14 pts

Level 2

Somewhat professional presentation; speaker notes contain 400-500 words; OR recording is 3-4 minutes in length; does not include a title slide or a correctly formatted References slide.

12 pts

Level 1

Somewhat unprofessional presentation; speaker notes contain less than 400 words; OR recording is less than 3 minutes in length; does not include a title slide or correctly formatted References slide.

0 pts

Level 0

Does not create a presentation/or does not include required voice over in the presentation

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLimitations and Implications
15 pts

Level 5

Insightfully discusses in detail relevant and supported limitations and implications.

13.5 pts

Level 4

Examines relevant and supported limitations and implications.

12 pts

Level 3

Discusses relevant and supported limitations and implications.

10.5 pts

Level 2

Presents relevant and supported limitations and implications.

9 pts

Level 1

Presents limitations and implications, but they are unsupported.

0 pts

Level 0

Presents limitations and implications, but they are irrelevant.

15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Style, grammar, spelling and APA Formatting
5 pts

Level 5

Writing is completely error free in grammar, spelling and APA formatting, citations and references.

4.5 pts

Level 4

A few very minor errors noted in grammar, spelling, or APA formatting, citations and references.

4 pts

Level 3

A few minor errors noted in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and references.

3.5 pts

Level 2

Several errors noted in grammar, spelling, or APA formatting, citations and references.

3 pts

Level 1

Some major errors noted in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and references.

0 pts

Level 0

Many major errors in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and references.

5 pts